Institute of Electrical Engineering SAS
International Projects
ATOSENS - Atomic-layer 3D printing as a new paradigm for smart sensorics
3D tlač atomárnych vrstiev ako nová paradigma pre múdru senzoriku
Duration: | 1. 6. 2023 - 31. 5. 2026 |
Evidence number: | 10418 |
Program: | ERANET |
Project leader: | Ing. Hudec Boris PhD. |
Annotation: | The goal of the project is adopting new rapid on-demand prototyping fab-less fabrication method of atomic-layer additive manufacturing (ALAM) to fabricate a matrix of non-identical microscopic TiO2-based hydrogen-sensing elements, arranged into pre-programmed hardware neural network (HNN). The first application is a fully ALAM-printed prototype of a smart Pt/TiO2-based low-power hydrogen sensor with low-level in-sensor data processing. Wider adoption of ALAM technology, which we will pursue through the open innovation hub framework, where rapid prototyping of various ALAM-printed HNN designs from stakeholders, will be encouraged. Project addresses the needs for novel process technologies considering circular economy with minimized waste and use of critical materials, and the need for new smart sensors with in-sensor data processing for the rising hydrogen energy infrastructure. |
AGAMI_EURIGAMI - European Innovative GaN Advanced Microwave Integration
Európska inovatívna pokročilá GaN mikrovlnná integrácia
Duration: | 15. 12. 2022 - 14. 12. 2026 |
Evidence number: | 101102983 |
Program: | EDF |
Project leader: | Ing. Kuzmík Ján DrSc. |
Project web page: | |
European Network for Innovative and Advanced Epitaxy
Európska sieť pre inovatívnu a pokročilú epitaxiu
Duration: | 1. 11. 2021 - 30. 10. 2025 |
Evidence number: | CA20116 |
Program: | COST |
Project leader: | Ing. Kuzmík Ján DrSc. |
Project web page: | |
NANOMAT - Heterogeneous Material and Technological Platform for a New Domain of Power Nanoelectronics
Heterogenná materiálová a technologická platforma pre novú doménu výkonovej nanoelektroniky
Duration: | 1. 12. 2022 - 30. 11. 2025 |
Evidence number: | Horizont Európa-101091433 |
Program: | Horizont Európa |
Project leader: | Ing. Kuzmík Ján DrSc. |
Project web page: | |
CHIROMAG - Magnetism and chirality: twisting spins, light, and lattices for faster-than-ever spintronics
Magnetizmus a chiralita: točivé spiny, svetlo, a kryštalické mriezky pre rýchlejšiu spintroniku
Duration: | 2. 10. 2024 - 1. 10. 2028 |
Evidence number: | CA23136 |
Program: | COST |
Project leader: | Mgr. Feilhauer Juraj PhD. |
Project web page: | |
I.FAST - Innovation Fostering in Accelerator Science and Technology
Podpora inovácií v urýchľovačovom výskume a technológií
Duration: | 1. 5. 2021 - 30. 4. 2025 |
Evidence number: | H2020-101004730 |
Program: | Horizont 2020 |
Project leader: | Mgr. Seiler Eugen PhD |
Project web page: | |
skQCI - Slovak Quantum Communication
Slovenská kvantová komunikačná infraštruktúra
Duration: | 1. 1. 2023 - 30. 6. 2025 |
Evidence number: | 101091548 |
Program: | Digital Europe Programme |
Project leader: | RNDr. Cambel Vladimír DrSc. |
Project web page: | |
CUBES - Central-European (Ultra)Wide Bandgap Expertise Cluster
Stredoeurópsky kompetenčný klaster pre (ultra)širokopásmové polovodiče
Duration: | 1. 1. 2024 - 1. 6. 2025 |
Evidence number: | 22320095 |
Program: | International Visegrad Fund (IVF) |
Project leader: | Ing. Gucmann Filip PhD. |
SCARLET - Superconducting cables for sustainable energy transition
Supravodivé káble podporujúce prechod na udržateľnú energetiku
Duration: | 1. 9. 2022 - 28. 2. 2027 |
Evidence number: | Horizont Európa-101075602 |
Program: | Horizont Európa |
Project leader: | doc. Ing. Gömöry Fedor DrSc. |
Project web page: | |
EUROfusion - Implementation of activities described in the Roadmap to Fusion during Horizon2020 through a Joint programme of the members of the EUROfusion consortium
Uskutočňovanie aktivít popísaných v Ceste k fúzii počas Horizon2020 cestou spoločného programu členov konzorcia EUROfusion
Duration: | 1. 1. 2014 - 31. 12. 2025 |
Evidence number: | H2020-101052200 |
Program: | Horizont 2020 |
Project leader: | doc. Ing. Gömöry Fedor DrSc. |
Project web page: | |
Establishment of reliability laboratory for pawer modules and joint reserch of GaN and Ga2O3 power devices
Vybudovanie laboratória pre výskum spoľahlivosti výkonových modulov a spoločný výskum v oblasti GaN a Ga2O3 polovodičových výkonových súčiastok
Duration: | 1. 7. 2023 - 30. 6. 2027 |
Evidence number: | SK-TW |
Program: | Bilaterálne - iné |
Project leader: | Ing. Ťapajna Milan PhD. |
MSC - Vertically aligned two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenide composites for micro-supercapacitors
Vývoj vertikálnych kompozitov z dichalkogenidov prechodových kovov pre použitie v mikrosuperkondenzátoroch
Duration: | 1. 1. 2023 - 31. 12. 2025 |
Evidence number: | MSC_SAS_MOST 2022 |
Program: | Bilaterálne - iné |
Project leader: | Dr. rer. nat. Hulman Martin |
National Projects
Cost-effective Ga2O3-diamond heterojunction photodetectors for solar-blind UV imaging
Cenovo dostupné fotodetektory s heteroprechodom Ga2O3-diamant pre UV zobrazovanie necitlivé na slnečné svetlo
Duration: | 1. 8. 2024 - 30. 7. 2029 |
Evidence number: | IM-2023-87 |
Program: | IMPULZ |
Project leader: | Ing. Varga Marian PhD. |
Graphene encapsulated two-dimensional magnetic materials as a platform for spintronics devices
Dvojrozmerné magnetické materiály zapuzdrené v graféne ako platforma pre spintronické zariadenia
Duration: | 1. 6. 2024 - 31. 5. 2026 |
Evidence number: | 09I05-03-V02-00071 |
Program: | Plán obnovy EÚ |
Project leader: | Ing. Precner Marián PhD. |
CERBERUS - Colour centres in diamond – correlation between atomic structure and opto-electronic properties
