Geografický časopis / Geographical Journal
Article List
Volume 55, 2003, No. 4
ISSN 0016-7193 (print)
ISSN 2453-8787 (online)
- Wood, M. : Cartography in the age of Geographic Information Science. (p. 267)
- Cori, B. : Spatial dynamics of Mediterranean coastal regions: a survey. (p. 279)
- Taylor, Z. : The contraction of the railway network in Poland. (p. 291)
- Zsilincsar, W. . : Future Perspectives for Small Urban Centres in Austria. (p. 309)
- Brázdil, R. . - Valášek, H. . - Sviták, Z. . : Meteorological and hydrological extremes in the Dietrichstein domains of Dolní Kounice and Mikulov between 1650 and 1849 according to official economic records of natural disasters. (p. 325)
- Demek, J. : Renovační geoekologie a zvláště chráněná území. (p. 373)