Institute of Ethnology and Social Anthropology SAS
International Projects
COST Action CA20105 - Slow Memory: Transformative Practices for Times of Uneven and Accelerating Change
COST Action CA20105 - Pomalá pamäť: Transformačné praktiky v časoch nerovnomerných a zrýchľujúcich sa zmien
Duration: | 14. 10. 2021 - 13. 10. 2025 |
Evidence number: | CA20105 |
Program: | COST |
Project leader: | PhDr. Vrzgulová Monika CSc. |
Annotation: | We are living in times of deep contradictions. While our world accelerates and grows smaller through superfast digital networks, it is also marked by widening socio-economic disparities. We face viral pandemics, rapid species extinction, increased automation of work, quick fixes for mental health, political upheavals and displacements of old certainties. Adaptation and resilience to these challenges must draw on past experiences and cultural resources – this can only happen if we slow down and take time to remember well. This Action addresses the need for increased interdisciplinarity in our understanding of how societies confront their past to contend with environmental, economic and social changes brought on by sudden events and by slow and creeping transformations. The future of peace, prosperity, politics, work and climate will depend upon how we remember socio-cultural and political changes. Transformative practices of remembrance – as objects of study and as critical interventions – will be shared collaboratively across Arts and Sciences in order to reveal the ways in which humans confront large-scale processes of change. This Action will uniquely focus the attention of scholars, policymakers and cultural professionals on alternative paths to build resilience in the face of contemporary rapid-response culture. Through transnational and interdisciplinary discussions, we will address urgency, emergency, crisis and acceleration by drawing together the ‘multi-sited’, ‘eventless’ and slow-moving phenomena that can best be studied by ‘slowing down’ our research methods, to afford capacity building, knowledge generation and impact activities. Inspired by ‘slow science’ (Stengers 2018), we seek an alternative kind of social remembering. |
Project web page: | |
COST Action CA20107 - Connecting Theory and Practical Issues of Migration and Religious Diversity
COST Action CA20107 - Teória prepojenia a praktické otázky migrácie a náboženskej diverzity
Duration: | 21. 10. 2021 - 20. 10. 2025 |
Evidence number: | CA20107 |
Program: | COST |
Project leader: | Mgr. Zachar Podolinská Tatiana PhD. |
Annotation: | “Connecting Theory and Practical Issues of Migration and Religious Diversity” (COREnet) is an interdisciplinary network that aims at knowledge production, knowledge exchange and capacity building across Europe in the intersection of migration and religious diversity with a particular emphasis on bottom-up research. The background of the network is the pressing social situation that is characterised by the fact that migrants and Syrian war refugees coming to Europe, have become one of the major political issues and social challenges during the past years. Research, capacity building and exchange are important tools to analyse what lies behind these challenges and possible solutions. The network aims thus to contribute to overcoming divisions within and across European countries with the help of innovative approach that would add to existing social scientific knowledge on migration and religious diversity the study of religions and theological insights explaining the narratives of migrants and refugees. Drawing in researchers from all stages of their careers, and across different European countries, training a new generation of interdisciplinary action researchers capable of connecting study of religions and theology and the social sciences, and working that into action through processes of co-production. This network brings the bridging of knowledge with stakeholders – governmental, non-governmental and media organizations working in the field of diversity management on the local and national levels. |
Project web page: | |
EWSI - European Website on Integration
Európska webová stránka o integrácii
Duration: | 1. 1. 2023 - 13. 5. 2025 |
Evidence number: | HOME/2021/AMIF/TF1/PR/EWSI/0001 |
Program: | Iné |
Project leader: | Mgr. Wilsch Martina PhD. |
RomChords - Romani Chords: Uncovering Romani Practice for Harmonic Accompaniment with Sonic, Visual and Ethnographic Analysis
