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Information Page of SAS Organisation


Institute of Electrical Engineering SAS

International Projects

ATOSENS - Atomic-layer 3D printing as a new paradigm for smart sensorics

3D tlač atomárnych vrstiev ako nová paradigma pre múdru senzoriku

Duration: 1. 6. 2023 - 31. 5. 2026
Evidence number:10418
Program: ERANET
Project leader: Ing. Hudec Boris PhD.
Annotation:The goal of the project is adopting new rapid on-demand prototyping fab-less fabrication method of atomic-layer additive manufacturing (ALAM) to fabricate a matrix of non-identical microscopic TiO2-based hydrogen-sensing elements, arranged into pre-programmed hardware neural network (HNN). The first application is a fully ALAM-printed prototype of a smart Pt/TiO2-based low-power hydrogen sensor with low-level in-sensor data processing. Wider adoption of ALAM technology, which we will pursue through the open innovation hub framework, where rapid prototyping of various ALAM-printed HNN designs from stakeholders, will be encouraged. Project addresses the needs for novel process technologies considering circular economy with minimized waste and use of critical materials, and the need for new smart sensors with in-sensor data processing for the rising hydrogen energy infrastructure.

AGAMI_EURIGAMI - European Innovative GaN Advanced Microwave Integration

Európska inovatívna pokročilá GaN mikrovlnná integrácia

Duration: 15. 12. 2022 - 14. 12. 2026
Evidence number:101102983
Program: EDF
Project leader: Ing. Kuzmík Ján DrSc.
Project web page:https://ec.europa.eu/info/funding-tenders/opportunities/portal/screen/opportunities/projects-details/44181033/101102983/EDF

European Network for Innovative and Advanced Epitaxy

Európska sieť pre inovatívnu a pokročilú epitaxiu

Duration: 1. 11. 2021 - 30. 10. 2025
Evidence number:CA20116
Program: COST
Project leader: Ing. Kuzmík Ján DrSc.
Project web page:https://www.cost.eu/actions/CA20116/#tabs+Name:Description

NANOMAT - Heterogeneous Material and Technological Platform for a New Domain of Power Nanoelectronics

Heterogenná materiálová a technologická platforma pre novú doménu výkonovej nanoelektroniky

Duration: 1. 12. 2022 - 30. 11. 2025
Evidence number:Horizont Európa-101091433
Program: Horizont Európa
Project leader: Ing. Kuzmík Ján DrSc.
Project web page:https://doi.org/10.3030/101091433

I.FAST - Innovation Fostering in Accelerator Science and Technology

Podpora inovácií v urýchľovačovom výskume a technológií

Duration: 1. 5. 2021 - 30. 4. 2025
Evidence number:H2020-101004730
Program: Horizont 2020
Project leader: Mgr. Seiler Eugen PhD
Project web page:https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101004730

BGapEng - Band-gap engineering in unconventional semiconductors

Projektovanie šírky zakázaného pásu v nekonvenčných polovodičoch

Duration: 1. 1. 2022 - 31. 12. 2024
Program: International Visegrad Fund (IVF)
Project leader: doc. Ing. Skákalová Viera DrSc.

skQCI - Slovak Quantum Communication

Slovenská kvantová komunikačná infraštruktúra

Duration: 1. 1. 2023 - 30. 6. 2025
Evidence number:101091548
Program: Digital Europe Programme
Project leader: RNDr. Cambel Vladimír DrSc.
Project web page:https://skqci.qute.sk/

CUBES - Central-European (Ultra)Wide Bandgap Expertise Cluster

Stredoeurópsky kompetenčný klaster pre (ultra)širokopásmové polovodiče

Duration: 1. 1. 2024 - 1. 6. 2025
Evidence number:22320095
Program: International Visegrad Fund (IVF)
Project leader: Ing. Gucmann Filip PhD.

