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Centre of social and psychological sciences SAS

International Projects

ENIS - ENIS - European Network on International Student Mobility: Connecting Research and Practice

ENIS - Európska sieť o medzinárodnej mobilite študentov: Prepojenie výskumu a praxe

Duration: 1. 10. 2021 - 31. 10. 2025
Evidence number:COST Action CA20115
Program: COST
Project leader: Ing. Chrančoková Martina PhD.
Annotation:Over the past decades, international student mobility (ISM) in higher education has expanded rapidly. This growth has sparked a considerable interest in ISM within different disciplines, research communities, and circles of practitioners and policy makers. However, there is surprisingly little connection and exchange among researchers across these spheres. In addition, ISM scholarship remains strongly restricted to scientific circles, despite the relevance that scientific knowledge on ISM has for policy and daily practice. This Action responds to the pressing need for systematic interdisciplinary and international exchange of knowledge on theoretical frameworks, research methodologies, findings, and best practice examples, and for translating scientific findings into recommendations for ISM practice. It is organised around five working groups, four of them addressing themes in need of scientific development, and a fifth one bringing together recommendations for practice: (1) Global ISM flows and trends at the macro-level; (2) Social inequalities in access to and during ISM; (3) The social and cultural integration of international students in their host countries; (4) The impact of ISM on graduates’ careers; (5) Connecting research and practice. The Action brings together established researchers, early-career investigators (ECIs) and PhD students from different scientific disciplines, countries, and research communities as well as stakeholders from international offices, international student and study abroad organizations, and different policy levels. The Action will offer comparative and practical insights into ISM dynamics by bringing fragmented knowledge together, with the main aim of generating new interdisciplinary and innovative empirical perspectives on the phenomenon and translating these into tangible recommendations for stakeholders. Action keywords international student mobility - study abroad - international student migration - internationalisation - exchanges.
Project web page:https://www.cost.eu/actions/CA20115/

ESS - European Social Survey

Európska sociálna sonda

Duration: 1. 1. 2004 -
Evidence number:2004SP2006KOA0309
Program: Iné
Project leader: Mgr. Fedáková Denisa PhD.
Annotation:The ESS (European Social Survey) is an international European academic project since 2001. The main aim of the project is to measure and compare selected aspects of social, political and cultural life in participating countries in biennial cycles - rounds. The possibility to analyse developmental trends in the social sphere within the ESS is based on two fundamental requirements - repeating measures and cross-cultural comparisons.
Project web page:https://www.europeansocialsurvey.org/about/country/slovakia/

Inclusive CEE - Challenges Faced by Ukrainian Refugees in Secondary Cities in the CEE region: Promoting Inclusion and Social Cohesion through Inclusive Public Spaces


Duration: 20. 1. 2024 - 30. 6. 2025
Evidence number:22330013
Program: International Visegrad Fund (IVF)
Project leader: Mgr. Papcunová Jana PhD.
Annotation:Our project addresses the challenges Ukrainian refugees encounter in secondary cities across the CEE region, emphasizing social cohesion, integration, and discrimination. Our ultimate objective is to foster inclusion, boost social cohesion, combat hate speech and discrimination, and create a more welcoming environment for Ukrainian refugees throughout Central and Eastern Europe.
Project web page:https://inclusivecee.eu/

Local History Košice 1944 - 1945

Local History Košice 1944 - 1945

Duration: 15. 1. 2023 -
Program: Iné
Project leader: Mgr. Fogelová Patrícia PhD.
Annotation:The project Local History Košice 1944 - 45 supported by the German Stiftung Erinnerung, Verantwortung und Zukunft (EVZ Foundation) aims to create a digital educational platform about Košice during World War II. The project is unique in that it links the latest research results on the Arbitration Territory (the territory annexed to Hungary in November 1938) directly to the teaching of history. The research is carried out by the researchers of the Institute of Social Sciences of the CSPV SAV, v. v. i. The didactic aspect of the project is covered by experts in didactics of history from the Centre for Support of Lifelong Learning and Project Support of the UPJŠ. Their task is to create digital learning activities, while the project uses the latest methodological approaches - specifically research-oriented teaching of history. This methodological approach is based on the example of good practice in the Czech Republic (Historylab.cz project) and it is the first project in the Slovak environment oriented in this way. In addition to a digital educational platform with specific activities for history teachers, the project also includes an exhibition commemorating the 80th anniversary of the deportation of Jews from Košice (May 2024) and a scientific monograph focusing on the period of Nazi terror in Košice between 1944 and 1945, which is planned to be published in 2024.
Project web page:www.localhistory.sk

