In: Geografický časopis / Geographical Journal, vol. 26, no. 3
Zora Holéczyová - Anton Porubský
Year, pages: 1974, 228 - 240
Language: slo
Document type: článok
About article:
In the Danubian lowland, on Slovakian territory, still in the first half of this century, thermal and mineral waters have only been known from the appearance of mineral and thermal wells. They occurred in Štúrovo, Patince, Jur pri Bratislave and near its borders. Newer geological and hydrogeological exploration with borings confirmed the presence of mineral, thermal to hyperthermal waters within the entire lowland. In the last years, borings have been executed in Patince and Virt too, whereby the recommended exploitational amount of thermal water in Patince attains up to 40 l/s. This water, having the temperature of 26 – 27 °C, originates from limestones in the depth of 129,5 m. The authors include the occurrence of these waters in the region of mineral and thermal waters of the Danubian lowland as a structure of sources pertaining to the subregion of springs of Komárno – Štúrovo.
How to cite:
ISO 690:
Holéczyová, Z., Porubský, A. 1974. Žriedelná štruktúra Patince – Virt a jej umiestnenie v sústave Podunajského žriedelného rajónu. In Geografický časopis / Geographical Journal, vol. 26, no.3, pp. 228-240. 0016-7193.
Holéczyová, Z., Porubský, A. (1974). Žriedelná štruktúra Patince – Virt a jej umiestnenie v sústave Podunajského žriedelného rajónu. Geografický časopis / Geographical Journal, 26(3), 228-240. 0016-7193.
About edition:
Publisher: Geografický ústav SAV/Institute of Geography of the Slovak Academy of Sciences