SCARLET - Superconducting cables for sustainable energy transition

Supravodivé káble podporujúce prechod na udržateľnú energetiku

Duration: 1. 9. 2022 - 28. 2. 2027
Evidence number:Horizont Európa-101075602
Program: Horizont Európa
Project leader: doc. Ing. Gömöry Fedor DrSc.
Project web page: https://scarlet-project.eu/

SuperEMFL - Superconducting magnets for the European Magnet Field Laboratory

Supravodivé magnety pre European Magnet Field Laboratory

Duration: 1. 1. 2021 - 31. 12. 2024
Evidence number:H2020-951714
Program: Horizont 2020
Project leader: Mgr. Pardo Enric PhD.
Project web page:https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/951714

Topologically nontrivial phases of layered transition-metal dichalcogenides

Topologicky netriviálne fázy vrstvených dichalkogenidov prechodných kovov

Duration: 1. 1. 2023 - 31. 12. 2024
Evidence number:SASA-SAS-2022-01
Program: Bilaterálne - iné
Project leader: Dr. rer. nat. Hulman Martin

Establishment of reliability laboratory for pawer modules and joint reserch of GaN and Ga2O3 power devices

Vybudovanie laboratória pre výskum spoľahlivosti výkonových modulov a spoločný výskum v oblasti GaN a Ga2O3 polovodičových výkonových súčiastok

Duration: 1. 7. 2023 - 30. 6. 2027
Evidence number:SK-TW
Program: Bilaterálne - iné
Project leader: Ing. Ťapajna Milan PhD.

HiSCALE - High-TeHigh-Temperature SuperConductivity for AcceLerating the Energy Transitionmperature SuperConductivity for AcceLerating the Energy Transition

Vysokoteplotná supravodivosť pre zrýchlenie prechodu k čistejšej energii

Duration: 8. 10. 2020 - 7. 10. 2024
Evidence number:CA19108
Program: COST
Project leader: Mgr. Pardo Enric PhD.
Project web page:https://www.cost.eu/actions/CA19108/#tabs|Name:overview

MSC - Vertically aligned two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenide composites for micro-supercapacitors

Vývoj vertikálnych kompozitov z dichalkogenidov prechodových kovov pre použitie v mikrosuperkondenzátoroch

Duration: 1. 1. 2023 - 31. 12. 2025
Evidence number:MSC_SAS_MOST 2022
Program: Bilaterálne - iné
Project leader: Dr. rer. nat. Hulman Martin

National Projects

Electronic and optoelectronic devices based on ultra-wide bandgap Ga2O3 semiconductor

Elektronické a optoelektronické súčiastky na báze ultra-širokopásmového Ga2O3 polovodiča

Duration: 1. 1. 2021 - 31. 12. 2024
Evidence number:2/0100/21
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Ing. Ťapajna Milan PhD.
Annotation:Recently, great research effort has been devoted to ultra-wide bandgap semiconductors for the preparation of high-performance electronic devices operating in the electric fields up to tens of kV and UV photodetectors. This project aims the research of the growth of epitaxial layers and electronic as well as optoelectronic devices based on Ga2O3. Based on preliminary results, we will investigate the growth of rhombohedral Ga2O3 with the highest bandgap energy. Epitaxial layers will be prepared by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition using liquid phase precursor injection. The layers will be used for preparation and research of electronic devices with a focus on Schottky diodes and switching MOSFET transistors. We will study the transport and thermal properties, parasitic effects and breakdown mechanisms of the developed electronic devices as well as electro-optical properties of p-n heterojunctions. We will also target exploratory research for improvements in thermal management of the power transistors.

Photonic Lab-on-a-Chip: investigation and development of plasmonic sensor platform for immediate detection of composites in solutions

Fotonické laboratórium na čipe: výskum a vývoj platformy plazmonického senzora pre okamžitú detekciu zložiek v roztokoch

Duration: 1. 7. 2021 - 31. 12. 2024
Evidence number:20-0437
Program: APVV
Project leader: doc. Ing. Novák Jozef DrSc.

TMD/diamond heterostructures: Fabrication, characterization and applications

Heteroštruktúry TMD/diamant: Príprava, charakterizácia a aplikácia

Duration: 1. 8. 2020 - 31. 7. 2024
Evidence number:19MRP0010
Program: MoRePro
Project leader: Ing. Varga Marian PhD.