PROFEEDBACK - Platform of policy evaluation community for improved EU policies and better acknowledgement

Platform of policy evaluation community for improved EU policies and better acknowledgement

Duration: 18. 10. 2021 - 17. 10. 2025
Evidence number:COST Action CA20112
Program: COST
Project leader: Mgr. Polačková Zuzana M.A., PhD.
Annotation:The Action PROFEEDBACK (PlatfoRm OF policy Evaluation community for improvED EU policies and Better ACKnowledgement) aims to foster the networking of the policy evaluation community at EU-level, raise awareness on the importance of evaluation policy research and improve its impact on policy-making. The Platform, following a bottom-up and open approach, will gather researchers and professionals from various scientific fields and sectors to present and evaluate theories, topics, tools and methods of policy evaluation. Results of the Europe-wide assessment of good practices will provide direct and high-quality inputs for national and EU bodies responsible for policy evaluation. Policy evaluation is a key tool in understanding, developing and modernising EU policies, thus there is growing demand for EU-wide and high quality evaluation services. The main challenge is that currently there is no bottom-up platform for European researchers and professionals working in policy evaluation. They have limited possibilities to discuss common problems, assess country specific practices and share their knowledge in a mutually beneficial and effective way. PROFEEDBACK aims to tackle this challenge with an innovative, complex, cross-sectoral and multidisciplinary approach by: analysing the theoretical and methodological questions of evaluation policy research putting special focus on Cohesion Policy, enriching scientific research of policy evaluation and addressing new challenges, harmonizing fragmented approaches to set the research agenda and to get a common understanding, contributing to the capacity building of the policy evaluation community, involving national and EU policy-makers and the civil society to contribute to evidence-based policymaking, framing a Code of Conduct for the policy evaluation community.
Project web page:https://profeedback.eu/about/

Psychological barriers of pro-environmental behavior and support for climate policies in Slovakia

Psychologické bariéry environmentálneho správania a podpora klimatických politík na Slovensku

Duration: 1. 1. 2024 - 30. 9. 2024
Program: European Climate Foundation (ECF)
Project leader: Mgr. Šrol Jakub PhD.



Duration: 22. 9. 2021 - 21. 9. 2025
Evidence number:CA20138
Program: COST
Project leader: Mgr. Filčák Richard MSc. PhD.

UKR - Social survey of Ukrainian migrants in Slovakia

Spoločenská sonda ukrajinských migrantov a migrantiek na Slovensku

Duration: 1. 9. 2023 - 31. 12. 2024
Evidence number:SAV-AV ČR/2023/692/UKR
Program: Bilaterálne - iné
Project leader: Mgr. Fedáková Denisa PhD.
Annotation:The aim of the project is, in cooperation with the Institute of Sociology of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v. in. i., through qualitative and quantitative research methods to examine the experience of Ukrainians migrants who were relocated to Slovakia in connection with the war conflict in Ukraine, with integration into Slovak society. Qualitative research probe through focus groups, it will give us a deeper insight into the experience of the migration situation of specific migrants, depending on their specific life circumstances contexts. A quantitative questionnaire survey will allow us to map patterns of these experiences on a wider sample of migrants, as well as specific variables that are the background of the given experiences The output will be a Report on the results of research in Slovakia and the Czech Republic

Current state and functioning of Slovak national education - reflection of teachers, reflection of students and reflection of parents

Súčasný stav a fungovanie slovenského národnostného školstva – reflexia pedagógov, reflexia študentov a reflexia rodičov

Duration: 1. 1. 2019 - 31. 12. 2024
Program: Medziakademická dohoda (MAD)
Project leader: Mgr. Ďurkovská Mária PhD.
Project web page:https://www.svusav.sk/project/sucasny-stav-a-fungovanie-slovenskeho-narodnostneho-skolstva-reflexia-pedagogov-reflexia-studentov-a-reflexia-rodicov/

