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‘The Good Live-in Care Worker’: Subject Formation and Ethnicisation in Austrian Live-in Care

In: Sociológia - Slovak Sociological Review, vol. 53, no. 5
Veronika Prieler


Year, pages: 2021, 483 - 501
Language: eng
Live-in care; migrant care workers; subject formation; ethnicisation; technologies of dominance and of the self
Article type: Štúdie tematickej sekcie
Document type: journal
About article:
‘The Good Live-in Care Worker’: Subject Formation and Ethnicisation in Austrian Live-in Care. This paper investigates subject formation processes in Austrian live-in care. Proceeding from a Foucauldian understanding of subjectivity as a product of powerful discourses and techniques and based on an intersectional discourse analysis of interviews with different actors involved in this arrangement, it shows how the ideal live-in care worker combines professional and language skills with characteristics such as an intrinsic motivation, emotional competences, and adaptability. Ethnicity-related discourses play an important role in this context, be it with regard to highly valued qualities or as a justification for control and/or support, and thus serve as a means to reproduce power relations. Sociológia 2021, Vol. 53 (No. 5: 483-501)
How to cite:
ISO 690:
Prieler, V. 2021. ‘The Good Live-in Care Worker’: Subject Formation and Ethnicisation in Austrian Live-in Care. In Sociológia - Slovak Sociological Review, vol. 53, no.5, pp. 483-501. 0049-1225. DOI: https://doi.org/10.31577/sociologia.2021.53.5.18

Prieler, V. (2021). ‘The Good Live-in Care Worker’: Subject Formation and Ethnicisation in Austrian Live-in Care. Sociológia - Slovak Sociological Review, 53(5), 483-501. 0049-1225. DOI: https://doi.org/10.31577/sociologia.2021.53.5.18
About edition:
Publisher: Institute for Sociology, Slovak Academy of Sciences
Published: 27. 9. 2021