In: Asian and African Studies, vol. 25, no. 2
Anna Rácová
Year, pages: 2016, 249 - 265
verbal conjuncts, formative verbs, verbo-nominal conjuncts, verbo-adverbial conjuncts, verbo-adjectival conjuncts, verbo-verbal conjuncts, Slovak Romani
About article:
A verbal conjunct is a multi-word (analytical) naming unit, which can be formed in Romani by joining a formative verb with a noun (lel goďi “to contemplate”, literally “to take reason”), with an adjective (ačhel korkoro “to be left alone”, literally “to be lonely”), with an adverb (ačhel palal “to be late”, literally “to be in the back”) and, in some specific cases, also with a verb (del te šunel “to show/manifest”, literally “to give to feel”). A verbal conjunct constitutes a complex unit, both from a lexical (it has a verbal meaning as a whole) and a syntactic point of view (it functions as a constituent of a sentence - predicate). Its grammatical categories, i. e., its person, number and tense, are expressed in the formative verb, which can also serve to express the lexical-grammatical category of progressivity or regressivity of a verbal action (del kejčeň “to lend”, lel kejčeň “to borrow”, kerel žužo “to make sth clear”, ačhel žužo “to clear up”) and aspectuality (the spatial orientation of action “out of”: čhivel avri andal o them “to banish”, čhivel e jakh avri “to peep out”; inchoativeness: thovel roviben “to burst into tears”). The lexical meaning of the formative verb is significantly weakened or completely lost in the verbal conjunct. The lexical meaning of the verbal conjunct is therefore often based on its non-verbal component (chal dar “to fear”, literally “to eat fear”), or both components lose their original meaning in the resultant phraseological unit (čhivel phuripen “to make excuses”, literally, “to throw old age”).
How to cite:
ISO 690:
Rácová, A. 2016. Verbal Conjuncts in Slovak Romani. In Asian and African Studies, vol. 25, no.2, pp. 249-265. 1335-1257.
Rácová, A. (2016). Verbal Conjuncts in Slovak Romani. Asian and African Studies, 25(2), 249-265. 1335-1257.