PACES - Making migration and migration policy decisions amidst societal transformations

Tvorba migračných rozhodnutí a migračných politík v čase transformačných spoločenských zmien

Duration: 1. 3. 2023 - 30. 6. 2026
Evidence number:101094279
Program: Horizont Európa
Project leader: Mgr., MA Mýtna Kureková Lucia PhD.
Annotation:PACES offers a groundbreaking approach to studying and understanding people’s decisions to migrate and explores how this knowledge can better inform migration policies. PACES focuses on two parallel research components: the factors shaping migration decision-making and the mechanisms underpinning migration policies. Synthesizing theoretical and empirical knowledge from a broad array of academic disciplines and methodological paradigms, the project systematically investigates the interactions between migration decisions, migration policies and broader social transformation – as manifested in interconnected processes of economic, political, demographic, technological and cultural change. Based on a theoretical synthesis and qualitative and quantitative data collected in Algeria, Ethiopia, Italy, Libya, Slovakia and Spain, PACES will elaborate a heuristic model that identifies different constellations of conditions that shape decisions to stay and migrate at different stages of individual life trajectories and migrant journeys. In addition, by adopting a theories of change approach, PACES will systematically investigate, identify and track the assumptions on migration decisions used by policymakers to formulate policy designs and objectives. By exploring the evolution of EU and national labour and family migration policies, PACES reveals the extent to which current migration policies are evidence-based and areas where policies may benefit from valuable insights from migration decision-making research. By doing so, PACES seeks to challenge dominant political narratives and assumptions underlying policies and contribute to elaborating more effective models of EU migration governance that account for the uncertainties of social transformations. Supported by an interdisciplinary consortium of experienced partners, PACES engages in co-participatory research with policymakers, stakeholders, citizens and migrants to generate maximum scientific, political and social impact.
Project web page:https://www.prog.sav.sk/tvorba-migracnych-rozhodnuti-a-migracnych-politik-v-case-transformacnych-spolocenskych-zmien/

Health and Psychosocial Long-term Effects and Coping Resources in Severe or Critical COVID-19 Survivors: A Qualitative Study

Zdravotné a psychosociálne dlhodobé účinky a zvládacie zdroje u ťažkých alebo kritických prípadov ochorenia COVID-19: kvalitatívna štúdia

Duration: 1. 1. 2022 - 31. 12. 2024
Evidence number:ANSO-CR-PP-2021-10
Program: ANSO
Project leader: Prof. Mgr. Halama Peter PhD.
Annotation:Post-COVID-19 syndrome is a condition characterized by long-term symptoms and complications that continue or develop after acute COVID-19. It has been found the majority (up to 80%) of patients admitted to hospital with severe COVID-19 disease experience long-term physical and psychological symptoms. The study aims to qualitatively explore the experiences of severe or critical COVID-19 adult survivors throughout the post-acute period (within 1 year post hospital discharge) in four Eastern and Central European countries: Bulgaria, Slovakia, Croatia, and Romania. It will examine both negative (physical and mental health symptoms, cognitive symptoms, post-traumatic stress, difficulties in social functioning, diminished functional ability, etc.) and positive (post-traumatic growth) long-term post-COVID effects and will assess the role of survivors’ personal (e.g., self-efficacy, resilience, hope, optimism), social (e.g., social support) and other (e.g., financial) coping resources in the recovery period. A biopsychosocial public health perspective is adopted. Participants include 128 adult severe or critical COVID-19 survivors (32 participants per country) of all ages, with varying length of the post-acute period (up to 1 month, 1-3 months, 3-6 months, and 6+ months post discharge). The study will collect data through in-depth semi-structured interviews and analyze them through thematic analysis (Braun & Clarke, 2006). Survivors’ experiences will be studied as embedded in the local sociocultural context and the local epidemic-related situations in the participating countries. To our knowledge this will be the first study to qualitatively examine and cross-nationally compare the experiences of severe or critical COVID-19 survivors throughout the post-acute period. It will study lived experience of severe or critical COVID-19 survivors from a region of Europe that is insufficiently explored. Knowing patients’ experiences enables better understanding of their needs for support and will allow for the development of socioculturally appropriate tailored approaches to the treatment of post-COVID-19 syndrome and psychosocial support in the recovery process.

