Slovenský národopis / Slovak Ethnology
Article List
Volume 69, 2021, No. 4
ISSN 1335-1303 (print)
e-ISSN 1339-9357 (online)
- Kuutma, K. - Vaivade, A. : Academic and Research Engagements alongside Professional or Public Entanglements in the Field of Intangible Cultural Heritage. (p. 466)
- Sánchez-Carretero, C. - Quintero-Morón, V. : Multi-Ontological Dissonances and ICH Safeguarding Practices: The Case of the Patios in Cordova. (p. 473)
- Baskerville, I. : From Unicorns to Lipizzan Horses. Romanian Folklore Studies on the Way to the Implementation of the UNESCO 2003 Convention. (p. 487)
- Árnadóttir, T. : “Reluctant Gatekeeper of the National Inventory” – a Case Study of the Formation of the Faroese Inventory of ICH. (p. 501)
- Kuutma, K. - Vaivade, A. : Political Imperatives in the Heritage Regime and the Emergent Collaborative Scenarios on the Ground: Case Studies from the Baltics. (p. 519)
- Kuminková, E. . - Vojancová, I. : “Only this Theatre, Faithful and True, Can Preserve the Distinctive Identity...”. (p. 534)
- Baron, R. . : Theorizing Practice and Practicing Practice – Public Folklore in US Higher Education. (p. 552)
- Urbancová, H. : Women as Folk Song Collectors in Slovakia. From Romantic Nationalism to the Beginnings of Modern Research . (p. 570)