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Nositelia piesňovej tradície a folklorizmus: spevácka skupina žien zo Starej Pazovy

In: Musicologica Slovaca , vol. 7, no. 2
Kristina Lomen Číslo ORCID


Year, pages: 2016, 284 - 304
Article type: Materiály
About article:
The group of women singers from the Stara Pazova locality (Vojvodina, Serbia) has an important position in terms of disseminating and preserving Slovak folk songs in a Slovak enclave. Currently there is one folklore group in Stara Pazova, whose main aim is the preservation of the original form of song material. The author profiles this group of singers in her paper: its origin, development, current state and song repertoire. She points to specific features of the Slovak folk song in the locality, which the women preserve in their singing. The song repertoire and the mode of performance are illustrated with selected song extracts.
How to cite:
ISO 690:
Lomen, K. 2016. Nositelia piesňovej tradície a folklorizmus: spevácka skupina žien zo Starej Pazovy. In Musicologica Slovaca , vol. 7, no.2, pp. 284-304. 1338-2594.

Lomen, K. (2016). Nositelia piesňovej tradície a folklorizmus: spevácka skupina žien zo Starej Pazovy. Musicologica Slovaca , 7(2), 284-304. 1338-2594.