Farebné centrá v diamante – korelácia medzi atómovou štruktúrou a optoelektronickými vlastnosťami
Duration: | 1. 9. 2024 - 31. 12. 2027 |
Evidence number: | APVV-23-0361 |
Program: | APVV |
Project leader: | Ing. Izsák Tibor PhD. |
Annotation: | The subject of the project is in the field of quantum technologies. We will prepare and characterize optically -active defects in diamonds and correlate the atomic structures with optical properties to be used for quantum applicati ons. For a wide range of dopant concentrations, we will identify the dopant distributions and study the evolution of dopants’ configuration in-situ, during thermal annealing, using atomic-resolution microscopy and spectroscopy techniques. We will further study the effect of annealing on the opto-electronic properties by measuring photoluminescence, photocurrent and electroluminescence for the same set of samples. Graphene transparent electrodes on a diamond surface will be fabricated for phototransport measurements. Diamond-based hybrid p-i-n diodes will be prepared for electroluminescence measurements. We will focus on finding a correlation between the atomic structure and the opto-electronic properties of differently doped diamonds. This will contribute to the understanding of the fundamental relationship needed to efficiently design optically -active elements for diamond quantum devices. |
2D TMD-based heterostructures for electronic applications
Heteroštruktúry na báze 2D dichalkogenidov prechodných kovov pre elektronické aplikácie
Duration: | 1. 1. 2025 - 31. 12. 2028 |
Evidence number: | 2/0075/25 |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | Mgr. Sojková Michaela PhD. |
InN: Breaking the Limits of Solid-State Electronics
InN: prielom v elektronike tuhej fázy
Duration: | 1. 11. 2023 - 30. 6. 2026 |
Evidence number: | 09I01-03-V04 -00019 |
Program: | Plán obnovy EÚ |
Project leader: | Ing. Kuzmík Ján DrSc. |
Annotation: | The InBreak project follows Horizon 2020 project NANOMAT. NANOMAT aims to inaugurate and establish a new domain of "Flexible (Conformal) Power RF Nanoelectronics" through an ambitious innovative heterogeneous technology platform including organic-based electronics and heat sinks, semiconductor monolithic wide band gap microwave integrated circuits (MMICs), radio frequency microelectromechanical actuators (RF MEMS) and acoustic sensors. In the InBreak project, InN as a unique semiconductor material will be grown as strained channel on a tailored N-polarity InAlN buffer layer. Conventional GaN buffer will be replaced by InAlN with an In molar fraction of 0.7-0.9. We expect that this approach, combined with a thin GaN interlayer between the InAlN barrier and the InN channel, will lead to excellent high-density 2-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) confinement in the epi-structures. Completion of the project will enable HEMTs higher working frequencies and the potential of approaching 6G technology in the (sub)THz band. |
Critical aspects of the growth for a new generation of III-N devices
Kritické aspekty rastu polovodičových štruktúr pre novú generáciu III-N súčiastok
Duration: | 1. 1. 2022 - 31. 12. 2025 |
Evidence number: | 2/0005/22 |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | Ing. Kuzmík Ján DrSc. |
Annotation: | Gallium Nitride (GaN) compounds are investigated for a new generation of high-frequency transistors, power electronics and post CMOS logic circuits. Flexibility in this area is given by a miscibility of In and Al with GaN, providing a wide spectra of semiconductors with a possibility of setting an energy band-gap from 0.65 eV to 6.2 eV, with countless combinations of heterostructures. Basis of our project is given by study and mastering of the growth of unique material concepts using a metal-organic chemical-vapour deposition (MOCVD) technique. We aim to investigate: i/ transistors with N-polar InN channel, ii/ MOS contacts on N-polar heterostructures, iii/ transistors with a hole conduction, as well as iv/ vertical structures on GaN substrate. Part of the project will be represented by characterisation activities, like investigation of the electron transport properties in N-polar InN, in MOS structures, study on the 2-dimensional hole gas as well as transient effect in C-doped vertical transistors. |
Large-scale fabrication and characterization of 2D materials
Large-scale fabrication and characterization of 2D materials
Duration: | 1. 1. 2025 - 31. 12. 2025 |
Evidence number: | APP0599 |
Program: | DoktoGrant |
Project leader: | Mgr.Phil. Ahmad Faizan |
Enhanced safet materials for Li-ion batteries
Materiály so zvýšenou bezpečnosťou pre Li-iónové batérie
Duration: | 1. 7. 2024 - 30. 6. 2026 |
Evidence number: | 09I05-03-V02-000xx |
Program: | Plán obnovy EÚ |
Project leader: | Ing. Hudec Boris PhD. |
Memristive sensorics for post-digital electronics
Memristívna senzorika pre post-digitálnu elektroniku
Duration: | 1. 9. 2023 - 30. 6. 2026 |
Evidence number: | 09I03-03-V02-00044 |
Program: | Plán obnovy EÚ |
Project leader: | Dehghan Mohammad |
