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Information Page of SAS Organisation


Institute of Parasitology

International Projects


Jednotné nové lieky proti parazitickým ochoreniam prenášaných vektormi v Európe a iných územiach

Duration: 24. 10. 2022 - 24. 10. 2026
Evidence number:COST Action CA21111
Program: COST
Project leader: RNDr. Hrčková Gabriela DrSc.

Water-borne parasitic diseases in Central Europe

Ľudské parazitózy viazané na vodné prostredie v strednej Európe

Duration: 1. 1. 2023 - 31. 12. 2024
Evidence number:CAS-SAS-2022-05
Program: Mobility
Project leader: RNDr. Oros Mikuláš DrSc.
Annotation:Water-borne zoonoses caused by parasitic worms (helminths) are diseases transmitted to humans by active penetration of infectious stages or consumption of insufficiently cooked fish. Some of these water-related parasitic diseases may represent a potential medical problem in Central Europe, including Slovakia and the Czech Republic, especially cercarial dermatitis caused by bird schistosomes, and opisthorchosis or metagonimosis caused by small intestinal and liver flukes. The proposed project aims to screen the current occurrence of causative agents of these zoonoses and to assess their potential risk to public health. The originality and innovativeness of the project lies in its integrative research strategy based on a combination of traditional invasive parasitological methods and modern non-invasive eDNA metabarcoding as a powerful tool for large-scale screening of human parasites. This project represents a continuation of the previous fruitful cooperation between both teams, but at a higher qualitative level and with a shift from veterinary to medical parasitology (biomedicine).

NeCeBiVet - National Centre for Biotechnology in Veterinary Medicine

Národné Centrum Biotechnológií vo Veterinárnej Medicíne

Duration: 1. 1. 2023 - 31. 12. 2028
Evidence number:TN02000017
Program: Iné
Project leader: prof. MVDr. Várady Marián DrSc.
Annotation:The aim of the project is to build a long-term base of applied research, through the concentration of research capacities of 7 research organizations in the field of biotechnology in veterinary medicine, animal production and related fields. The impact of the project is to ensure the sustainable production of quality and safe food of animal origin in terms of implementing policies to reduce antibiotic consumption, improve the welfare of farmed animals, maintain biodiversity in the landscape and the principles of circular economy. The results generated in the project in the form of new or innovative products or services should increase the competitiveness of the participating companies. During 6 years of the project min. 30 sub-projects is planned with expected min. 35 innovative outputs.

ONEHEALTH - One Health concept & water-borne parasitic diseases in Central Europe: next-generation monitoring

One Health koncept a ľudské parazitózy viazané na vodné prostredie v strednej Európe: monitorovanie pomocou sekvenovania novej generácie

Duration: 1. 7. 2022 - 30. 6. 2025
Evidence number:SK-CZ-RD-21-0078
Program: Bilaterálne - iné
Project leader: RNDr. Oros Mikuláš DrSc.
Annotation:The proposed project in the framework of the development of international science and innovation between the two Central European countries focuses on cooperation in the application of the One Health concept, i.e. focusing on the triad of humans, animals and the environment. The main objective is to address the neglected problem of the current occurrence of water-borne zoonoses and their potential risk to human health. The bird schistosomes causing cercarial dermatitis (swimmer’s itch), fish-borne trematodes responsible for metagonimosis and opisthorchosis, and the broad fish tapeworm causing diphyllobothriosis were selected for their importance and confirmed occurrence in Central Europe. The originality and innovativeness of the proposed project lies in its integrative research strategy based on a combination of traditional invasive parasitological methods and modern non-invasive eDNA metabarcoding as a powerful tool for large-scale screening of human parasites. The proposed project represents a continuation of the previous fruitful collaboration between both teams, but at a qualitatively higher level and with a shift from veterinary to medical parasitology.

Parallel aspects between the Nurse cell formation of Trichinella spiralis and skeletal muscle regeneration.

Paralelné aspekty medzi tvorbou živných buniek Trichinella spiralis a regeneráciou kostrového svalstva.

Duration: 1. 1. 2023 - 31. 12. 2024
Evidence number:BAS-SAS-2022-04
Program: Mobility
Project leader: doc. MVDr. Hurníková Zuzana PhD.

