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Životné jubileum akademika Emila Mazúra

In: Geografický časopis / Geographical Journal, vol. 37, no. 2-3
Jozef Kvitkovič


Year, pages: 1985, 123 - 136
Language: slo
Document type: článok/journal
About article:
On 9th February 1985 the prominent Czechoslovak geographer Prof. Dr. Emil Mazúr, DrSc., Academician of both the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences and the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Director of the Geographical Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, lived to have a life jubilee of 60 at Creative work. In his multilateral scientific activity he contributed to. georaorphology both to be enriched theoretically and to be applied in practice. He has worked out the theoretico-methodological problems of both physicogeographical and geographical regionalization. In his numerous Works he paid attention to the theory of geography to be deepened as a science of spatial analysis and synthesis of landscape. A significant place is represented also by the problems of human environment, geographical prognoses, landscape potential, evaluation of natural resources and their rational utilization. He has worked in several commissions of the INQUA and IGU. At present, within the IGU, he has been leading successfully the Working Group Landscape Synthesis – Geoecological Founda- tions for Complex Landscape Management for the second functional period. Academician E. Mazúr takes a significant part also in managing and organizational activities within the authorities of the Academy and in other scientific institutions. His scientific and social activities have been appreciated with great scientific honours as well as honorary memberships in several geographical societies abroad – the Bulgarian People’s Republic, the Federal Republic of Germany, the USSR.
How to cite:
ISO 690:
Kvitkovič, J. 1985. Životné jubileum akademika Emila Mazúra. In Geografický časopis / Geographical Journal, vol. 37, no.2-3, pp. 123-136. 0016-7193.

Kvitkovič, J. (1985). Životné jubileum akademika Emila Mazúra. Geografický časopis / Geographical Journal, 37(2-3), 123-136. 0016-7193.
About edition:
Publisher: Geografický ústav SAV/Institute of Geography of the Slovak Academy of Sciences