Annotation: | In-sensor computing is a new paradigm for 21st century electronics inspired by nature. In present-day electronics, all the noisy, unstructured data output by sensors needs to be digitised first for further processing. This may soon become a showstopper given the exponential rise in the amount of sensing devices and data they produce, both in consumer electronics like self-driving vehicles and in the Industrie 4.0 framework. On the other hand, in bio-inspired systems, the sensing and processing are not separate; instead, the sensing nodes directly form synaptic connections in the hardware neural network, where the external stimuli being sensed directly alter the synaptic weight matrix, allowing simple algorithms encoded in the neural network to process the signals into reasonable output in real-time. Under this thesis, the student will learn and understand how to build such a prototypical smart sensing system from scratch, i.e. by depositing, patterning and stacking ultra-thin (~nm) oxide and metal films into the simple sensor and memristor devices and arranging these building blocks into functional sensing neural network matrices on a chip. The expertise acquired will cover nano-fabrication methods with a focus on atomic layer deposition (ALD), material analyses and electrical characterisation techniques, and an understanding of the hardware neural networks based on emerging devices. The thesis will be a part of a wider project, and the student will become a part of our research team. We are looking for creative and dedicated team players, prior experience in related areas is a plus. |
Modern electronic devices based on ultrawide bandgap semiconducting Ga2O3 for future high-voltage applications
Moderné elektronické súčiastky na báze ultraširokopásmového polovodiča Ga2O3 pre budúce vysokonapäťové aplikácie
Duration: | 1. 7. 2021 - 30. 6. 2025 |
Evidence number: | 20-0220 |
Program: | APVV |
Project leader: | Ing. Gucmann Filip PhD. |
Annotation: | Wide bandgap (WBG) semiconductor devices represent one of the key technologies in development of high power and high frequency systems for electric power conversion and telecommunications owing to their fundamental benefit of higher breakdown electric fields, in some cases increased electron mobility, and possibility to form heterostructures and 2D electron gas. GaN and SiC, two typical WBG examples also benefit from moderate values of thermal conductivity allowing for more efficient sinking of generated waste heat, lower channel temperatures, and enhanced device reliability. New emerging semiconductor materials with even higher bandgap energies (Eg>3.4eV) referred to as ultrawide bandgap materials allow for further improvements in high power and high voltage handling solid-state electronic devices. Currently, semiconducting gallium oxide (Ga2O3) is under extensive study and expected to provide base material for rectifying Schottky -gate diodes and field-effect transistors for applications operating in kV range thanks to its good scalability, relatively simple synthesis, availability of native melt-grown substrates, and wide range of achievable n-type doping levels. The main aim of the proposed project constitutes material research and development of technology for epitaxial growth of epitaxial α -,β-, and ε-Ga2O3 layers and for processing of basic unipolar and bipolar electronic devices based on prepared Ga2O3 layers for future high voltage/power applications. Ga2O3 layers will be grown using liquid injection metalorganic chemical vapour deposition on sapphire, and higher thermal conductivity SiC substrates. We also aim to prepare Schottky diodes, FETs, and all-oxide Ga2O3 PN diodes using naturally p-type oxides (e.g. NiO, In2O3, CuO2). Comprehensive structural, electrical, optical, and thermal study of prepared epitaxial layers and devices will be conducted and numerous original, high-impact results are expected to be obtained. |
NanoMemb-RF - Advanced GaAs-based nanomembrane heterostructures for highperformance RF devices
Moderné nanomembránové heteroštruktúry na báze GaAs pre vysoko produktívne vysokofrekvenčné prvky
Duration: | 1. 7. 2022 - 30. 6. 2025 |
Evidence number: | APVV-21-0365 |
Program: | APVV |
Project leader: | RNDr. Gregušová Dagmar DrSc. |
Annotation: | The main aim of the proposed project is to expand the basic knowledge and to master the fabrication technology of the advanced nanomembrane AlGaAs/GaAs heterojunction devices for high-performance RF applications. Insufficient removal of the waste heat in electronic devices due to the Joule losses leading to overheating and early device failure often requires foreign, high thermal conductivity substrates to be employed. As opposed to the mainstream research of the GaN-based electronic devices prepared directly on sapphire or SiC, proposed GaAsbased devices will be fabricated upon self-supporting heterostructure nanomembranes transferred onto various substrates. It is very timely, original, and desirable approach to extend the utilization of the GaAs-based devices material potential, as demonstrated by our preliminary results. |
Modification of properties of superconducting, ferromagnetic, oxide films and structures for advanced electronics
Modifikácia vlastností supravodivých, feromagnetických oxidových vrstiev a štruktúr pre modernú elektroniku
Duration: | 1. 1. 2022 - 31. 12. 2025 |
Evidence number: | 2/0140/22 |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | RNDr. Španková Marianna PhD |
Annotation: | We prepare and study oxide – ferromagnetic and dielectric perovskite thin films and micro- and nano structures as well as selected current superconducting films. YBa2Cu3Ox (YBCO) and La0.67Sr0.33MnO3 (LSMO) microstrips will be exposed different types of organic molecules to study their influence on the superconducting and ferromagnetic film properties. Following the results of the previous VEGA project, we will continue to study the superconductor S/ferromagnet F and S/F/S structures focusing on a creation of magnetic inhomogeneities with the aim to increase the triplet component of superconductivity and resolve the phenomenom of S/F thin films interaction (proximity effect). As part of the project, we will investigate the possibility of superconducting behavior of a two-dimensional MoS2 system deposited by pulsed laser deposition. |