National Projects

METASK - A large-scale meta-scientific analysis of the state of Slovak studies and final theses in social sciences

Analýza stavu slovenských vedeckých výstupov a záverečných prác v spoločenských vedách

Duration: 1. 7. 2023 - 30. 6. 2026
Evidence number:APVV-22-0458
Program: APVV
Project leader: doc. Mgr. Martončik Marcel PhD.


Časové a priestorové zmeny rodinných domácností na Slovensku a ich možné faktory

Duration: 1. 1. 2023 - 31. 12. 2025
Evidence number:2/0064/23
Program: VEGA
Project leader: doc. RNDr. PhDr. Šprocha Branislav PhD.


Epidémie a protiepidemické opatrenia na území Slovenska v dlhom 19. storočí

Duration: 1. 1. 2021 - 31. 12. 2024
Evidence number:1/0397/21
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Szeghy-Gayer Veronika PhD.


Hĺbková štúdia energetickej núdze (chudoby)

Duration: 1. 5. 2022 - 30. 4. 2028
Program: Iné projekty
Project leader: RNDr. Dokupilová Dušana PhD.

Commentary on the Book of Canticles

Komentár ku Knihe Pieseň piesní

Duration: 1. 1. 2022 - 31. 12. 2025
Evidence number:2/0118/22
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Varšo Miroslav Dr. theol.


Koncepty a naratívy dôchodku: ich implikácie v rôznych fázach procesu adaptácie na dôchodok

Duration: 1. 1. 2022 - 31. 12. 2025
Evidence number:VEGA č. 2/0091/22
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Prof. Mgr. Halama Peter PhD.

MaRoCoHazard - Marginalized Roma concentrations in the context of natural threats and social inequity

Marginalizované rómske koncentrácie v kontexte prírodných hrozieb a sociálnej nerovnosti

Duration: 1. 7. 2023 - 30. 6. 2027
Evidence number:APVV-22-0428
Program: APVV
Project leader: Mgr. Polačková Zuzana M.A., PhD.
Annotation:Marginalized Roma concentrations in environmentally unstable areas (floods, landslides, contamination) together with their social status and population trend represent a very current research challenge in the context of increasing society's resilience, especially to flood risk. The present project responds to this challenge and the research focuses mainly on the analysis of: i) flood exposure of Roma settlements, whether due to the impact of morphological changes in river channels or evolution trends of segregated Roma settlements, ii) vulnerability of marginalized Roma concentrations to flood risk due to their social status, iii) public policies in terms of their effectiveness to help Roma communities in settlements to cope with the negative consequences of flood hazard, iv) the natural environment around Roma settlements in the context of its impact on flood risk compared to the rest /majority population. Research will be carried out at national, regional and local levels. Methodologically, the project is based on data obtained by multitemporal analysis of remote sensing data, morphometric analysis of georelief, data on socio-economic and spatial-functional relationships and data obtained from field research.

Distrust mindset and non-normative behaviour: From perceptions of social reality to violations of social norms

Nedôverčivá mentalita a nenormatívne správanie: Od vnímania sociálnej reality k porušovaniu sociálnych noriem

Duration: 1. 1. 2024 - 31. 12. 2027
Evidence number:VEGA 2/0030/24
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Mgr. Grežo Matúš PhD.

