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Zraniteľnosť, ekostabilizujúce faktory a narušenie jaskynného prostredia

In: Geografický časopis / Geographical Journal, vol. 64, no. 3
Pavel Bella


Year, pages: 2012, 201 - 218
geoecology, environmental speleology, karst landscape, cave environment, vulnerability, geoecological stability, self-regulation, ecostabilizing factors, disturbance, negative anthropogenic impacts
About article:
Caves as valuable or rare natural sites present specific geoecological systems with several peculiar features of an underground environment. Mainly in karst areas cave geosystems have stronger connections with surface landscape systems. Many caves are influenced and disturbed by multiple negative anthropogenic impacts. The karst landscape is a very unstable natural system, its regeneration capacity is low and in some cases non-existent. Negative anthropogenic impact interrupts or changes the spatial structure, behaviour, seasonal etocycles or successional dynamics of cave geosystems. From the viewpoint of rational use and conservation of caves the paper deals with the vulnerability and ecostabilizing factors of cave geosystems in relation to the self-regulation processes and reversible changes of cave environment. The karst disturbance index is specified for measuring the degree of anthropogenic disturbance in caves.
How to cite:
ISO 690:
Bella, P. 2012. Zraniteľnosť, ekostabilizujúce faktory a narušenie jaskynného prostredia. In Geografický časopis / Geographical Journal, vol. 64, no.3, pp. 201-218. 0016-7193.

Bella, P. (2012). Zraniteľnosť, ekostabilizujúce faktory a narušenie jaskynného prostredia. Geografický časopis / Geographical Journal, 64(3), 201-218. 0016-7193.