Rómske akordy: odhaľovanie rómskej praxe pre harmonický sprievod so zvukovou, vizuálnou a etnografickou analýzou
Duration: | 2. 10. 2023 - 1. 4. 2026 |
Evidence number: | 101105060 |
Program: | Horizont Európa |
Project leader: | Mgr. Bahna Vladimír PhD. |
Annotation: | The phrase “Romani chords” (RC) encapsulates the distinctively lush harmonic language of Romani musicians in Slovakia. This musical feature is key to impressing non-Roma audiences and something Roma consider a root of their entire musical culture. RC are not merely a sonic phenomenon, though. They reflect long-established economic practices in Romani professional music-making, skills in creatively re-interpreting music of the surrounding non-Romani majorities, and a particular form of musical learning whereby folk knowledge passes from generation to generation. RomChords is the first project that tackles this phenomenon in its anthropological and ethnomusicological complexity. The project is an interdisciplinary investigation approaching RC as three types of data: a) sonic, b) visual, and c) ethnographic. The main ambition is to challenge the primacy of Western theories of harmony and to reconsider RC from the Romani perspective, unearthing how Roma themselves perceive, conceptualise and theorise their chords. The project aims to answer the following key questions: What role do RC play in the performance of Romani ethnicity? What is the significance of RC for Romani professional musicianship? How do Roma learn RC, and how do they innovate them? And what is the role of vision in learning and teaching RC? Action to address these questions is shaped by three specific objectives, which will be pursued through international and intersectoral cooperation between three participating institutions: I) Data collection concerning RC among Romani musicians in Slovakia (Institute of Ethnology and Social Anthropology, Slovak Academy of Sciences); II) Trans-disciplinary analysis of the data, employing methods of qualitative social sciences and computational (ethno-)musicology (Institute of Ethnomusicology – Center for Studies in Music and Dance, Portugal); III) Integration of knowledge about RC into a museum exhibition (The Museum of Romani Culture, Czech Republic). |
UKR - Social survey of Ukrainian migrants in Slovakia
Spoločenská sonda ukrajinských migrantov a migrantiek na Slovensku
Duration: | 1. 9. 2023 - 31. 12. 2024 |
Evidence number: | AV ČR - SAV/2023/728.C/UKR |
Program: | JRP |
Project leader: | Mgr. Zachar Podolinská Tatiana PhD. |
To get together – Enhancement of the capacities of displaced communities from Ukraine living in Slovakia through living heritage
To get together – Zvyšovanie kapacít komunít vysídlených z Ukrajiny žijúcich na Slovensku prostredníctvom živého dedičstva
Duration: | 1. 6. 2023 - 30. 5. 2025 |
Evidence number: | 4500487462 |
Program: | UNESCO |
Project leader: | Mgr. Wilsch Martina PhD. |
Annotation: | Project To get together – Enhancement of the capacities of displaced communities from Ukraine living in Slovakia through living heritage focuses on the role of living heritage for communities displaced from Ukraine due to the war and its protection. The project is based on the outcomes of the UNESCO project “Assessing the needs of living heritage safeguarding among displaced communities from Ukraine in five countries: Hungary, Moldova, Poland, Romania, and Slovakia,” which was carried out in the period from April 2022 to December 2023 also in Slovakia. |
Project web page: | |
TraFaDy - Transnational Family Dynamics in Europe
Transnacionálna dynamika rodiny v Európe
Duration: | 3. 10. 2022 - 2. 10. 2026 |
Evidence number: | CA21143 |
Program: | COST |
Project leader: | Mgr. Wilsch Martina PhD. |
Annotation: | This Action aims to deepen the knowledge of the growing, rapidly changing phenomenon and dynamics of transnational families by bringing together researchers and stakeholders from different disciplines and countries to address the need for transnational insights and to formulate policy and practice-oriented recommendations with an impact on international, national, sub-local and local practices. This Action will closely monitor current trends in migration, technology and politics, and engage in an intensive dialogue with policy and practitioners, and, thus, address the need to deepen and broaden scientific and policy understanding of transnational family. |
Project web page: | |
National Projects