Causes and consequences of labour market inequalities in the context of the Corona pandemic in Slovakia

Príčiny a dôsledky nerovností na trhu práce v kontexte Corona pandémie na Slovensku

Duration: 1. 1. 2021 - 31. 12. 2024
Evidence number:VEGA 2/0079/21
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Mgr., MA Mýtna Kureková Lucia PhD.
Annotation:The aim of the project is to carry out in-depth research of phenomena related to the topic of labor market inequalities, including the context of the Corona pandemic in Slovakia. The basic premise is that the Corona crisis will have high social costs in the form of rising unemployment and poverty and a further increase in social and labor market inequalities. The project aims to identify the state and changes in labor market disparities before and after the Corona crisis, and to analyze how the reactions of actors influenced labor market developments. The project will focus on three related areas: a) typology and mapping of vulnerable groups b) analysis of coping strategies of vulnerable groups and other actors to complex changes; (c) examining policies affecting the labor market position of vulnerable groups. The contribution of the project lies in a comprehensive and interdisciplinary mapping of the consequences of a pandemic on a mosaic of inequalities in Slovakia, and in a comparison to other countries.
Project web page:https://www.prog.sav.sk/priciny-a-dosledky-nerovnosti-na-trhu-prace-v-kontexte-corona-pandemie-na-slovensku/


Priestorové diferenciácie prirodzeného pohybu obyvateľstva na Slovensku od konca 19. storočia do konca 20. rokov 20. storočia

Duration: 1. 1. 2023 - 31. 12. 2025
Evidence number:1/0231/23
Program: VEGA
Project leader: doc. RNDr. PhDr. Šprocha Branislav PhD.


Psychologické konštrukty a kontextové rámce determinujúce zámer dievčat a žien študovať odbory informačných a komunikačných technológií (IKT)

Duration: 1. 1. 2022 - 31. 12. 2025
Evidence number:2/0146/22
Program: VEGA
Project leader: PhDr. Pethö Tatiana PhD.
Annotation:Despite the same objective performance results in ICT, girls do not reach a long-term or 15% representation at university in Slovakia. Girls' decision to study ICT arises gradually and is influenced by many psychological constructs. The Expectancy- value theory (EVT) has been successfully applied in recent decades to explore the choice of a particular course of study however i) in the field of ICT, even abroad, it has been studied only in a partial way, ii) it has not been studied in Slovakia at all, iii) at the same time newer, hitherto empirically unverified approaches appear. The aim of the interdisciplinary project is to examine psychological constructs in Slovak girls and women as determinants of the intention to study ICT: i) empirically verify and compare new theoretical approaches, (ii) test the effect and relationships of previously unexplored psychological constructs. At the same time, the historical context of the study of women at secondary schools and universities in Slovakia will be analysed.

PSYCOVID - Psychological context of unfounded information and beliefs related to the COVID-19 pandemic

Psychologické súvislosti nepodložených informácií a presvedčení súvisiacich s pandémiou COVID-19.

Duration: 1. 7. 2021 - 30. 6. 2025
Evidence number:APVV-20-0387
Program: APVV
Project leader: Prof. Mgr. Halama Peter PhD.

RedDesInfo - Reducing the spread of disinformation, psuedoscience and bullshit

Redukovanie šírenia dezinformácií a nepodložených presvedčení

Duration: 1. 7. 2021 - 30. 6. 2025
Evidence number:APVV-20-0335
Program: APVV
Project leader: doc. PaedDr. Kurincová Čavojová Vladimíra PhD.
Annotation:Disinformation and epistemically suspect beliefs (ESBs) are no longer a domain of few obscure websites, but they increasingly become part of the mainstream discourse, as the number of people endorsing them is growing. To address these challenges the project will focus on the identification of cognitive, personality and social factors that underlie endorsing and spreading of disinformation and ESBs with the aim to verify several possibilities how to reduce these unfounded beliefs and disinformation stemming from them. The project will test four main intervention approaches aiming at reducing disinformation and ESBs: (1) increasing scientific thinking, (2) inoculation by counter-arguments, (3) information intervention increasing analytical thinking, and (4) manipulation of situational variables affecting the willingness to share bullshit. Ambition of the project is to expand the focus from the correlational studies to experimental verification of causal influences of the identified predictors, and from the understanding why people believe in ESBs to verification of possibilities how to reduce the spread of disinformation. Previous universal intervention efforts failed, which emphasize the importance of targeting the specific intervention depending on the characteristics of the target groups of people, therefore, one of the project's aims is to explore also the moderators of the efficacy of the tested interventions. Another related aim of the project is identification of the most vulnerable groups not only in terms of their inclination to ESBs, but also in terms of the health and economic consequences, or political radicalization. Results of the project will contribute to psychological knowledge of this rapidly growing field of study, and they will also lead to practical recommendations in the form of best-practices how to effectively reduce the spread of disinformation.

