Centre of social and psychological sciences SAS
Šancová 56
811 05 Bratislava
811 05 Bratislava
Slovak Republic
Phone: +421-55-625 58 56
Organizational branches
Head of organizational branch
Head of organizational branch
Head of organizational branch
The Centre of Social and Psychological Sciences SAS was established on 1st October 2015 when, following previous cooperation agreements, three institutes of the SAS merged: Institute for Forecasting (Bratislava), Institute of Experimental Psychology (Bratislava) and Institute of Social Sciences (Košice).
The subject of activities and the main mission of CSPS SAS is to carry out research, obtain, process and disseminate scientific information. CSPS SAS is focused on interdisciplinary basic and applied research in the following areas:
psychology, economics, history - slovak history of 20th century, sociology and demography, gemogeography.
The subject of activities and the main mission of CSPS SAS is to carry out research, obtain, process and disseminate scientific information. CSPS SAS is focused on interdisciplinary basic and applied research in the following areas:
psychology, economics, history - slovak history of 20th century, sociology and demography, gemogeography.