KONHOSLOV - „This is not true, but it could be“: Conspiracy theories and hoaxes the modern development of Slovakia in the European context
„Nie je to pravda, ale mohla by byť“: Konšpiračné teórie a hoaxy v modernom vývoji Slovenska v európskom kontexte
Duration: | 1. 7. 2021 - 30. 6. 2025 |
Evidence number: | APVV-20-0334 |
Program: | APVV |
Project leader: | Mgr. Panczová Zuzana PhD. |
Project web page: | |
People in Non-Democratic Regimes. 1938-1989 in the memory of the Slovak majority and the Jewish community. An ethnological perspective
Človek v nedemokratických režimoch. Roky 1938-1989 v pamäti slovenskej majority a židovskej komunity. Etnologický pohľad
Duration: | 1. 1. 2021 - 31. 12. 2024 |
Evidence number: | 2/0047/21 |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | PhDr. Salner Peter DrSc. |
Annotation: | This is a primary research project and its results will summarise as well as expand (in book form) selected aspects of the issue, which proponents have studied for a long time. Building on a critical analysis of the current state of the knowledge, combined with their own recent investigations, they study the images of non-democratic regimes – the Ľudák one (1938-1945) and the Communist one (1948-1989) – which persist in the memories ofthe people who lived through them, as well as the content of what these people have passed on to the subsequent generations. The proponents plan to compare, contrast deepen the knowledge of two distinct groups of the population: the Slovak majority and the Jewish minority. Utilizing the concepts of individual, social, collective memory, as defined by A. Assmann 2016, and in the intentions of the concept of divided memory (Herf 1997), data acquired by qualitative ethnological research methods will be analyzed with a focus on the chosen groups of Slovak society. |
MEADOW - Species-rich Carpathian Grasslands: Mapping, History, Drivers of Change and Conservation
Druhovo bohaté lúky a pasienky Karpát: mapovanie, história, príčiny zmien a ochrana
Duration: | 1. 7. 2022 - 30. 6. 2026 |
Evidence number: | APVV-21-0226 |
Program: | APVV |
Project leader: | Mgr. Belák Andrej PhD. |
Konspiritualita: prelínanie nadprirodzených a konšpiračných vysvetlení
Duration: | 1. 1. 2023 - 31. 12. 2026 |
Evidence number: | VEGA 1/0724/23 |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | Mgr. Bahna Vladimír PhD. |
MaRoCoHazard - Marginalized Roma concentrations in the context of natural hazards and social inequality
Marginalizované rómske koncentrácie v kontexte prírodných hrozieb a sociálnej nerovnosti
Duration: | 1. 7. 2023 - 30. 6. 2027 |
Evidence number: | APVV-22-0428 |
Program: | APVV |
Project leader: | Mgr. Škobla Daniel PhD. |
Mariánska úcta na Slovensku v 21. storočí v kontexte "okúzlenia" postmoderných spoločností v postkomunistickej Európe (etnografická perspektíva)
Duration: | 1. 1. 2023 - 31. 12. 2026 |
Evidence number: | VEGA 2/0104/23 |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | Mgr. Zachar Podolinská Tatiana PhD. |
Intergenerational relationships in families and communities: an ethnological perspective
Medzigeneračné vzťahy v rodine a v komunite: etnologická perspektíva
Duration: | 1. 1. 2022 - 31. 12. 2025 |
Evidence number: | VEGA 2/0053/22 |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | Mgr. Gyárfáš Lutherová Soňa PhD. |
Annotation: | The project will focus on the ethnological / socio-anthropological investigation of the issue of intergenerational relations in the environment of families and wider communities. In the center of interest of the research team is the provision of education in the family or the preparation of the following generations for the future life, as well as the life situation of senior citizens in relations with younger generations. The common denominator of the research project is the functioning of care, communication and two-way assistance within the family, relatives, but also in the neighborhood or in a wider community context. The project examines intergenerational relations in various forms in the current pandemic (or post-pandemic) context, as their fragility is usually manifested in critical situations. The research team uses qualitative ethnographic research methods (participant observation, semi-structured interviews, collection of biographical narratives, etc.), which deepen the existing knowledge about the investigated issue in Slovakia. |
Podpora prípravy projektov v programe Horizont Európa - ÚESA SAV, v. v. i.