Roma in late socialism - socialism in the memory of Roma

Rómovia v neskorom socializme - socializmus v pamäti Rómov

Duration: 1. 1. 2023 - 31. 12. 2026
Evidence number:2/0117/23
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Mgr. Kohoutová Klara PhD.
Annotation:The project presents basic historical and oral-historical research focused on the everyday life of Roma between 1968–1989. The aim of the project is to fill the knowledge gap in the form of life stories and to present the defined period through the eyes of members of the Roma minority. During research on Roma history, researchers encounter a number of barriers specific to this area of research. In the past, the absence of written documents was compensated by the Roma themselves with the spoken word. Archival materials on Roma history do exist, but they often lie unprocessed in archives. While some historical events relating to Roma history have been researched, information on everyday life during the period of socialism in Czechoslovakia is incomplete and systematic research from the perspective of the Roma minority is completely absent. The project will focus on field-based oral history research that will present what images of everyday life during the socialist period are communicated in the memories of the narrators, as well as how their attitudes are influenced by the fact that they lived part of their lives under socialism. In addition to oral history, the project will also devote space to archival research that will focus on mapping the policies of the state socialist regime aimed at the cultural and social integration of Roma into mainstream society.



Duration: 1. 1. 2023 - 31. 12. 2026
Evidence number:VEGA 2/0056/23
Program: VEGA
Project leader: PhDr. Hlaváčová Anna CSc.
Annotation:In order to understand the Russian history narrative, it is necessary to focus on the political situation between the Union of Florence (1439) and the fall of Constantinople (1453). Therefore, the aim of the project is to examine the corpus of 15th century Cyrillic documents, written directly by the members of metropolitan Isidore's delegation that travelled to the Council of Florence. In our examination of the Cyrillic travelogue it turned out that this primary, pro-union oriented source had a direct impact on several other documents, including the document opposing the union. On the basis of this discovery, we propose further, more systematic literary and historical analysis of all these documents – with the perspective of establishing a time order between them. This will help us to date more precisely the emergence of the first anti-union oriented Cyrillic text and to focus the view on the changed historical circumstances in which the Russian seclusionist narrative began to take shape.

Examining unfounded beliefs about controversial social issues

Skúmanie nepodložených presvedčení vo vzťahu ku kontroverzným spoločenským otázkam

Duration: 1. 1. 2021 - 31. 12. 2024
Evidence number:2/0053/21
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Mgr. Šrol Jakub PhD.
Annotation:The aim of the project is to examine factors that influence the spread of unfounded information regarding controversial topics. In the recent years, there was a lot of attention paid by media, society, and scientists to the rise of unfounded claims about various socially important issues – such as climate skepticism, conspiracy theories regarding the purposeful spread of viruses, or fake news that give rise to the fear of migrants. In our project, we integrate the most recent findings from several domains of research on unfounded beliefs, scientific reasoning, and cognitive biases with the aim of identifying the causes and consequences of the proliferation of such information in the society. Our research on this topic will include a focus on (1) potential recipients of unfounded information, (2) context and characteristics of the environment in which the spread of misinformation takes place, and (3) people who actively endorse unfounded beliefs and contribute to their proliferation.
Project web page:https://psychologia.sav.sk/projekt/kognitivne-limity-efektivneho-spracovania-a-komunikovania-informacii/

Slovakia 2030

Slovensko 2030

Duration: 1. 1. 2022 - 31. 12. 2025
Evidence number:2/0001/22
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Ing. Nemcová Edita PhD.
Annotation:The project explores selected economic, social and environmental development set in the Agenda 2030 for the Slovak Republic. The last decade was typical with slowdown in global economic growth. The slowdown was caused by deglobalisation trends and increasing environmental costs. Slowdown in global economic growth currently is amplified by pandemic The project will concentrate on those goals, where the project team has a long-term expertise in analysis and policy formations (Goal 8 - Decent Work and Economic Growth and Goal 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure). The key target of the research include: (i) providing deeper theoretical understanding for Goals 8 and 9 of the Agenda 2030; (ii) delivering complex analyses needed for upgrade of the Agenda 2030 in the post-pandemic period and era of profound technology and social change; (iii) proposing mix of social and economic policies for long-tern economic and social sustainability of the Slovak Republic.