Nanoelsen - Nanostructured thin-film materials characterized by weak binding interactions for electronic and sensoric applications
Nanoštrukturované tenkovrstvové materiály vyznačujúce sa slabými väzbovými interakciami pre elektronické a senzorické aplikácie
Duration: | 1. 7. 2022 - 30. 6. 2026 |
Evidence number: | APVV-21-0278 |
Program: | APVV |
Project leader: | RNDr. Gregušová Dagmar DrSc. |
Annotation: | The proposed project is focused on the basic research of the preparation processes and properties of semiconducting sulfides of transition metals such as Mo, W and Ni and selected combinations with their oxides in the form of mixed sulfides and oxides, as well as the possibilities of their doping with noble metals (Pt, Au) for use in gas sensors as well as in supercapacitors. We also anticipate full utilization of semiconductor microelectronic and micromechanical techniques and micro / nanotechnologies, which can significantly contribute to qualitatively improved detection properties, low operating power consumption of gas sensors as well as increased energy efficiency and supercapacitor lifetime. |
Raman and FTIR low-temperature study of PtSe2, MoTe2 and WTe2 thin films
Nízkoteplotné merania pomocou Ramanovej a Infračervenej spektroskopie: MoTe2, WTe2, PtSe2
Duration: | 1. 7. 2024 - 31. 12. 2025 |
Evidence number: | APD0021 |
Program: | PostdokGrant |
Project leader: | RNDr. Pribusová Slušná Lenka PhD. |
New hybrid semiconductor structures for ionizing radiation detection
Nové hybridné polovodičové štruktúry pre detekciu ionizujúceho žiarenia
Duration: | 1. 1. 2024 - 31. 12. 2027 |
Evidence number: | 2/0063/24 |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | Mgr. Zaťko Bohumír PhD |
New semiconductor materials for pixel sensors with applications in digital radiography
Nové polovodičové materiály pre pixelové senzory s využitím pre digitálnu rádiografiu
Duration: | 1. 1. 2024 - 30. 6. 2026 |
Evidence number: | 09I05-03-V02-00073 |
Program: | Plán obnovy EÚ |
Project leader: | Mgr. Zaťko Bohumír PhD |
TREND - Optimization of round high-temperature supercnoducting cable for pulse magnetic field
Optimalizácia okrúhleho kábla z vysokoteplotného supravodiča pre pulzné magnetické polia
Duration: | 1. 7. 2021 - 30. 6. 2025 |
Evidence number: | 20-0056 |
Program: | APVV |
Project leader: | doc. Ing. Gömöry Fedor DrSc. |
Annotation: | The project is focused on an optimization of a cable made of high temperature superconducting tapes wound on a core in form of a tube with the possibility of cooling the cable by the coolant flowing through the former. The purpose of the optimization is a significant decrease of AC losses, which can be achieved through three modifications of the cable. The first one is to reduce the width of the 4 mm superconducting tape down to 1 mm with steps smaller than 0.2 mm. The tuning of the tape width should allow to prepare the cables with optimal packing of the cable layers and with greater flexibility. The second modification is an additional narrowing of the superconductor width by striation scribing the superconducting layer along the tape with already optimized width. Both processes require a development of a suitable method for the cutting and scribing process of the superconducting tapes with minimal impact on their mechanical, structural and electrical properties. The third modification is the innovation of the central former, which should fulfill requirement of significantly reduced electrical conductivity. Modified superconducting tapes and cables prepared from them will be characterized in terms of mechanical and electromagnetic properties. Most of the experiments will be supported by computer modeling. |
ROTOLES - Optimised growth and the transport and optical properties of thin layers of selected topological semimetals
Optimalizovaný rast a transportné a optické vlastnosti tenkých vrstiev vybraných topologických polokovov
Duration: | 1. 7. 2024 - 30. 6. 2027 |
Evidence number: | APVV-23-0564 |
Program: | APVV |
Project leader: | Dr. rer. nat. Hulman Martin |
Annotation: | One of the fundamental results of quantum mechanics in the 1920s was the derivation of relativistic equations for massive fermions (Dirac), massless fermions (Weyl) and fermions that are themselves antiparticles (Majorana). Since those times, particle physics has been searching for particles representing Weyl and Majorana's fermions. However, their search has not yet been successful. In the last twenty years, it has been shown that the band structure of some materials has such unique characteristics that the charge carriers in them can behave according to the dynamics satisfying the Dirac or Weyl relativistic equations. Such materials include compounds from the group of transition metals dichalcogenides, which we will focus on in our project. We will work with very thin layers of selected materials from this group, such as PtSe2, MoTe2 and WTe2. The first step in the implementation of the project will be the preparation of such layers by chalcogenisation of thin films of transition metals. Their transport and optical properties will then be thoroughly investigated. Temperaturedependent transport measurements can show us transitions between different structures of the same material. We expect that a metal-insulator transition can be observed when the thickness of such thin films is varied. Some of these materials can go into a superconducting state at very low temperatures. We will also try to induce this state in close proximity, i.e. when the thin layer is in contact with another superconductor. Optical measurements will be correlated with transport measurements. We derive essential frequency-dependent characteristics, such as optical conductivity, from the latter. We will look for characteristics theoretically predicted for Dirac and Weyl fermions in the optical conductivity. |