National Projects

Biogeography and migratory routes of zoonotic tapeworms Dibothriocephalus latus and D. dendriticus (Cestoda: Diphyllobothriidea)

Biogeografia a migračné trasy zoonóznych pásomníc Dibothriocephalus latus a D. dendriticus (Cestoda: Diphyllobothriidea)

Duration: 1. 1. 2021 - 31. 12. 2024
Evidence number:VEGA 2/0027/21
Program: VEGA
Project leader: RNDr. Hromadová Ivica DrSc.
Annotation:Tapeworms of the order Diphyllobothriidea are causative agents of parasitic zoonosis, diphyllobothriosis. Out of 50 species of the order, six were confirmed as true parasites of humans. Human can acquire infection by consumption of fish infected with larval stages called plerocercoids. The only autochthonous diphyllobothriid species in Europe parasitizing human are Dibothriocephalus latus and Dibothriocephalus dendriticus. They were selected as model parasites of the project due to their medical importance, zoonotic potential and broad geographic distribution. The aim of the project is to provide the latest data on distribution of both tapeworms in Europe using molecular markers and genotyping. Genetic interrelationships and migratory routes of world-wide populations of D. latus and D. dendriticus will be determined by mitochondrial haplotypes and polymorphic microsatellite loci. The project will reveal if diphyllobothriosis is native in Europe or is a result of trans-continental introduction.

EpiRodent - Small mammals as reservoir for zoonotic pathogens in an urbanizing world – epidemiology and genetic diversity.

Drobné cicavce ako rezervoár zoonóznych patogénov v urbanizujúcom sa svete - epidemiológia a genetická diverzita

Duration: 1. 7. 2022 - 30. 6. 2026
Evidence number:APVV-21-0166
Program: APVV
Project leader: MVDr. Miterpáková Martina DrSc.
Annotation:The research project is focused on the transmission of zoonotic pathogens of parasitic Capillaria hepatica, Trichinella spp., Toxocara spp., Echinococcus multilocularis, Hymenolepis spp., Toxoplasma gondii) and bacterial (Bartonella spp., Rickettsia spp., Borrelia spp., etc.) origin through their reservoir hosts – rodents and insectivores. The topic is very closely related to the current intensive urbanization, which is significantly connected with natural habitats modification and changes in the wildlife species distribution. In addition, the common environment shared by urbanized animal species with humans and the zoonotic nature of many pathogens pose a serious risk to public health risks. The presented project aims to conduct complex zoological and epidemiological research providing antecedent information on species spectrum of the reservoir hosts and the pathogens transmitted by them in various habitats of the urban and suburban environment; the phylogenetic analyzes of the obtained isolates will be performed, and the degree of potential infection risk from the veterinary and public health point of view will be determined. The added value of the project consists in the high probability of acquiring rare and precious biological material which can be used also for other biological and medical researches.

Epidemiology, genetic variability and health risk of zoonotic parasites Toxoplasma gondii and Toxocara spp. in urban and rural ecosystems of Slovakia

Epidemiológia, genetická variabilita a zdravotné riziká zoonóznych parazitov Toxoplasma gondii a Toxocara spp. v urbánnych a rurálnych ekosystémoch Slovenska

Duration: 1. 1. 2024 - 31. 12. 2027
Evidence number:VEGA 2/0024/24
Program: VEGA
Project leader: MVDr. Antolová Daniela DrSc.
Annotation:Toxoplasmosis and toxocariasis are parasitic zoonoses occurring also in climatic and geographic conditions of Slovakia and important in both, human and veterinary medicine. Toxoplasmosis in particular can cause serious or even fatal health problems in immunocompromised persons and pregnant women. Project will bring priority results about the occurrence of Toxoplasma gondii and Toxocara spp. in patients with immunosuppression, persons in different risk of infection and in children from different socioeconomic conditions. The occurrence of toxoplasmosis and toxocariasis in domestic and wild animals used for food production and in sentinel species will be monitored aiming to identify human infection risk. Valuable information about the role of different animal species in the spread of pathogens in urban and rural habitats will be obtained and the level of infection risk from the point of view of public health and veterinary medicine will be determined. Phylogenetic analyses of isolates will be also performed.