Critical aspects of the growth for a new generation of III-N devices

Kritické aspekty rastu polovodičových štruktúr pre novú generáciu III-N súčiastok

Duration: 1. 1. 2022 - 31. 12. 2025
Evidence number:2/0005/22
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Ing. Kuzmík Ján DrSc.
Annotation:Gallium Nitride (GaN) compounds are investigated for a new generation of high-frequency transistors, power electronics and post CMOS logic circuits. Flexibility in this area is given by a miscibility of In and Al with GaN, providing a wide spectra of semiconductors with a possibility of setting an energy band-gap from 0.65 eV to 6.2 eV, with countless combinations of heterostructures. Basis of our project is given by study and mastering of the growth of unique material concepts using a metal-organic chemical-vapour deposition (MOCVD) technique. We aim to investigate: i/ transistors with N-polar InN channel, ii/ MOS contacts on N-polar heterostructures, iii/ transistors with a hole conduction, as well as iv/ vertical structures on GaN substrate. Part of the project will be represented by characterisation activities, like investigation of the electron transport properties in N-polar InN, in MOS structures, study on the 2-dimensional hole gas as well as transient effect in C-doped vertical transistors.

Modern electronic devices based on ultrawide bandgap semiconducting Ga2O3 for future high-voltage applications

Moderné elektronické súčiastky na báze ultraširokopásmového polovodiča Ga2O3 pre budúce vysokonapäťové aplikácie

Duration: 1. 7. 2021 - 30. 6. 2025
Evidence number:20-0220
Program: APVV
Project leader: Ing. Gucmann Filip PhD.
Annotation:Wide bandgap (WBG) semiconductor devices represent one of the key technologies in development of high power and high frequency systems for electric power conversion and telecommunications owing to their fundamental benefit of higher breakdown electric fields, in some cases increased electron mobility, and possibility to form heterostructures and 2D electron gas. GaN and SiC, two typical WBG examples also benefit from moderate values of thermal conductivity allowing for more efficient sinking of generated waste heat, lower channel temperatures, and enhanced device reliability. New emerging semiconductor materials with even higher bandgap energies (Eg>3.4eV) referred to as ultrawide bandgap materials allow for further improvements in high power and high voltage handling solid-state electronic devices. Currently, semiconducting gallium oxide (Ga2O3) is under extensive study and expected to provide base material for rectifying Schottky -gate diodes and field-effect transistors for applications operating in kV range thanks to its good scalability, relatively simple synthesis, availability of native melt-grown substrates, and wide range of achievable n-type doping levels. The main aim of the proposed project constitutes material research and development of technology for epitaxial growth of epitaxial α -,β-, and ε-Ga2O3 layers and for processing of basic unipolar and bipolar electronic devices based on prepared Ga2O3 layers for future high voltage/power applications. Ga2O3 layers will be grown using liquid injection metalorganic chemical vapour deposition on sapphire, and higher thermal conductivity SiC substrates. We also aim to prepare Schottky diodes, FETs, and all-oxide Ga2O3 PN diodes using naturally p-type oxides (e.g. NiO, In2O3, CuO2). Comprehensive structural, electrical, optical, and thermal study of prepared epitaxial layers and devices will be conducted and numerous original, high-impact results are expected to be obtained.

NanoMemb-RF - Advanced GaAs-based nanomembrane heterostructures for highperformance RF devices

Moderné nanomembránové heteroštruktúry na báze GaAs pre vysoko produktívne vysokofrekvenčné prvky

Duration: 1. 7. 2022 - 30. 6. 2025
Evidence number:APVV-21-0365
Program: APVV
Project leader: RNDr. Gregušová Dagmar DrSc.
Annotation:The main aim of the proposed project is to expand the basic knowledge and to master the fabrication technology of the advanced nanomembrane AlGaAs/GaAs heterojunction devices for high-performance RF applications. Insufficient removal of the waste heat in electronic devices due to the Joule losses leading to overheating and early device failure often requires foreign, high thermal conductivity substrates to be employed. As opposed to the mainstream research of the GaN-based electronic devices prepared directly on sapphire or SiC, proposed GaAsbased devices will be fabricated upon self-supporting heterostructure nanomembranes transferred onto various substrates. It is very timely, original, and desirable approach to extend the utilization of the GaAs-based devices material potential, as demonstrated by our preliminary results.