Duration: | 1. 1. 2023 - 31. 12. 2024 |
Evidence number: | 09I01-03-V02-00018 |
Program: | Plán obnovy EÚ |
Project leader: | Mgr. Zachar Podolinská Tatiana PhD. |
The Process of Eventisation in the Festive Culture of Slovakia in the 21st Century
Proces eventizácie vo sviatkovej kultúre Slovenska v 21. storočí
Duration: | 1. 1. 2021 - 31. 12. 2024 |
Evidence number: | 2/0064/21 |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | PhDr. Popelková Katarína CSc. |
Annotation: | In the late modernity period, an increasing number of areas of our social contacts are penetrated by some type ofa cultural offer of experiences. The entire festive culture is affected by the dynamic process of changes. In thisprocess, the common forms of holidays, feasts, social occasions and cultural events are enriched with newelements of entertainment and with an offer of consumption. Along with this, specific forms of gathering,occasions and new artistic formations called events) are on the rise (Gebhardt 2000:18). Events as strategicallyconceived social gatherings produced for a certain purpose and aimed at providing an unusual experience andcollective entertainment, attract big amounts of people. These changes of global nature, which can be called theprocess of ‘eventisation’ (Hitzler 2011: 19), are covered by ethnology also in the framework of the study of thecurrent forms and contents of holidays and festivities. The proposed project aims to map the expressions of theprocess of eventisation. |
Revitalization of cultural heritage in public space as a reflection of global influences on rural and urban communities
Revitalizácia kultúrneho dedičstva vo verejnom priestore ako reflexia globálnych vplyvov na vidiecke a mestské komunity
Duration: | 1. 1. 2022 - 31. 12. 2025 |
Evidence number: | VEGA 2/0058/22 |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | Prof. PhDr. Beňušková Zuzana CSc. |
Annotation: | The aim of the project is to clarify the mechanisms of creation and functioning of selected forms of cultural heritage. Cultural heritage, within it elements of traditional folk culture, but also historical values of the urban environment, often becomes a tool and inspiration for part of the development activities of the regions and municipalities of Slovakia. Various forms of support schemes are used, from national to global, which create specific conditions for selected elements of cultural heritage. With the use of the economic potential of cultural heritage, i.e. with the commodification of its components, threats arise that are brought about by the cultural industry and to which ethnological and anthropological researches respond. The inspiration for the direction of the research is the model of protection and research of tangible and intangible cultural heritage developed within the framework of UNESCO, which has provoked a scientific discourse, stimulating also for the investigation of other forms of protection and sustainability of elements of cultural heritage in Slovakia. |
SCDI - Slovak Centre of Digital Innovations
Slovenské centrum digitálnych inovácií
Duration: | 1. 1. 2022 - 31. 12. 2025 |
Evidence number: | 101083511 |
Program: | Plán obnovy EÚ |
Project leader: | Mgr. Zachar Podolinská Tatiana PhD. |
SUB-KIK - Suburbanization: Community, identity and everydayness
Suburbanizácia: Komunita, identita a každodennosť
Duration: | 1. 8. 2021 - 31. 7. 2025 |
Evidence number: | APVV-20-043 |
Program: | APVV |
Project leader: | Mgr. Voľanská Ľubica PhD. |
Project web page: | |
SOS_CS_ROD - Current images of socialism in the Czech Republic and Slovakia - Family memory
Súčasné obrazy socializmu v Čechách a na Slovensku - rodinná pamäť
Duration: | 1. 7. 2023 - 30. 6. 2027 |
Evidence number: | APVV-22-0083 |
Program: | APVV |
Project leader: | PhDr. Vrzgulová Monika CSc. |
Štipendiá pre excelentných PhD. študentov a študentky - Evgenii Farafonov
Duration: | 1. 9. 2023 - 30. 6. 2026 |
Evidence number: | 09I03-03-V02-00003 |
Program: | Plán obnovy EÚ |
Project leader: | Mgr. Zachar Podolinská Tatiana PhD. |
Technological and sociocultural contexts of material culture innovations: an ethnological perspective
Technologické a sociokultúrne kontexty inovácií materiálnej kultúry: etnologický pohľad
Duration: | 1. 1. 2022 - 31. 12. 2025 |
Evidence number: | VEGA 2/0051/22 |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | PhDr. Zajonc Juraj CSc. |
Annotation: | Even in the postmodern globalized society of Slovakia, innovation is one of the key factors of economic development. At the same time, individuals and groups are defined here through their own traditions. They consider their immutability important and protect some as cultural heritage (Representative List). In this context, they also perceive innovation as an undesirable process. Ethnology reflects the transformations of the material and social sphere of everyday life in their concrete manifestations and looks for possibilities of their study. The project here proposes to use the concept of innovation. He understands it as a constant process of entering and applying new things and knowledge in the material world associated with everyday life. Through this oriented research of processes in the technological and sociocultural level, we want to get closer to a more complex understanding of the dynamics of cultural phenomena and their connections with the functioning of communities in the contemporary world. The project will also serve to verify the procedures of digital processing of text documents in the Scientific Collections at the IESA SAS. |
RELIROMA - Research of religiosity, spirituality and irreligiozity among the Roma in Slovakia
Výskum religiozity, spirituality a non-religiozity medzi Rómami na Slovensku
Duration: | 1. 7. 2023 - 30. 6. 2027 |
Evidence number: | APVV-22-0389 |
Program: | APVV |
Project leader: | Mgr. Zachar Podolinská Tatiana PhD. |
Annotation: | The main goal of the project is to investigate and document manifestations of church and non-church religiosity among the Roma in Slovakia, including manifestations of modern and postmodern spirituality and hitherto unexplored phenomena of religious experimenting, de-conversion, non-religiosity and secularism. |
Project web page: | |
Projects total: 23