In: Geografický časopis / Geographical Journal, vol. 53, no. 3
Ján Lacika
Year, pages: 2001, 269 - 291
Slaná catchment, valley network, morphotectonics, piracy
About article:
The paper deals with the geomorphological development of the Slovak part of the Slaná catchment. It is based on the analyses of geomorphological networks formed by depressions and elevations, i.e. valley and inter-valley ridge networks. Multiple attributes of the networks such as: texture, hierarchy, density, linearity, and asymmetry were analysed. In case of elevational networks analyses were focused to watersheds, particularly their sea level altitude and relative altitude compared to the local erosional basis. Maps of isobasites were used as well. The territory in question appears as a positively developing one with tendency to widening at the cost of the adjacent catchments. The overall gain of piracy is estimated at 90 to 130 square kilometres.
How to cite:
ISO 690:
Lacika, J. 2001. Vývoj geomorfologických sietí slovenskej časti povodia rieky Slaná. In Geografický časopis / Geographical Journal, vol. 53, no.3, pp. 269-291. 0016-7193.
Lacika, J. (2001). Vývoj geomorfologických sietí slovenskej časti povodia rieky Slaná. Geografický časopis / Geographical Journal, 53(3), 269-291. 0016-7193.