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Apotheke, Baukasten, Randgang, Exkursion ins Imaginäre: Lexikographien wissenschaftlicher Begriffe und Theorien als Beiträge zum literarisch-wissenschaftlichen Interdiskurs

In: World Literature Studies, vol. 14, no. 4
Monika Schmitz-Emans Číslo ORCID


Year, pages: 2022, 32 - 47
Language: ger
Interdiscourse. Lexicography. Lexicographic-literary texts. Margins of knowledge. Imaginary philosophical discourses. Pharmacy.
Document type: pdf
About article:
In what way have recent literary texts responded to impulses that have emanated from the concept of “interdiscursivity”? Based on the thesis that impulses have emanated from this concept to literature itself, which have been reflected on a thematic as well as on a formal level, examples of a specific text form are presented: that of the alphabetic-lexicographic compendium of terms and keywords. Referring to the concept of literary interdiscursivity, the article shows how and from which motives knowledge-discursive forms of representation are unfolded in lexicographic-literary texts – also and especially with a view to individual expressions of knowledge as well as to margins and boundaries of knowledge. Here, lexicography becomes an occasion to undermine the boundary between the factual and the imaginary (Jorge Luis Borges), to deal with theoretical discourses as with a pharmaceutical construction kit (Jochen Hörisch), to look at encyclopedic knowledge from its margins (Christine Blättler – Erik Porath Margins of the Encyclopedia) and to sketch imaginary philosophical discourses (Andreas Urs Sommer).
How to cite:
ISO 690:
Schmitz-Emans, M. 2022. Apotheke, Baukasten, Randgang, Exkursion ins Imaginäre: Lexikographien wissenschaftlicher Begriffe und Theorien als Beiträge zum literarisch-wissenschaftlichen Interdiskurs. In World Literature Studies, vol. 14, no.4, pp. 32-47. 1337-9275. DOI: https://doi.org/10.31577/WLS.2022.14.4.3

Schmitz-Emans, M. (2022). Apotheke, Baukasten, Randgang, Exkursion ins Imaginäre: Lexikographien wissenschaftlicher Begriffe und Theorien als Beiträge zum literarisch-wissenschaftlichen Interdiskurs. World Literature Studies, 14(4), 32-47. 1337-9275. DOI: https://doi.org/10.31577/WLS.2022.14.4.3
About edition:
Publisher: Ústav svetovej literatúry Slovenskej akadémie vied, v. v. i.
Published: 17. 12. 2022