Človek a spoločnosť
Publisher: Centre of social and psychological sciences SAS
Language: English
Karpatská 5
040 01 Košice
The Journal „Človek a spoločnosť “ – „Individual and society“. It is an online journal with open access policy, which is published four times a year and is reviewed. The journal is published by Institute of the Social Sciences of Slovak Academy of Sciences. In the journal are published contributions from the social sciences. Editorial board is composed of experts from Slovakia and abroad (England, Hungary, Czech Republic, Poland, Ukraine). The Journal Individual and Society provides a forum for presentation and discussion among scientific workers of Division of Social Sciences Slovak Academy of Sciences, universities, other research institutes and of course - different countries, whereas in our journal publishes authors from different countries (England, Hungary, Czech Republic, Poland, Ukraine). Thanks to its online form the journal provides an immediate opportunity to respond. The importance and benefits of the magazine is mainly in developing interdesciplinarity.