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Niekoľko poznámok geomorfológa k Neotektonickej mape Slovenska

In: Geografický časopis, vol. 53, no. 4
Jozef Kvitkovič


Year, pages: 2001, 381 - 385
neotectonics, morphotectonics, morphostructures, Western Carpathians
About article:
The objective of this note is to provide some comments from the geomorphologic point of view on The Neotectonic Map of Slovakia published in 1999. The map, which covers only the recent 3.5 million years, informs on relative vertical movement tendencies of the tectonic blocks of the Western Carpathian and Pannonian Basin subsystems in the territory of the Slovak Republic. In the commentary a deficient geodynamic research of blocks and morphostructures of the subsystem of the Western Carpathians is pointed out. The cause is that the geological research methods of neotectonics used in the mountain areas are insufficient in comparison with their application on young subsidence in the subsystem of the Pannonian Basin. The necessity to apply all available methods of geo-scientific disciplines is emphasised.
How to cite:
ISO 690:
Kvitkovič, J. 2001. Niekoľko poznámok geomorfológa k Neotektonickej mape Slovenska. In Geografický časopis, vol. 53, no.4, pp. 381-385. 0016-7193.

Kvitkovič, J. (2001). Niekoľko poznámok geomorfológa k Neotektonickej mape Slovenska. Geografický časopis, 53(4), 381-385. 0016-7193.