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The Post-socialist Integralism and Its Non-religious Origins

In: Slovenský národopis / Slovak Ethnology, vol. 70, no. 4
Juraj Buzalka Číslo ORCID


Year, pages: 2022, 475 - 492
Language: eng
non-religion, post-socialism, post-peasant integralism, Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia
Article type: Article
Document type: PDF
About article:
Against the background of several biographies of non-religious persons in Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia, this paper opens the discussion about the sources of reactionary conservatism in the non-religious sphere, parallel to the revival of religious fundamentalism after state-socialism. The argument is that the post-socialist conservative turn has to be analysed with regard to wider implications resulting from the transformations of social organization of politics under state-socialism and the post-socialist ideology that I define as post-peasant integralism.
How to cite:
ISO 690:
Buzalka, J. 2022. The Post-socialist Integralism and Its Non-religious Origins. In Slovenský národopis / Slovak Ethnology, vol. 70, no.4, pp. 475-492. ISSN 1335-1303. DOI: https://doi.org/10.31577/SN.2022.4.38

Buzalka, J. (2022). The Post-socialist Integralism and Its Non-religious Origins. Slovenský národopis / Slovak Ethnology, 70(4), 475-492. ISSN 1335-1303. DOI: https://doi.org/10.31577/SN.2022.4.38
About edition:
Publisher: Ústav etnológie a sociálnej antropológie SAV, v. v. i.
Published: 31. 12. 2022