Modification of properties of superconducting, ferromagnetic, oxide films and structures for advanced electronics

Modifikácia vlastností supravodivých, feromagnetických oxidových vrstiev a štruktúr pre modernú elektroniku

Duration: 1. 1. 2022 - 31. 12. 2025
Evidence number:2/0140/22
Program: VEGA
Project leader: RNDr. Španková Marianna PhD
Annotation:We prepare and study oxide – ferromagnetic and dielectric perovskite thin films and micro- and nano structures as well as selected current superconducting films. YBa2Cu3Ox (YBCO) and La0.67Sr0.33MnO3 (LSMO) microstrips will be exposed different types of organic molecules to study their influence on the superconducting and ferromagnetic film properties. Following the results of the previous VEGA project, we will continue to study the superconductor S/ferromagnet F and S/F/S structures focusing on a creation of magnetic inhomogeneities with the aim to increase the triplet component of superconductivity and resolve the phenomenom of S/F thin films interaction (proximity effect). As part of the project, we will investigate the possibility of superconducting behavior of a two-dimensional MoS2 system deposited by pulsed laser deposition.

Nano-optical probes and sensors integrated on optical fiber

Nanooptické sondy a senzory integrované na optickom vlákne

Duration: 1. 8. 2021 - 31. 12. 2024
Evidence number:20-0264
Program: APVV
Project leader: doc. Ing. Novák Jozef DrSc.

Nanoelsen - Nanostructured thin-film materials characterized by weak binding interactions for electronic and sensoric applications

Nanoštrukturované tenkovrstvové materiály vyznačujúce sa slabými väzbovými interakciami pre elektronické a senzorické aplikácie

Duration: 1. 7. 2022 - 30. 6. 2026
Evidence number:APVV-21-0278
Program: APVV
Project leader: RNDr. Gregušová Dagmar DrSc.
Annotation:The proposed project is focused on the basic research of the preparation processes and properties of semiconducting sulfides of transition metals such as Mo, W and Ni and selected combinations with their oxides in the form of mixed sulfides and oxides, as well as the possibilities of their doping with noble metals (Pt, Au) for use in gas sensors as well as in supercapacitors. We also anticipate full utilization of semiconductor microelectronic and micromechanical techniques and micro / nanotechnologies, which can significantly contribute to qualitatively improved detection properties, low operating power consumption of gas sensors as well as increased energy efficiency and supercapacitor lifetime.

TREND - Optimization of round high-temperature supercnoducting cable for pulse magnetic field

Optimalizácia okrúhleho kábla z vysokoteplotného supravodiča pre pulzné magnetické polia

Duration: 1. 7. 2021 - 30. 6. 2025
Evidence number:20-0056
Program: APVV
Project leader: doc. Ing. Gömöry Fedor DrSc.
Annotation:The project is focused on an optimization of a cable made of high temperature superconducting tapes wound on a core in form of a tube with the possibility of cooling the cable by the coolant flowing through the former. The purpose of the optimization is a significant decrease of AC losses, which can be achieved through three modifications of the cable. The first one is to reduce the width of the 4 mm superconducting tape down to 1 mm with steps smaller than 0.2 mm. The tuning of the tape width should allow to prepare the cables with optimal packing of the cable layers and with greater flexibility. The second modification is an additional narrowing of the superconductor width by striation scribing the superconducting layer along the tape with already optimized width. Both processes require a development of a suitable method for the cutting and scribing process of the superconducting tapes with minimal impact on their mechanical, structural and electrical properties. The third modification is the innovation of the central former, which should fulfill requirement of significantly reduced electrical conductivity. Modified superconducting tapes and cables prepared from them will be characterized in terms of mechanical and electromagnetic properties. Most of the experiments will be supported by computer modeling.

PEGANEL - p-GaN electronics for energy savings and beyond-CMOS circuits

p-GaN elektronika pre úsporu energie a post-CMOS obvody

Duration: 1. 7. 2022 - 30. 6. 2025
Evidence number:APVV-21-0008
Program: APVV
Project leader: Ing. Kuzmík Ján DrSc.
Annotation:III-N semiconductors are probably the most versatile and promising semiconductor family, consisted of artificial compounds made of GaN, AlN and InN. In the project proposal we describe new technological concepts with sufficient freedom to solve main problems of the III-N post-beyond CMOS age: in transistors co-existence of the parasitic n-channel along with the p-channel, as well as low hole gas density and mobility. Similarly, we aim to demonstrate scalable threshold voltage in the enhancement-mode p-doped power transistors, which are needed by the industry for efficient, energy-saving convertors. In these aspects, our laboratories already showed very promising results proving the competence to reach described targets. If successfully implemented, results of our proposed project would represent a significant step forward not only from the world-wide point of view but is also in full agreement with the RIS3 SK (perspective areas of specialization of the Slovak economy), particularly in the field of semiconductors for electric cars of automotive industry, as well as in information and communication sciences.