Social and Psychological Correlates of Populist Attitudes

Sociálne a psychologické koreláty populistických postojov

Duration: 1. 1. 2021 - 31. 12. 2024
Evidence number:2/0065/21
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Mgr. Piterová Ivana PhD.
Annotation:The project reflects the current social situation emphasizing the topic of populism. There has been a risinginterest to explain it in current conditions. The project is based on the analysis of data on two levels. The first levelis a discursive analysis of historical sources and an analysis of data of international surveys (e.g. ESS, ISSP).The second level is represented by primary data obtained by focus groups as well as by a professional research agency that will provide a representative sample of Slovak citizens (panel of respondents). The research will include analyses of populist attitudes/populist framing of social identity and selected variables. The contribution lies in the creation and verification of a new methodology for populist attitudes and also an outline of the mechanism behind the populist attitudes in the Slovak population. The aim of the project is to contribute to the understanding of people's populist attitudes through application of knowledge and theory offered by social psychology.

Strategies, resources and consequences of emotion regulation in the provision of health care

Stratégie, zdroje a dôsledky regulácie emócií pri poskytovaní zdravotnej starostlivosti

Duration: 1. 1. 2022 - 31. 12. 2025
Evidence number:2/0083/22
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Mgr. Gurňáková Jitka PhD.
Annotation:The project is focused on available resources and consequences of various forms of emotion regulation on well-being and mental health of healthcare professionals. Its scope is a direct continuation of previous activities of the project VEGA 2/0070/18 research team, during which a longitudinal observation of these concepts in the time period following the second wave of COVID-19 pandemic in Slovakia was introduced. It is part of an international collaboration of researchers from more than 30 countries, which can explain how mental health of healthcare professionals is associated with variables such as COVID-19 incidence among population, healthcare system capacity, and implemented political measures. Further qualitative and quantitative comparisons between healthcare workers based on how their well-being and mental health were affected by elevated stress levels, specific for this project, can shed more light on individual and situational factors which mediate this effect.

SOS_CS_ROD - Current Images of Socialism in the Czech Republic and Slovakia - Family Memory

Súčasné obrazy socializmu v Čechách a na Slovensku - rodinná pamäť

Duration: 1. 7. 2023 - 30. 6. 2027
Evidence number:APVV-22-0083
Program: APVV
Project leader: Mgr. Kohoutová Klara PhD.
Annotation:The project represents the first Czechoslovak qualitative research on family memory. It creates a space for cooperation between Czech and Slovak experts. It focuses on the memories of the oldest generation in the family (people born in 1950 and earlier) and the younger generation (born around 1970 and later) in selected families. Significant is the focus on the content communicated in contemporary families (in the Czech Republic and Slovakia) about the non-democratic period after 1948 and the socio-political change that took place in the last decade of the 20th century. The planned research project is a basic and, to a large extent, a rescue (due to the age of some of the respondents) qualitative research aimed at mapping the phenomenon of remembering in contemporary society. The importance of this qualitative research lies not in the factual plausibility of the information obtained, but in how the past is portrayed in the present.

Structural antecedents of conspiracy beliefs: how precarity, inequality and low institutional trust contribute to the endorsement of conspiracy beliefs

Štrukturálne faktory súvisiace s konšpiračných presvedčení: ako neistota, nerovnosť a nízka inštitucionálna dôvera prispievajú k podpore konšpiračných presvedčení

Duration: 1. 1. 2024 - 31. 12. 2027
Evidence number:VEGA 2/0035/24
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Mgr. Adamus Magdalena PhD.