Faktory ovplyvňujúce obmenu sietí parazit-hostiteľ - od lokálnych ku kontinentálnym metaspoločenstvám

Duration: 1. 7. 2023 - 30. 6. 2027
Evidence number:APVV-22-0440
Program: APVV
Project leader: RNDr. Hromadová Ivica DrSc.

Ivermectin - antiparasitic therapy in small ruminants, resistance and residues in food

Ivermektín - antiparazitárna terapia u malých prežúvavcov, rezistencia a reziduá v potravinách.

Duration: 1. 1. 2022 - 31. 12. 2025
Evidence number:VEGA 2/0090/22
Program: VEGA
Project leader: prof. MVDr. Várady Marián DrSc.

Modulation of imunity by albendazole and the role of selected miRNAs in experimental alveolar echinococcosis.

Modulácia imunity albendazolom a úloha vybraných miRNAs pri experimentálnej alveolárnej echinokokóze

Duration: 1. 1. 2021 - 31. 12. 2024
Evidence number:VEGA 2/0033/21
Program: VEGA
Project leader: RNDr. Hrčková Gabriela DrSc.

Molecular and phylogeographical studies of causative agents of emerging zoonoses - alveolar and cystic echinococcosis.

Molekulárne a fylogeografické štúdie pôvodcov vynárajúcich sa zoonóz - alveolárnej a cystickej echinokokózy

Duration: 1. 1. 2022 - 31. 12. 2025
Evidence number:VEGA 2/0157/22
Program: VEGA
Project leader: RNDr. Šnábel Viliam CSc.
Annotation:Alveolar and cystic echinococcoses, caused by Echinococcus multilocularis and Echinococcus granulosus sensu lato cestodes, are of increasing public health concern in Europe. The project is designed to better recognize patterns of dissemination of E. multilocularis in the Eurasian continent, and the current distribution of species lines, which often differ in infectivity. In E. granulosus s.l., attention will be paid to track the occurrence of the virulent E. granulosus sensu stricto in central-eastern Europe that has recently spread northward from the endemic Mediterranean region. Phylogeographical relationship in Echinococcus canadensis and E. granulosus s.s. will be evaluated to indicate historical movements and the current dispersion of their variants in the eastern Europe and Russia. In G1 and G3 genotypes of E. granulosus s.s., biological characteristics will be evaluated to delineate until which extent they correlate with genetic differences and whether they pose a comparable threat to human infection.

Pet animals as effective sentinels of pathogens´ circulation with specific emphasis on vector-borne and zoonotic species

Spoločenské zvieratá ako účinný indikátor cirkulácie patogénov so špecifickým dôrazom na vektormi prenášané a zoonózne druhy

Duration: 1. 1. 2021 - 31. 12. 2024
Evidence number:VEGA 2/0014/2021
Program: VEGA
Project leader: MVDr. Miterpáková Martina DrSc.
Annotation:Epidemiology of infectious diseases of dogs and cats is currently undergoing a phase of rapid changes. The increase in pet travel and trade, urbanisation, plus changes in climate and natural environment can alter the range and abundance of vectors and reservoirs of several serious pathogens and will probably influence the present epidemiological situation. Given that 60-80% of infections are zoonotic in nature, dogs and cats may be effective sentinel animals when assessing the infection exposure for the human population. The project primarily focuses on arthropod-borne pathogens (Anaplasma, Borrelia, Babesia,, Hepatozoon, Dirofilaria, Thelazia a.o.) circulating in different types of urban/suburban environments differing in climate, landscape and biodiversity. The outcome of the project will be a comprehensive knowledge of species composition and abundance of ticks, and epidemiologically important arthropod-borne pathogens threatening both pets and human health in highly populated urban environments.

Microbial and parasitic organisms spread under the influence of global climate, environmental and social changes

Šírenie mikrobiálnych a parazitických organizmov pod vplyvom globálnych klimatických, environmentálnych a spoločenských zmien

Duration: 1. 1. 2021 - 31. 12. 2024
Evidence number:VEGA 2/0138/21
Program: VEGA
Project leader: doc. RNDr. Papajová Ingrid PhD.