PIRADUNEW - Perspective ionizing radiation detectors for the uncovered neutron energy window

Perspektívne detektory ionizujúceho žiarenia pre nepokryté energetické okno neutrónov

Duration: 1. 7. 2023 - 30. 6. 2027
Evidence number:APVV-22-0382
Program: APVV
Project leader: Mgr. Zaťko Bohumír PhD
Annotation:The subject of the presented project is the optimization and preparation of semiconductor detection structures based on 4H-SiC and polycrystalline diamond suitable for neutron detection. As part of the project, single detectors will be prepared and investigated, especially for neutron energies from 100 keV to several MeVs. There are currently few sensitive detectors in this area of neutron energy. The advantages of SiC and polycrystalline diamond are the high radiation and temperature resistance of structures. The high spectrometric capability of SiC detectors is also important, especially when detecting neutrons with energies below 1 MeV. Polycrystalline diamond is m ore affordable than SiC, and our first preliminary results show its promising detection properties, especially when detecting ionizing particles. Another advantage of both types of semiconductors is the low sensitivity to gamma radiation, which is almost always present in the event that neutrons are formed during a nuclear reaction. This gamma ray enhances the background and impairs the sensitivity of the detectors currently in use. Pixel sensors for the Timepix/Medipix reading chip will also be developed and investigated. Prototypes of the radiation camera will be tested and calibrated using a monoenergetic neutron source.

Preparation and properties of superconducting and magnetic oxide films for modern electronic applications

Príprava a vlastnosti supravodivých a magnetických oxidových vrstiev pre moderné elektronické aplikácie

Duration: 1. 1. 2023 - 31. 12. 2024
Evidence number:SAV-PAV
Program: Vedecko-technické projekty
Project leader: Ing. Chromik Štefan DrSc.

Fabrication, characterization, and doping of ultra-thin layers of transition metal dichalcogenides

Príprava, charakterizácia a dopovanie ultratenkých vrstiev dichalkogenidov prechodných kovov

Duration: 1. 1. 2021 - 31. 12. 2024
Evidence number:2/0059/21
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Mgr. Sojková Michaela PhD.
Annotation:Thanks to the unusual physical properties, 2D materials have been intensively studied for several years. An interesting group of this class of materials is transition metal dichalcogenides TMD. They have a hexagonal structure with the individual layers bonded to each other only by weak Van der Waals bonds. This causes significantly anisotropic properties and has a significant effect on their electronic structure. Some of them show physically interesting correlated states (superconductivity, charge density waves). The primary goal of this project is to prepare and study the properties of thin layers of 2 different TMD - MoS2 and PtSe2, and to study the influence of doping with Li and Na cations on the electrical and structural properties of these layers. The secondary goal is to optimize growth and doping conditions to improve the parameters of thin films, such as electrical conductivity and charge carrier mobility which will enable the preparation of functional electronic components - transistors.

Growth and optical characterization of 2D materials: MoTe2, WTe2, PtTe2

Rast a optická charakterizácia 2D materiálov: MoTe2, WTe2, PtTe2

Duration: 1. 1. 2023 - 31. 12. 2025
Evidence number:2/0046/23
Program: VEGA
Project leader: RNDr. Pribusová Slušná Lenka PhD.
Annotation:Research of thin-film materials noticed a significant increase, especially since the discovery of graphene, when a wide range of 2D materials began to study. A significant group of 2D materials is transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs), including MoTe2, WTe2, and PtTe2. These materials have unique optoelectronic properties that vary due to the thickness of the layer and the crystal structure. Electrical properties vary depending on structures, from semiconducting to metallic. The preparation of films by tellurization of molybdenum, tungsten, and platinum is more difficult than sulfurization or selenization due to the weaker redox properties of tellurium. The challenge in thin films is the controlled preparation of the required crystal structure of homogenous large-area layers. This project aims to contribute to the solution of preparing these materials, characterize their structure and orientation of the films concerning the substrate, and determine the optical parameters and electrical properties.