PEGANEL - p-GaN electronics for energy savings and beyond-CMOS circuits
p-GaN elektronika pre úsporu energie a post-CMOS obvody
Duration: | 1. 7. 2022 - 30. 6. 2025 |
Evidence number: | APVV-21-0008 |
Program: | APVV |
Project leader: | Ing. Kuzmík Ján DrSc. |
Annotation: | III-N semiconductors are probably the most versatile and promising semiconductor family, consisted of artificial compounds made of GaN, AlN and InN. In the project proposal we describe new technological concepts with sufficient freedom to solve main problems of the III-N post-beyond CMOS age: in transistors co-existence of the parasitic n-channel along with the p-channel, as well as low hole gas density and mobility. Similarly, we aim to demonstrate scalable threshold voltage in the enhancement-mode p-doped power transistors, which are needed by the industry for efficient, energy-saving convertors. In these aspects, our laboratories already showed very promising results proving the competence to reach described targets. If successfully implemented, results of our proposed project would represent a significant step forward not only from the world-wide point of view but is also in full agreement with the RIS3 SK (perspective areas of specialization of the Slovak economy), particularly in the field of semiconductors for electric cars of automotive industry, as well as in information and communication sciences. |
PIRADUNEW - Perspective ionizing radiation detectors for the uncovered neutron energy window
Perspektívne detektory ionizujúceho žiarenia pre nepokryté energetické okno neutrónov
Duration: | 1. 7. 2023 - 30. 6. 2027 |
Evidence number: | APVV-22-0382 |
Program: | APVV |
Project leader: | Mgr. Zaťko Bohumír PhD |
Annotation: | The subject of the presented project is the optimization and preparation of semiconductor detection structures based on 4H-SiC and polycrystalline diamond suitable for neutron detection. As part of the project, single detectors will be prepared and investigated, especially for neutron energies from 100 keV to several MeVs. There are currently few sensitive detectors in this area of neutron energy. The advantages of SiC and polycrystalline diamond are the high radiation and temperature resistance of structures. The high spectrometric capability of SiC detectors is also important, especially when detecting neutrons with energies below 1 MeV. Polycrystalline diamond is m ore affordable than SiC, and our first preliminary results show its promising detection properties, especially when detecting ionizing particles. Another advantage of both types of semiconductors is the low sensitivity to gamma radiation, which is almost always present in the event that neutrons are formed during a nuclear reaction. This gamma ray enhances the background and impairs the sensitivity of the detectors currently in use. Pixel sensors for the Timepix/Medipix reading chip will also be developed and investigated. Prototypes of the radiation camera will be tested and calibrated using a monoenergetic neutron source. |
Perspective ionizing radiation detectors for high-energy particles
Perspektívne detektory ionizujúceho žiarenia pre vysoko-energetické
Duration: | 1. 7. 2024 - 30. 6. 2026 |
Evidence number: | 09I03-03-V06-00108 |
Program: | Plán obnovy EÚ |
Project leader: | Mgr. Zaťko Bohumír PhD |
Annotation: | The aim of the project is to procure a research infrastructure that will be used during the implementation of the project APVV-22-0382 and for conducting further independent research and development carried out by the organization. he knowledge gained will be used to develop new ultra-thin, low-friction coatings for various metal substrates based on 2D materials, suitable for use in vacuum environments. |
Advanced 2D based hybrid supercapacitor devices
Pokročilé hybridné superkondenzátorové prvky na báze 2D materiálov
Duration: | 1. 3. 2024 - 30. 6. 2026 |
Evidence number: | 09I05-03-V02-000xx |
Program: | Plán obnovy EÚ |
Project leader: | Mgr. Sojková Michaela PhD. |
Lubrication challenge for ultra-thin advanced 2D-TMDC in extreme conditions
Pokročilé nízkotrecie povlaky na báze ultratenkých 2D-TMDC pre extrémne podmienky
Duration: | 1. 7. 2024 - 30. 6. 2026 |
Evidence number: | 09I03-03-V04-00709 |
Program: | Plán obnovy EÚ |
Project leader: | Mgr. Kozak Andrii PhD. |
Annotation: | The friction, stiction, adhesion, and wear are significantly influenced not only by the chemical and physical properties of the objects in relative motion but also by their shape, dimensions of the interacted area, and environment. Tightening the moving objects to the nanoscale make surface forces dominate the tribological behaviour, and the appearance of additional energy dissipation mechanisms can be observed, which can be critical for the lifetime and reliability of the devices. In turn, the environment renders multi-varied effects on the sliding interface, promoting the structural superlubricity or opposite extremally high friction caused by atomic interactions. The aim of this project is fabrication of low-friction wear-protected surfaces coating system applicable to advanced applications at the nano- and macroscale. Ultrathin coating of new 2D TMDs (PtSe2, MoSe2) will be formed with the aim to investigate their structure evolution during sliding in ambient air, vacuum environment as well as at elevated temperatures. The friction and wear processes on the surface of 2D materials and their interfaces will be systematically analysed by means of nanoscale and macroscale friction analysis. The gained knowledge will be then used to develop new ultrathin materials as a low-friction coating for different type of metal surfaces. |
