Institute of Measurement Science
Dúbravská cesta 9
841 04 Bratislava
841 04 Bratislava
Slovak Republic
Phone: +421-2-591045 30
Fax: +421-2-591045 94
Phone: 02/ 591045 ext. 11, 91
Fax: +421-2-591045 94
Basic information about institute:
At present the IMS is a scientific institution whose activities encompass the following basic domains of fundamental and applied research:
Institute offers consultations and other expert services that are connected to its main activities.
The Institute carries out scientific education in both full-time and part-time form. The Institute is an external educational institution of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science of the Slovak Technical University in Bratislava for the study program Measurement Technology (within the study field of Electrical Engineering), and for the Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Informatics of the Comenius University in Bratislava for the study program Applied Mathematics (within the study field Mathematics). Doctoral studies are provided in accordance with the study regulations of the mentioned universities and are governed by the Internal Quality Assurance System for Doctoral Studies.
Structure of the Institute:
The Institute consists of 5 scientific departments (Departments of optoelectronic measuring methods, magnetometry, theoretical methods, imaging methods, bio measurements) and the department of instrument technology development and innovation
Present research program and fields of its possible application:
Besides the basic research in the area of the selected measuring methods, the IMS is oriented to the following tasks with an impact on the industrial domain:
Instrumentation for electric and biomagnetic fields measurement, hydro leveling and pentameric measuring systems, instrumentation for magnetic resonance imaging, infra-red thermometry, preparation and testing of new high-temperature superconducting materials, computational technology.