GRaDe - Growth and Radiation Mechanisms in Diamond Hybrid Detectorsd Radiation Mechanisms in Diamond Hybrid Detectors

Rastové a radiačné mechanizmy v diamantových hybridních detektoroch

Duration: 1. 7. 2022 - 30. 6. 2025
Evidence number:SK-CZ-RD_21/0016
Program: APVV
Project leader: Mgr. Zaťko Bohumír PhD

Superconducting joints of MgB2 wires for windings in persistent mode

Supravodivé spoje pre MgB2 vinutia v perzistentnom móde

Duration: 1. 1. 2022 - 31. 12. 2025
Evidence number:2/0017/22
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Ing. Kováč Pavol DrSc.
Annotation:The idea of this project is to make and optimize superconducting joints between the composite MgB2 wires manufactured by powder-in-tube method „PIT“ and by the infiltration or diffusion of magnesium into boron process „IMD“ and use it for winding working in „persistent mode“. It will be done dominantly for superconducting joints of winding made by „wind and react“ technique, but joints for winding with already reacted MgB2 wires made by „react and wind“ process will be developed as well. The properties of manufactured superconducting MgB2 joints of different geometry and architecture will be subjected to mechanical and thermal treatments, which would reach the joint current around 50% of critical current measured for the reference MgB2 wire at external field 5 T.

Scholarships for excellent researchers threatened by the war conflict in Ukraine

Štipendiá pre excelentných výskumníkov ohrozených vojnovým konfliktom na Ukrajine

Duration: 1. 4. 2022 - 31. 3. 2025
Evidence number:09I03-03-V01-00006
Program: Iné projekty
Project leader: RNDr. Kalmykova Tetiana PhD.

Study of magnetic vortex dynamics for device applications

Štúdium dynamiky magnetického víru pre využitie v súčiastkach

Duration: 1. 1. 2022 - 31. 12. 2024
Evidence number:2/0168/22
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Ing. Šoltýs Ján PhD
Annotation:In this project, we will focus on the theoretical and experimental investigation of magnetic vortices. The idea is to use them as a candidate for an information carrier in ultrafast and energy-efficient devices. The key idea of such memory is to use the two vortex core polarities as a magnetic bit that can be easily read and written via the dynamical reversal. We will search for the optimal shape of a magnetic 3D pattern with polarity easily controlled by a small in-plane magnetic field. In the second part of the project, we will design and prepare a system of ordered magnetic nanoelements in the vortex state set by an in-plane magnetic field. Such ordered nanoelements can be considered as a single unit cell of the magnonic crystal. They can be also periodically arranged into a finite 2D array of interacting magnetic objects to observe the unidirectional spin waves. Therefore, our investigation will be an important step towards the first experimental demonstration of topological magnons.

Thermal stabilization of high-temperature superconducting tapes for fault current limiters

Tepelná stabilizácia vysokoteplotných supravodivých pások pre použitie v obmedzovačoch skratových prúdov

Duration: 1. 1. 2021 - 31. 12. 2024
Evidence number:1/0205/21
Program: VEGA
Project leader: doc. Ing. Gömöry Fedor DrSc.
Annotation:Additional thermal stabilization is necessary for commercially available high-temperature superconducting tapes, in order to use the tapes in devices for fault current limiting in high-voltage grids. The proposed project is aimed at fabrication of thermally stabilizing composite coating (epoxy resin with ceramic filler), which will act as a sink and absorber of the heat produced in a limiting event. Various materials for thermal stabilization will be tested, with regard to their thermal, physical, and mechanical properties, and their resistance against thermal shocks. Possibilities for improvement of mechanical properties will be investigated by additional reinforcement of the thermal stabilization. The effectivity of the thermal stabilization will be determined for superconducting tapes from various producers, by experimental limiting of fault current. Experiments will be complemented with numerical modelling.

