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Wirklichkeitskonstruktion durch Metaphern bei Ingeborg Bachmann

In: World Literature Studies, vol. 10, no. 3
Andrea Mikulášová - Roman Mikuláš Číslo ORCID


Year, pages: 2018, 47 - 67
Language: ger
Metaphor. Constructivism. Illness. Fear. Paralysis. Death. “Todesarten.” Ingeborg Bachmann.
Article type: štúdie - téma / articles - topic
Document type: pdf
About article:
In the self-description (in letters or in dream notes, and in the novel Malina and two novel fragments from the project “Todesarten”) it is observed how those elements of reality that literally embody or specifically indicate a problem are metaphorically conceptualized – in this case, the traumatic experience from relationships (Bachmann explicitly speaks of insults) and Bachmann’s resulting psychic injury. Accordingly, the development of metaphors in the self-descriptions or self-portrayals of the author and her female protagonists is also examined. The development of the metaphors in the projection and introspection of letters and dream notes and in the selected texts of the project “Todesarten” indicates a system of states of one’s own that have an effect on the cognitive system, or to which the author is repeatedly thrown back (according to Georg Groddeck). In this sense, a self-therapeutic effect cannot be denied. Subsequently, a metaphorical structure should be recognizable, which lays in the shape of a network over the texts to be examined.
How to cite:
ISO 690:
Mikulášová, A., Mikuláš, R. 2018. Wirklichkeitskonstruktion durch Metaphern bei Ingeborg Bachmann. In World Literature Studies, vol. 10, no.3, pp. 47-67. 1337-9275.

Mikulášová, A., Mikuláš, R. (2018). Wirklichkeitskonstruktion durch Metaphern bei Ingeborg Bachmann. World Literature Studies, 10(3), 47-67. 1337-9275.
About edition:
Publisher: ÚSvL SAV, v. v. i.