PhD. Topics
Institute of Ethnology and Social Anthropology SAS
- Affordability of Housing for Vulnerable People
- Assisted ageing – design for all and modern technologies as an opportunity?
- Current transformations of holidays and the process of eventisation
- Digital research collections in ethnology and anthropology
- Ethnographic Cinema in Slovakia. Archival and Documentary Research
- Family memory in 21st century
- Forms and mechanisms of social cohesion in contemporary society in social anthropological and cognitive perspectives
- Labour, labour migration and barriers to labour market access for ethnic minorities in a socio-anthropological perspective
- Living heritage and the roles of individual players in the field of its safeguarding (community of bearers, institutions at various levels - from the community to UNESCO)
- National and ethnic patterns of a current religiosity in Central-European context
- Photographs, videos and narratives in family memory
- Religion, spirituality and nonreligion in current societies: post-paradigmatic turn (approaches and labelling)
- The musical culture of the Roma in the context of their religious life
- The transnational circulation of care and protection within families in Central Europe
- Transformation of Roma identities on community and society levels
- Understanding and Sensing Human and Non-Human Interactions
- Wine festivals and celebrations