Growth and optical characterization of 2D materials: MoTe2, WTe2, PtTe2
Rast a optická charakterizácia 2D materiálov: MoTe2, WTe2, PtTe2
Duration: | 1. 1. 2023 - 31. 12. 2025 |
Evidence number: | 2/0046/23 |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | RNDr. Pribusová Slušná Lenka PhD. |
Annotation: | Research of thin-film materials noticed a significant increase, especially since the discovery of graphene, when a wide range of 2D materials began to study. A significant group of 2D materials is transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs), including MoTe2, WTe2, and PtTe2. These materials have unique optoelectronic properties that vary due to the thickness of the layer and the crystal structure. Electrical properties vary depending on structures, from semiconducting to metallic. The preparation of films by tellurization of molybdenum, tungsten, and platinum is more difficult than sulfurization or selenization due to the weaker redox properties of tellurium. The challenge in thin films is the controlled preparation of the required crystal structure of homogenous large-area layers. This project aims to contribute to the solution of preparing these materials, characterize their structure and orientation of the films concerning the substrate, and determine the optical parameters and electrical properties. |
GRaDe - Growth and Radiation Mechanisms in Diamond Hybrid Detectorsd Radiation Mechanisms in Diamond Hybrid Detectors
Rastové a radiačné mechanizmy v diamantových hybridních detektoroch
Duration: | 1. 7. 2022 - 30. 6. 2025 |
Evidence number: | SK-CZ-RD_21/0016 |
Program: | APVV |
Project leader: | Mgr. Zaťko Bohumír PhD |
Smart gas and temperature sensors with neural-network-based low-level in-sensor data processing capability
Smart senzory plynu a teploty s nízko-úrovňovým in-sensor spracovaním dát na báze neurónovej siete
Duration: | 1. 1. 2024 - 30. 6. 2026 |
Evidence number: | 09I05-03-V02-00058 |
Program: | Plán obnovy EÚ |
Project leader: | Ing. Hudec Boris PhD. |
SUPENKA - Superconducting energy cables
Supravodivé energetické káble
Duration: | 1. 4. 2024 - 31. 3. 2026 |
Evidence number: | 09I01-03-V04 -00020 |
Program: | Plán obnovy EÚ |
Project leader: | doc. Ing. Gömöry Fedor DrSc. |
Annotation: | The SUPENKA project follows up the European SCARLET project, the aim of which is to develop a superconducting cable for direct current at medium voltage level of 25-50 kV, which results in the removal of the converter platform (around 10,000 tons of material). Such a solution can be advantageously used, for example, in transmission from a wind turbine farm, where direct current can be directly obtained in the turbine structure at the medium voltage level (25 to 100 kV). The proposed SUPENKA project aims to develop in more detail some aspects of the problem solved in the SCARLET project. In the scientific field, there are two main goals: • C1: Development of a methodology for including the inhomogeneity of superconducting properties in the analysis of the stability of current transmission by a superconducting cable • C2: Verification of the possibilities of cooling superconducting cables with non-traditional cooling media. The basic verification of the methodology on short samples has already taken place, therefore the starting level of the SUPENKA project is in the range of TRL 3-4, and the intention is to reach the level of TRL 5. The SUPENKA project will contribute to the fulfillment of the ambitious climate goals of the EC work program "Sustainable, secure and competitive energy supply" aimed at transforming the energy system and shifting energy supply towards climate neutrality within two areas of influence: • Leading position of European industry in key and new technologies for benefit of people • Affordable and clean energy |
Superconducting joints of MgB2 wires for windings in persistent mode
Supravodivé spoje pre MgB2 vinutia v perzistentnom móde
Duration: | 1. 1. 2022 - 31. 12. 2025 |
Evidence number: | 2/0017/22 |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | Ing. Kováč Pavol DrSc. |
Annotation: | The idea of this project is to make and optimize superconducting joints between the composite MgB2 wires manufactured by powder-in-tube method „PIT“ and by the infiltration or diffusion of magnesium into boron process „IMD“ and use it for winding working in „persistent mode“. It will be done dominantly for superconducting joints of winding made by „wind and react“ technique, but joints for winding with already reacted MgB2 wires made by „react and wind“ process will be developed as well. The properties of manufactured superconducting MgB2 joints of different geometry and architecture will be subjected to mechanical and thermal treatments, which would reach the joint current around 50% of critical current measured for the reference MgB2 wire at external field 5 T. |
Scholarships for excellent researchers threatened by the war conflict in Ukraine
Štipendiá pre excelentných výskumníkov ohrozených vojnovým konfliktom na Ukrajine
Duration: | 1. 4. 2022 - 31. 3. 2025 |
Evidence number: | 09I03-03-V01-00006 |
Program: | Plán obnovy EÚ |
Project leader: | RNDr. Kalmykova Tetiana PhD. |
Study of TMD-based 2D heterostructures (TO-DO)
Štúdium 2D heteroštruktúr na báze TMD
