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Cohomology of torus manifold bundles

In: Mathematica Slovaca, vol. 69, no. 3
Hiranmay Dasgupta - Bivas Khan - Vikraman Uma


Year, pages: 2019, 685 - 698
torus manifold bundles, cohomology, $K$-theory
About article:
Let $X$ be a $2n$-dimensional torus manifold with a locally standard $T \cong ( S1 )n$ action whose orbit space is a homology polytope. Smooth complete complex toric varieties and quasitoric manifolds are examples of torus manifolds. Consider a principal $T$-bundle $p : E \rightarrow B$ and let $π : E(X) \rightarrow B$ be the associated torus manifold bundle. We give a presentation of the singular cohomology ring of $E(X)$ as a $H*(B)$-algebra and the topological $K$-ring of $E(X)$ as a $K*(B)$-algebra with generators and relations. These generalize the results in [masudapan] and [param] when the base $B=pt$. These also extend the results in [paramuma], obtained in the case of a smooth projective toric variety, to any smooth complete toric variety.
How to cite:
ISO 690:
Dasgupta, H., Khan, B., Uma, V. 2019. Cohomology of torus manifold bundles. In Mathematica Slovaca, vol. 69, no.3, pp. 685-698. 0139-9918. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1515/ms-2017-0257

Dasgupta, H., Khan, B., Uma, V. (2019). Cohomology of torus manifold bundles. Mathematica Slovaca, 69(3), 685-698. 0139-9918. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1515/ms-2017-0257
About edition:
Published: 21. 5. 2019