Scholarships for excellent researchers threatened by the war conflict in Ukraine

Štipendiá pre excelentných výskumníkov ohrozených vojnovým konfliktom na Ukrajine

Duration: 1. 10. 2022 - 30. 9. 2025
Evidence number:09I03-03-V01-00015
Program: Iné projekty
Project leader: MSc. Kuzmina Tetiana PhD.

Scholarships for excellent researchers threatened by the war conflict in Ukraine

Štipendiá pre excelentných výskumníkov ohrozených vojnovým konfliktom na Ukrajine

Duration: 1. 10. 2022 - 30. 9. 2024
Evidence number:09I03-03-V01-00016
Program: Iné projekty
Project leader: MSc. Lisitsyna Olga PhD.

Scholarships for excellent researchers threatened by the war conflict in Ukraine

Štipendiá pre excelentných výskumníkov ohrozených vojnovým konfliktom na Ukrajine

Duration: 1. 10. 2022 - 30. 9. 2025
Evidence number:09I03-03-V01-00017
Program: Iné projekty
Project leader: prof. HDR. MSc. Sarabeev Volodimir PhD.

Scholarships for excellent researchers threatened by the war conflict in Ukraine

Štipendiá pre excelentných výskumníkov ohrozených vojnovým konfliktom na Ukrajine

Duration: 1. 1. 2023 - 31. 12. 2025
Evidence number:09I03-03-V01-00046
Program: Iné projekty
Project leader: MSc. Syrota Yaroslav PhD.

Therapeutic potential of bacteriocins in intestinal and extraintestinal parasitozoonoses and mechanisms of their beneficial effects

Terapeutický potenciál bakteriocínov pri črevných a mimočrevných parazitozoonózach a mechanizmy ich prospešných účinkov.

Duration: 1. 1. 2023 - 31. 12. 2026
Evidence number:VEGA 2/0077/23
Program: VEGA
Project leader: MVDr. Dvorožňáková Emília PhD.
Annotation:As an alternative biological therapy for severe parasitic zoonoses (alveolar echinococcosis, trichinellosis), the protective effect of bacteriocins (Enterocin M, Durancin-like, Enterocin EMML2 /2, Enterocin 412) produced by Enterococcus strains will be examined. Bacteriocinogenic activity will be evaluated in the interactions between bacteriocin application, induction of immune effectors and elimination of the parasite. The immunomodulatory (activation, regulation/suppression) effects of bacteriocins will be monitored on critical immune cells (macrophages, lymphocytes). Detection of host immune responses (locally and overall) to a specific bacteriocin can identify relevant effector molecules in cellular signaling pathways useful in antiparasitic defense. The obtained results reveal bacteriocin-specific mechanisms of immunological control of parasites (Trichinella spiralis and Echinococcus multilocularis) and help select suitable candidates for prophylaxy or therapy of parasitic infections.

Effect of environmental pollution on the functional morphology and chromosome of fish parasites

Vplyv environmentálnej záťaže na funkčnú morfológiu a chromozómy rybích parazitov

Duration: 1. 1. 2023 - 31. 12. 2026
Evidence number:VEGA 2/0093/23
Program: VEGA
Project leader: RNDr. Orosová Martina PhD.
Annotation:The rapid development of chemical technologies is accompanied by the release of large amounts of chemicals into all parts of the environment, where they threaten health of organisms on Earth. Zemplínska Šírava reservoir is an ecologically disturbed ecosystem, heavily contaminated with PCB compounds. The aim of the project is to study the impact of the polluted environment on the development of morphological anomalies and on the structure of chromosomes of intestinal parasites of fish. For the first time, in addition to classical and molecular karyological techniques, a new approach to identify DNA repeats in the genome of parasites (RepeatExplorer) will be used to obtain suitable chromosomal markers. We expect that the FISH mapping of these markers in ecologically diverse populations will provide original information that can answer questions about the likely impact of high anthropogenic pollution on the chromosomes of the parasitic organisms studied, with potential use as sensitive bioindicators.

Projects total: 20