Duration: | 1. 7. 2024 - 30. 6. 2026 |
Evidence number: | SK-AT-23-0021 |
Program: | APVV |
Project leader: | Mgr. Sojková Michaela PhD. |
REBCO superconductor tensile and compressive limits - methodology
Ťahové a tlakové limity REBCO supravodiča – metodológia
Duration: | 1. 7. 2024 - 31. 12. 2025 |
Evidence number: | APD0064 |
Program: | PostdokGrant |
Project leader: | Ing. Kujovič Tomáš PhD. |
Thermal stability of superconducting coils and filamentized REBCO tapes
Tepelná stabilita supravodivých cievok a filamentovaných REBCO pások
Duration: | 1. 1. 2024 - 31. 12. 2026 |
Evidence number: | 2/0098/24 |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | Mgr. Seiler Eugen PhD |
Annotation: | The project investigates electro-thermal stability of filamentized superconducting REBCO tapes and superconducting coils at transporting the electric current. The goal is to develop theoretical models and numerical methods allowing to determine the maximum transport current that can flow through a superconducting coil or through a filamentized tape without the risk of a rapid local heating. Characterization of tapes and coils will be based on the standard measurement methods as well as on specially designed experiments, which will allow to incorporate the real parameters of available superconducting tapes into the models. In order to experimentally verify the theoretical models of thermal stability of superconducting coils, specific model coils will be built, equipped with multiple voltage and temperature sensors for detailed monitoring of the electro-thermal stability. The outcomes of the theoretical models will subsequently be applied at manufacturing bigger coils, relevant for realistic electric devices. |
TECHAPHO - Ternary chalcogenide perovskites for photovoltaics
Ternárne chalkogenidové perovskity pre fotovoltaiku
Duration: | 1. 7. 2024 - 30. 6. 2028 |
Evidence number: | APVV-23-0202 |
Program: | APVV |
Project leader: | Ing. Chromik Štefan DrSc. |
Annotation: | The goal of the proposed project is the synthesis of ternary chalcogenides with perovskite structure and systematic characterization of the relationship between the composition, structure, optical properties, thermal and chemical stability with the potential in the application in photovoltaics, or other optoelectronics. The result will be a set of prepared pure ternary chalcogenides in the form of crystalline powders and thin films with known, as well as newly prepared compositions and a comprehensive characterization of their optical and electronic properties, as well as thermal and chemical stability. Ternary chalcogenides will be prepared also by wet approach at lower temperature up to 350 °C in the form of nanocrystals which will be characterized in terms of their structure and morphology. Proof-of-concept solar cell will be prepared, which has not yet been reported in the literature. The optimalization will be done based on performance measurements. |
Transit2D - Transistors based on 2D Metal Chalcogenides Grown via Thermally Assisted Conversion
Tranzistory na báze 2D kovových chalkogenidov pripravených teplom podporovanou konverziou
Duration: | 1. 7. 2022 - 30. 6. 2026 |
Evidence number: | APVV-21-0231 |
Program: | APVV |
Project leader: | Ing. Ťapajna Milan PhD. |
Annotation: | 2D materials can form one-atom-thick sheets with extraordinary properties. One of the most promising classes of 2D materials is the transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs). The transition from an indirect to a direct bandgap, when the bulk materials is thinned down to a monolayer, results in unique electrical and optical properties of 2D TMDs. Post-transition metal chalcogenides (PTMCs) represents another interesting group of 2D materials. These materials have wide band gap and, depending on the structure of the material, show anisotropic electrical and optical properties. The aim of this project is the fabrication of field-effect transistors with metal-oxide-semiconductor gate (MOSFETs) based on selected TMDs and PTMCs compounds and detail analysis of their transport properties. We will focus on large-area few-layer PtSe2 and GaS/GaSe films grown by thermal assisted conversion, i.e. sulfurization and selenization. Based on the existing experiences, structural, chemical and electrical properties of horizontally-aligned PtSe2 films prepared by selenization will be optimized, targeting mobilities similar to those prepared by mechanical exfoliation. Then, MOSFET technology using both, top-gate as well as bottom-gate approach will be developed and optimized. Atomic layer deposition and metal-oxide chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) will be employed for gate oxide growth. GaS/GaSe few-layer films will be prepared by chalcogenization |
Ultra-thin conformal surface coatings of complex-morphology structures for improving battery performance using atomic layer deposition
Ultratenké homogénne povrchové vrstvy na štruktúrach komplexnej morfológie pre vylepšenie výkonu batérii využitím depozície po atómových vrstvách
Duration: | 1. 1. 2022 - 31. 12. 2025 |
Evidence number: | 2/0162/22 |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | Ing. Hudec Boris PhD. |
Annotation: | Project is focused on the development and optimization of method of 3D deposition of conformal ultra-thin coatings using ALD (atomic layer deposition) on structures of complex morphology, such as micro-porous layers and powders. The method will subsequently be applied in preparation of new generation Li-based batteries, by passivation and modification of micro-porous surfaces of cathode layers. Effect of ultra-thin ALD coatings conformality at the nano-scale will be systematically evaluated by correlation of electron microscopy analyses with electrochemical measurements of prepared batteries. Next step will be the modification of surfaces of discrete metal and ceramic micro-particles and powders with the aim of their subsequent application in fabrication of novel ceramic and metal materials and also new materials for experimental battery electrodes. |