TransferNem - Transfer of Germans from Czechoslovakia after the Second World War in period propaganda

Transfer Nemcov z Československa po druhej svetovej vojne v dobovej propagande

Duration: 1. 1. 2022 - 31. 12. 2025
Evidence number:2/0110/22
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Mgr. Heldáková Lucia PhD.
Annotation:The aim of the project is basic research focused on the propaganda of the transfer of the German minority after the Second World War from the Czechoslovak Republic. Many historical contexts related to transfer have been examined in detail since 1989, but the cultural area (propaganda) of the elaborated phenomenon still remains a white spot of research. As part of the research, we will focus on distorted historical facts and deliberately suppressed problems related to the transfer of the German minority via contemporary propaganda. The originality and benefits of the project lie in four areas: a) filling the white space in previous historical research, (b) research of sources which have been marginalized in the examination of the transfer so far (in particular periodicals and radio recordings); c) the use of a modern historical-methodological approach to the study of history (CDA and propaganda research); d) publication of a summary work, which will map the sketched phenomenon and which is absent in historiography.

Energy savings - opportunities and risks. Analyses for informed decision-making in the area of energy efficiency

Úspory energie - možnosti a riziká. Analytická činnosť pre informované formovanie politík a opatrení energetickej efektívnosti

Duration: 1. 1. 2021 - 31. 12. 2024
Evidence number:2/0186/21
Program: VEGA
Project leader: RNDr. Dokupilová Dušana PhD.
Annotation:The project focuses on analyses in the field of energy efficiency and energy savings and aims to contribute to informed decision-making. The project includes modelling of energy consumption, evaluation of energy efficiency as such and energy efficiency measures and other partial analyses in the field of energy efficiency and climate change, including energy poverty and financing. The main contribution of the project will be the analyses, which can serve as a basis for preparation of the policy in the field of energy efficiency and climate change, including strategic, conceptual and planning documents, as well as financial mechanisms in Slovakia and abroad. The project will also contribute to improvement of the methodology in the field of energy use modelling, as well as in the evaluation of energy efficiency and energy poverty. The focus of the project has an impact also on many other areas, especially in the area of climate change, as well as in the socio-economic area.


Verejní zamestnanci v meniacich sa režimoch na území Slovenska, 1900 - 1950

Duration: 1. 1. 2022 - 31. 12. 2025
Evidence number:2/0077/22
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Szeghy-Gayer Veronika PhD.

The wellbeing of Teachers of Marginalised Roma Communities

Wellbeing učiteľov marginalizovaných rómskych komunít

Duration: 1. 1. 2023 - 31. 1. 2026
Evidence number:2/0067/23
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Mgr. Ďurkovská Mária PhD.
Annotation:The school success of pupils from the marginalized Roma communities (MRC) depends to a large extent on the teacher. Its significant role in the context of education is confirmed by the results of research carried out in this field. Teachers' wellbeing (TWB) is an important factor determining not only the effectiveness of teaching but also pupils' performance. The main aim of the project is to investigate the level of wellbeing of MRC teachers as well as individual aspects of wellbeing (work demands, work resources, self-efficacy, engagement, coping, stress). At the same time, the project aims to compare the wellbeing of MRC teachers with that of teachers in the majority population as well as to examine the variables that characterize the teachers. The identification of these variables could be a starting point for the design of targeted interventions aimed at increasing wellbeing.

Woman and the world of work: Changes in the education and employment of women in Slovakia between 1918 and 1960

Žena a svet práce. Zmeny vo vzdelávaní a zamestnanosti žien na Slovensku v rokoch 1918 - 1960

Duration: 1. 1. 2023 - 31. 12. 2026
Evidence number:2/0089/23
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Mgr. Gallová Miroslava PhD.
Annotation:The aim of the project is to explore how the major historical events of the 1918-1960 period and the changes associated with them have been able to affect the status of women and their employment. In this context, the researchers will focus on mapping the opportunities, limits and changes in the secondary, vocational and higher education for girls. Following this, they will investigate how women have been able to make use of their education in the area of work. They will focus on the analysis of women's employment in different sectors of the economy and examine the employment of women in the selected institutions and enterprises. In doing so, they will focus on examining horizontal and vertical gender segregation. In addition, they will look at the attitude of society towards the issue, the contemporary propaganda, the issue of education and employment of girls and women in the programmes of political parties, and an examination of the fate of individual women and their own experience of the past.

Projects total: 37