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Filozofia (v) príbehu – filozoficko-estetické čítanie diela Ayn Rand v kontextoch populárnej kultúry

In: World Literature Studies, vol. 10, no. 2
Juraj Malíček Číslo ORCID


Year, pages: 2018, 105 - 112
Language: slo
Objectivism. Popular culture. Philosophy. Ideology.
Article type: diskusia / discussion
Document type: pdf
About article:
In the paper we try to explain that the fictional works of Ayn Rand The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged are philosophical novels to the extent they are genre novels. Besides this, we found that techniques pertaining to popular literature and popular culture are used and their philosophical dimension can be functionally identified as an overlap of an ideological-ethical nature. Therefore Ayn Rand can be regarded as a “popular-philosophical” writer but not directly a philosopher, even though she demonstrated this ambition.
How to cite:
ISO 690:
Malíček, J. 2018. Filozofia (v) príbehu – filozoficko-estetické čítanie diela Ayn Rand v kontextoch populárnej kultúry. In World Literature Studies, vol. 10, no.2, pp. 105-112. 1337-9275.

Malíček, J. (2018). Filozofia (v) príbehu – filozoficko-estetické čítanie diela Ayn Rand v kontextoch populárnej kultúry. World Literature Studies, 10(2), 105-112. 1337-9275.
About edition:
Publisher: ÚSvL SAV, v. v. i.