Institute of Slovak Literature
National Projects
DISPRO - Digital Collection of Slovak Prose
Digitálna zbierka slovenskej prózy
Duration: | 1. 7. 2021 - 30. 6. 2025 |
Evidence number: | APVV-20-0414 |
Program: | APVV |
Project leader: | Mgr. Navrátil Martin PhD. |
Annotation: | The project is focused on applied interdisciplinary research in digital humanities. The aim of the project is to create an online accessible and comprehensively annotated full-text digital collection of Slovak prose until 1951 (with regard to copyright and GDPR). The digital collection of literary texts of this scope and characteristics is still absent in Slovakia, which is especially felt by literary scholars and the wider professional public. The collection will be processed and annotated according to European standards (ELTeC) so that it can be applied to advanced methods of computer processing of literary texts, generally referred to as "distant reading". The project also includes the education of scholars and the general public in the use of the digital collection of Slovak prose, and dissemination of scientific methods based on distant reading to the wider range of humanities. The main applied outputs of the project are following: an online digital collection of Slovak prose until 1951, an interactive web portal, user guides, and a series of educational workshops |
Hyperlexikón - Interactive hypertext lexicon of literary studies with a corpus of key literary studies texts
Interaktívny hypertextový lexikón literárnej vedy s korpusom kľúčových literárnovedných textov
Duration: | 1. 7. 2021 - 30. 6. 2025 |
Evidence number: | APVV-20-0179 |
Program: | APVV |
Project leader: | PhDr. Kuzmíková Jana CSc. |
Annotation: | The main aim of the project is the creation of an interactive lexicon of literary studies terms in hypertext format together with a corpus of texts from the said field. The project follows up on the work on the electronic Hyperlexicon of Concepts and Categories in Literary Studies which was created in two VEGA research projects. The updated and expanded Hyperlexicon will adopt new content-related and functional elements. In terms of function, the work will be more interactive and open; in terms of content, the Hyperlexicon will now include important texts which in their time helped spearhead new modes of thinking or even whole new paradigms. However, the hypertextuality of the lexicon will still be retained. The experts who will author the new entries will not only summarize the current body of knowledge but also conduct their own research and other related publication activities in accordance with the aims of the project to provide even more up to date findings on the subject matter. We are convinced that such a broad and synthesizing collaborative endeavor must be rooted in basic research. As of today, Slovak literary scholars do not have access to a dictionary that would summarize the state of the art knowledge in the field in a broad manner and across individual philological specialization and would be fully available to them online |
Creative Experiments with Text from the Perspective of Critical Posthumanism: Poetic, Artistic and Translation Practice in Slovak Culture in the International Context.
Kreatívne experimenty s textom v perspektíve kritického posthumanizmu: básnická, umelecká a prekladová prax v slovenskej kultúre v medzinárodných súvislostiach.
Duration: | 1. 1. 2023 - 31. 12. 2026 |
Evidence number: | VEGA 2/0009/23 |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | Mgr. Hostová Ivana PhD. |
Annotation: | Employing a combination of methodological tools from several disciplines, the project aims at scrutinising cultural artefacts (poetry, intermedia, translation) which by their form, content, process of production and ways of dissemination critically address current planetary situation. Theoretically, the project will be grounded in critical posthumanism and posthumanist attitudes. The corpus of works we plan to study will primarily concern projects developed and/or disseminated in the past two decades in Slovakia which we will view as part of international communication space. The project will focus on the changing relationship between human and non-human actors and accentuate materiality and affect. We will be primarily interested in those products and processes of non-conventional artistic, research and translation work and creative interaction between the human and the machine in which text plays a crucial role and which can also be viewed as critiques (of the society etc.). |
Literary-historical, cultural-historical and editorial treatment of Samuel Ferjenčík's manuscript notebook
Literárnohistorické, kultúrnohistorické a edičné spracovanie rukopisnej poznámkovej knihy Samuela Ferjenčíka
Duration: | 1. 1. 2021 - 31. 12. 2024 |
Evidence number: | VEGA 2/0136/21 |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | Mgr. Braxatoris Martin PhD. |
Annotation: | The subject of the project is a comprehensive scientific treatment of the German-language manuscript of the notebook of Samuel Ferjenčík, an important, though in many ways underappreciated, the personality of Slovak and Hungarian cultural history. This relic (approx. 160 manuscript pages) has so far been the subject of many publications (Slovak, Czech, German, Hungarian, etc. This is also true of its relation to the author's printed literary production. Editorial processing of the text includes its transcription, translation, elaboration of the textual-critical apparatus and provision of its trilingual edition. The editorial treatment will be organically linked to the linguistic research of the text aimed at with regard to the issues of translation and the problems of Slovak-Hungarian linguistic relations. Literary-historical research will focus on the literary interpretation of the monument as a reflexive artistic text. Emphasis will also be placed on aspects of the text related to the context of Slovak and wider regional cultural history and the history of religious or philosophical thought. |
Medzi normou a transgresiou: „zóny kontaktu“ v slovenskej literatúre 19. storočia
Duration: | 1. 1. 2024 - 31. 12. 2027 |
Evidence number: | 2/0031/24 |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | Mgr. Taranenková Ivana PhD. |
Modernizmus a modernizmy. Variácie, tranzície, prieniky
Duration: | 1. 1. 2024 - 31. 12. 2027 |
Evidence number: | 2/0032/24 |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | Mgr. Habaj Michal PhD. |
Normalization in Slovak Literature: Mechanisms, Actors, Production.
