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Holmes and Popovič in the 21st century: an empirical-bibliographical exercise

In: World Literature Studies, vol. 9, no. 2
Luc Doorslaer, Van Číslo ORCID


Year, pages: 2017, 12 - 20
Language: eng
Translation studies historiography. Maps. Meta-reflection. Historical relevance. Bibliographical presence.
Article type: štúdie / articles
Document type: pdf
About article:
This contribution is a bibliographical exercise which aims at gaining insights into the presence of two “first generation” scholars in translation studies in 21st-century research. To that end, the analysis was carried out by referring to two valuable tools of the discipline, the Handbook of Translation Studies and the Translation Studies Bibliography. The research shows that James Holmes is quoted more frequently than Anton Popovič, but that this is mainly due to the popularity of the map of Holmes, as well as to the broader availability of his scholarly writings in English. Due to the lack of his publications in English, Popovič has gained higher popularity in his region of origin than in the international academic field.
How to cite:
ISO 690:
Doorslaer, Van, L. 2017. Holmes and Popovič in the 21st century: an empirical-bibliographical exercise. In World Literature Studies, vol. 9, no.2, pp. 12-20. 1337-9275.

Doorslaer, Van, L. (2017). Holmes and Popovič in the 21st century: an empirical-bibliographical exercise. World Literature Studies, 9(2), 12-20. 1337-9275.
About edition:
Publisher: ÚSvL SAV, v. v. i.