Topologically nontrivial magnetic and superconducting nanostructures

Topologicky netriviálne magnetické a supravodivé nanoštruktúry

Duration: 1. 7. 2021 - 31. 12. 2024
Evidence number:20-0425
Program: APVV
Project leader: Ing. Šoltýs Ján PhD

Transit2D - Transistors based on 2D Metal Chalcogenides Grown via Thermally Assisted Conversion

Tranzistory na báze 2D kovových chalkogenidov pripravených teplom podporovanou konverziou

Duration: 1. 7. 2022 - 30. 6. 2026
Evidence number:APVV-21-0231
Program: APVV
Project leader: Ing. Ťapajna Milan PhD.
Annotation:2D materials can form one-atom-thick sheets with extraordinary properties. One of the most promising classes of 2D materials is the transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs). The transition from an indirect to a direct bandgap, when the bulk materials is thinned down to a monolayer, results in unique electrical and optical properties of 2D TMDs. Post-transition metal chalcogenides (PTMCs) represents another interesting group of 2D materials. These materials have wide band gap and, depending on the structure of the material, show anisotropic electrical and optical properties. The aim of this project is the fabrication of field-effect transistors with metal-oxide-semiconductor gate (MOSFETs) based on selected TMDs and PTMCs compounds and detail analysis of their transport properties. We will focus on large-area few-layer PtSe2 and GaS/GaSe films grown by thermal assisted conversion, i.e. sulfurization and selenization. Based on the existing experiences, structural, chemical and electrical properties of horizontally-aligned PtSe2 films prepared by selenization will be optimized, targeting mobilities similar to those prepared by mechanical exfoliation. Then, MOSFET technology using both, top-gate as well as bottom-gate approach will be developed and optimized. Atomic layer deposition and metal-oxide chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) will be employed for gate oxide growth. GaS/GaSe few-layer films will be prepared by chalcogenization

Ultra-thin conformal surface coatings of complex-morphology structures for improving battery performance using atomic layer deposition

Ultratenké homogénne povrchové vrstvy na štruktúrach komplexnej morfológie pre vylepšenie výkonu batérii využitím depozície po atómových vrstvách

Duration: 1. 1. 2022 - 31. 12. 2025
Evidence number:2/0162/22
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Ing. Hudec Boris PhD.
Annotation:Project is focused on the development and optimization of method of 3D deposition of conformal ultra-thin coatings using ALD (atomic layer deposition) on structures of complex morphology, such as micro-porous layers and powders. The method will subsequently be applied in preparation of new generation Li-based batteries, by passivation and modification of micro-porous surfaces of cathode layers. Effect of ultra-thin ALD coatings conformality at the nano-scale will be systematically evaluated by correlation of electron microscopy analyses with electrochemical measurements of prepared batteries. Next step will be the modification of surfaces of discrete metal and ceramic micro-particles and powders with the aim of their subsequent application in fabrication of novel ceramic and metal materials and also new materials for experimental battery electrodes.

Contact engineering for advanced materials and devices

Výskum a vývoj kontaktov pre nové materiály a súčiastky

Duration: 1. 1. 2021 - 31. 12. 2024
Evidence number:2/0068/21
Program: VEGA
Project leader: RNDr. Gregušová Dagmar DrSc.
Annotation:Intensive research has so far been done into metallic contacts to semiconductors. However, new types of conductivity, materials and devices, and new contact formation mechanisms require new insights into the formation of such contacts. Our aim is to determine the processes and physics behind metallization schemes for normally-off InAlN-based heterostructure high electron mobility transistors with hole conductivity. InAlN with a high molar fraction of InN will be doped with Mg, and the ohmic and Schottky metallic stacks will be optimized. New transition metal dichalkogenide materials (TMDCs) are very promising for new device applications. However, metallization schemes for TMDCs are very challenging. TMDCs exhibit varying band gap widths in dependence of their thickness. Our aim is to study metallization schemes for TMDCs, their topology, and explain differences between ex-foliated and grown samples, and differences between back-gated and top-gated devices in correlation with basic TMDCs properties.

SAV-AV ČR - Research and development of advanced for defiction of gases and biomolecules

Výskum a vývoj pokročilého QCM-FET duálneho senzora reaktivovaného na báze diamantových vrstiev pre detekciu plynov a biomolekúl

Duration: 1. 1. 2023 - 31. 12. 2024
Evidence number:CAS-SAS-2022-9
Program: Iné projekty
Project leader: Ing. Izsák Tibor PhD.

Projects total: 39