Large-scale production and characterization of 2D materials
Veľkoplošná výroba a charakterizácia 2D materiálov
Duration: | 1. 9. 2023 - 30. 6. 2026 |
Evidence number: | 09I03-03-V02-00044 |
Program: | Plán obnovy EÚ |
Project leader: | Mgr.Phil. Ahmad Faizan |
Annotation: | Two-dimensional (2D) materials, including transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) such as molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) or platinum diselenide (PtSe2), are one of the promising materials and a gateway to modern technologies and optoelectronics. Currently, there is a lot of research that studies fabrication of TMDs by chemical vapour deposition (CVD), which makes the use of these 2D materials in the electronic market feasible. The use of alternative methods such as pulsed laser deposition (PLD) also opens up new possibilities in this field and can provide comparative results to elucidate the growth optimization. The available CVD and PLD systems in IEE SAS will be used to study the fundamental aspect of the growth and properties of TMD materials. For research-related activities, the optimized TMD layers are typically grown on standard 1×1 cm2 substrates. However, from a technological point of view, upscaling the fabrication process is a big challenge. Many times, the deposition conditions (temperature, gas flow, pressure, power, etc.) used for small-scale samples preparation may not work well on a larger scale. Thus, the study and optimization of large-scale (4-inch) fabrication will be a new chapter in this interesting field of 2D materials research. The PhD thesis will be focused mainly on the development of technological procedures for the preparation of precisely defined, homogeneous and reproducible TMD layers on large areas using a newly installed two-zone furnace. In addition, a comprehensive characterization of the surface and bulk properties (including morphological, chemical, optical and opto-electronic properties) of the fabricated 2D materials is also expected. |
PEROVCHIR - Effect of the application of organic molecules on the properties of perovskite thin-film structures
Vplyv aplikácie organických molekúl na vlastnosti perovskitovských tenkovrstvových štruktúr
Duration: | 1. 7. 2024 - 31. 12. 2027 |
Evidence number: | APVV-23-0238 |
Program: | APVV |
Project leader: | RNDr. Španková Marianna PhD |
Annotation: | In recent years, sufficient experimental evidence has accumulated that adsorbed organic chiral molecules affect the superconducting properties of YBa2Cu3O7-x (YBCO) films. In some cases, an increase in their critical temperature Tc can be observed. On the other hand, it has been shown that in the case of ferromagnetic layers (e.g., cobalt), the application of chiral molecules can lead to a change in magnetization without the use of an electric current. An important role here is played by spin. Spin introduces an additional degree of freedom into the system, allowing devices, for example, to reduce electrical consumption or increase their computational capacity. Spintronic devices have become an attraction in electronics; however, problems associated with controlling spin remain a significant challenge. A unique way of manipulating spin is through the effect known as chirality-induced spin selectivity (CISS), which results from the specific structure of organic chiral molecules. The project focuses on the preparation and characterization of simple heterostructures and their interaction with chiral polymers deposited on the film surface. Specifically, it deals with the influence of chiral lactic acid on perovskite thin films, where the selected perovskites are high-temperature superconductor YBCO and ferromagnet La1-xSrxMnO3 (LSMO). |
Impact of substrate material on positive bias temperature instabilities in enhancement mode Al2O3/InAlN/GaN MOSHEMTs
Vplyv substrátu na teplotné nestability pri kladnom napätí v obohacovacích Al2O3/InAlN/GaN MOSHEMT-och
Duration: | 1. 7. 2024 - 31. 12. 2025 |
Evidence number: | 24183001 |
Program: | PostdokGrant |
Project leader: | Ing. Pohorelec Ondrej PhD. |
Fabrication of ferromagnetic nanostructures for magnonic crystal
Výroba feromagnetických nanoštruktúr pre magnónový kryštál
Duration: | 1. 7. 2024 - 31. 12. 2025 |
Evidence number: | 24182002 |
Program: | PostdokGrant |
Project leader: | Mgr. Vetrova Iuliia PhD. |
Research of fabrication technology for low-cost oxide-based semiconductorelectronic devices for IoT and sensor applications
Výskum technológie výroby nízkonákladových polovodičových zariadení na báze oxidov pre IoT a senzorové aplikácie
Duration: | 1. 1. 2024 - 30. 6. 2026 |
Evidence number: | 09I05-03-V02-00030 |
Program: | Plán obnovy EÚ |
Project leader: | Ing. Ťapajna Milan PhD. |
Development of Advanced Nano-structured Materials for Electrocatalysis using an Eco-friendly Deep Eutectic Solvents: A Sustainable Approach to Decarbonisation
Vývoj pokročilých nanoštruktúrovaných materiálov pre elektrokatalýzu s použitím ekologických hlboko eutektických rozpúšťadiel: Trvalo udržateľný prístup k dekarbonizácii
Duration: | 1. 7. 2024 - 31. 5. 2026 |
Evidence number: | 09I05-03-V02-00006 |
Program: | Plán obnovy EÚ |
Project leader: | Ing. Šoltýs Ján PhD |
Projects total: 53