Normalizácia v slovenskej literatúre: mechanizmy, aktéri, tvorba.
Duration: | 1. 1. 2023 - 31. 12. 2026 |
Evidence number: | 2/0021/23 |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | doc. Mgr. Barborík Vladimír CSc. |
Annotation: | The aim of the project is to identify and research processes that determined literary culture and shaped Slovak literature from the late 1960s to the late 1980s—a historical period generally referred to as Normalization—as well as to analyse and evaluate literary production of the time. Today, this stage of literary development is seen as an integral part of four decades of totalitarian regime with all its structural characteristics. The project aspires to reconstruct literary field with emphasis on the way it was determined by socio-political situation of the Normalization period. The research will focus on three thematically and methodologically differing, but mutually related and reciprocal topics: (1.) intersection of literary culture and political spheres of power, (2.) positions of selected representative actors involved in contemporary literary culture, (3.) analysis of symptomatic aspects of contemporary literary production in their ideologically and aesthetically ambivalent forms. |
New questions about naturism.
Nové otázky k naturizmu.
Duration: | 1. 1. 2023 - 31. 12. 2026 |
Evidence number: | 2/0038/23 |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | PhDr. Kuzmíková Jana CSc. |
Annotation: | The project raises new questions about the controversial and unknown aspects of Slovak literary naturism in the interwar and postwar period. The aim is to open the interwar model of naturism. In particular, we will analyze the post-war work of naturists and also dissenting views on naturism in connection with the methodological orientation of critics of naturism. Another intention is to document books in libraries of naturists and to point out the contexts between the literary interests of the authors and their work. The related goal is the analysis and interpretation of cognitive parameters of naturism, its rational, irrational and emotional components from the point of view of the philosophy of that time and contemporary cognitive literary science. The project is methodologically framed by non-radical constructivism, applied in cognitive literary science, in addition to the methods of new historicism and comparative studies. The main result will be a book on problematic and unknown aspects of naturism. |
Duration: | 1. 7. 2022 - 30. 6. 2026 |
Evidence number: | APVV-21-0198 |
Program: | APVV |
Project leader: | doc. PhDr. Brtáňová Erika CSc. |
Subject - Intention - Text (Subjects of Poetics of Older Slovak Literature)
Subjekt – intencia – text (Podoby poetiky staršej slovenskej literatúry)
Duration: | 1. 1. 2021 - 31. 12. 2024 |
Evidence number: | VEGA 2/0045/21 |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | Mgr. Rišková Lenka PhD. |
Annotation: | The project has the ambition to move the research on the forms of the subject in Slovak literature to its earlier periods (from Great Moravian period. to the beginning of the 19th century). In an attempt to diversify the approach, the research team is designed so that the research is adequately covered by specialists in the individual periods of older Slovak literature. In addition to the temporal extension of the research, it also aims to broaden the key concept of the subject to include other possibilities of its role in literary expression as a creative act. In this respect, the project builds on the theories of domestic and foreign provenance (the communication model of the Nitrian school, the theory of speech acts, the Cambridge school Contextual Hermeneutics). It will focus on the category of the authorial subject and the possibilities of its realization in the different functions of lit. of speech, the problem of reader's reception and the category of intentionality, i.e. author's intentionality, strategy or function of a literary work. The results have a relevant value in the interpretation of lit. texts and in defining their social function. |
Projects total: 10