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Takýto príbeh nechce nikto počuť

In: Slovenské divadlo, vol. 54, no. 4
Dana Gálová


Year, pages: 2006, 609 - 615
Sarah Kane - nový divadelný jazyk - reflexia divadla in-yer-face - šok - pokus o novú esetiku
Article type: esej
About article:
Autorka sa v štúdii venuje problému recepcie témy násilia v diele kultovej autorky in-year-face drámy Sarah Kane, najmä v hre Spustošení (Blasted). Anglické javiská približne tridsať rokov (od uvedenia Bondových Zachránených) nezažili taký búrlivý ohlas médií a ani jedna zo súčasných hier sa nestala tak diskutovanou a polemickou. Sarah Kane uviedla na anglické javiská nový divadelný jazyk, plný nátlaku, násilia a sexuality predvádzanej priamo pred očami divákov. Výrazne zdrsnila, obnažila a očistila jazyk postáv a tiež rozbila psychologicko-realistický rámec hry, ktorý predtým sama v texte vytvorila. Sťažila tak akékoľvek klasifikovanie svojho diela či zaujatie postoja voči nemu. Kritikom zostalo už len pohoršenie a šok. Hranice toho, čo je na javisku prípustné sa teda výrazne posunuli a drámou Spustošení sa otvorila cesta novej divadelnej estetike. Nová britská dráma je drsná, explicitná, brutálna, typický pre týchto autorov je drsný, úsečný, slangový a vulgárny jazyk, ich postavy sú najmä z tzv. spodiny teda narkomani, homosexuáli, devianti, násilníci, priestorom sa stala rozbitá ulica, verejné záchody či anonymný hotel. Sarah Kane uviedla do života novú formu dramatického textu a potvrdila tak svoju invenčnosť a tvrdohlavosť. Porušením tabu zobrazovania násilia sa Sarah Kane dotkla zatiaľ nedotknutej oblasti diváckej percepcie. Vďaka priamej prítomnosti herca a jeho akcií v malom štúdiu divadla násilie, bežne prijímané ako rutina, znovunadobudlo svoju hrozivosť a bolestivosť.
The author is in her study dealling with the issue of a reception of violence in the work of art of a cult author in-year-face Sarah Kane, especially in her play Blasted. The English stages have not for approximately thirty years (since performance of Bond´s Rescued) experienced such a turbulent response and not even a single play from the contemporary ones has become so widely discussed and polemic. Sarah Kane has introduced to English stages a new theatrical language, full of pressure, violence and sexuality performed directly in front of the eyes of the audience. She has significantly roughed, bared and cleared the language of characters, and the pshycho-realistic frame which she had created herself before, then subsequently broke. In doing, so she made any possible classification of her work or, expressing any standpoint towards it, very hard. The critics were left only with offence and shock. The boundaries of what is acceptable on the stage have been significantly moved and through the drama Blasted a new path of theatre aesthetics has been opened. The new British drama is rough, explicit, brutal, typical for these authors is the language that is rough, abrupt, slang and vulgar, their characters are manily from the so called offscourings, meaning junkies, gays, deviants, musclemen, their space is a demolished street, public restrooms, or an anonymous hotel. Sarah Kane has introduced into life a new form of a dramatic text and thus has confirmed her inventiveness and stubborness. By breaking taboo of picturing violence Sarah has touched until an intact area of spectators´ perception. Thanks to actor´s presence and the action performed in a small space of a study theatre, violence currently perceived like a routine, has regained its menace and painfulness.
How to cite:
ISO 690:
Gálová, D. 2006. Takýto príbeh nechce nikto počuť. In Slovenské divadlo, vol. 54, no.4, pp. 609-615. 0037-699X.

Gálová, D. (2006). Takýto príbeh nechce nikto počuť. Slovenské divadlo, 54(4), 609-615. 0037-699X.