Astronomical Institute
International Projects
PLANETS - The Birth of Solar Systems
Zrod slnečných sústav
Duration: | 26. 9. 2023 - 25. 9. 2027 |
Evidence number: | CA22133 |
Program: | COST |
Project leader: | Mgr. Kaňuchová Zuzana PhD. |
Annotation: | The main aim and objective of the Action is to build an interdisciplinary network, with expertise in experimental studies, observations, and models, to advance our understanding of planet formation, by determining the computational and data needs of the community, and how to best exploit current and future observations. |
Project web page: | |
National Projects
Dynamical versus generic relationship in the groups of small bodies in the Solar System
Dynamická verzus generická príbuznosť v skupinách malých telies v Slnečnej sústave
Duration: | 1. 1. 2022 - 31. 12. 2025 |
Evidence number: | VEGA 2/0009/22 |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | RNDr. Neslušan Luboš CSc. |
Annotation: | In the studies of the parent bodies of meteor showers, it was revealed that two parent bodies, comet 96P and asteroid 196256, move in the orbits, which librate in almost identical phase space. Their current orbits are different. However, they periodically become almost identical and also the objects closely approach each other. Since the objects are different from the physical point of view, a reason for the similarity is unknown. A similar problem appears, however, also in the families of asteroids consisting sometimes of the members of different taxonomy class. In the project, we focuss our attention mainly to the problem whether the above-mentioned similarity can also occur, with a relatively high probability, as a consequence of the dynamical evolution of objects. Moreover, we will study further aspects of the dynamical evolution of small bodies in the Solar System. |
Extrasolar planets: an extrem case of interacting binary stars
Extrasolárne planéty: extrémny prípad interagujúcich dvojhviezd
Duration: | 1. 1. 2022 - 31. 12. 2025 |
Evidence number: | VEGA 2/0031/22 |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | RNDr. Budaj Ján CSc. |
Annotation: | Interacting binary (IB) stars consist of two stars, often with vastly different masses, radii, and/or temperatures. They interact via gravity and irradiation. Planet-stars systems are subject to the same kind of interaction and could be considered an extreme case of IB stars. Improving our own tools developed originally for IB stars we will study mutual interaction of stars and exoplanets. Aim of a project is to model exoplanet transits including the gravity darkening of a rotating star to determine an inclination between the rotational and orbital axes; analyse properties of a few dust emitting exoasteroids orbiting stars like white dwarf WD1145; analyse and compare behaviour of the circumstellar and circumplanetary material in exoplanets and IB. For this purpose, we will use data from KEPLER, TESS, CHEOPS satellites, and our own spectroscopic and photometric observations. This project is also connected to the international projects: DWARF and DAAD project RGB->EHB. |
Physical and dynamical properties of Solar system small bodies as indicators of their origin and evolution
Fyzikálne a dynamické vlastnosti malých telies v Slnečnej sústave ako indikátory ich pôvodu a evolúcie
Duration: | 1. 1. 2022 - 31. 12. 2025 |
Evidence number: | VEGA 2/0059/22 |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | Mgr. Husárik Marek PhD. |
Annotation: | The project is dedicated to the study of physical properties of small Solar System bodies – relicts in which the matter of the primordial nebula is embedded. The study is focused on the search for correlations of their orbital characteristics and identification of properties associated with different regions of their origin and evolution. The study of comets and asteroids is important also because of their potential encounter with the Earth. To address this goal, it is necessary to: make comprehensive photometric, polarimetric, and spectroscopic observations of different dynamical groups; investigate dynamical relationships between different populations by modeling their orbital evolution; study the evolution and activity mechanisms over a wide spatial and temporal range; develop new and refine existing theoret. models to explain physical processes in comets, asteroids, and the meteoroid impacts into the Earth's atmosphere. Contribution by planned observations into international campaigns for space missions is possible. |
Multifrequency research of accreting white dwarfs in cataclysmic variables
Multifrekvenčný výskum akreujúcich bielych trpaslíkov v kataklizmatických premenných hviezdach
Duration: | 1. 1. 2021 - 31. 12. 2024 |
Evidence number: | VEGA 2/0030/21 |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | RNDr. Skopal Augustín DrSc. |
Annotation: | Accretion process in astrophysical systems represents the pivotal process in evolution of stellar systems and galaxies in our Universe. It substantially contributes to the total production of the light mainly in binary systems containing a compact star with a strong gravitational field. In the case when the compact star is the so-called white dwarf (WD) gaining material from its donor companion, we talk about cataclysmic variables (CVs). Accretion process onto the WD leads to sudden brightenings (outbursts) on the irregular timescales, followed by a return to quiescence. According to the binary type and the mass transfer rate we observe classical nova outbursts, dwarf nova outbursts and the Z And-type outbursts. The pivotal goal of this project is the research of outbursts in Cvs. We achieve particular aims using the method of multifrequency modelling of the spectral energy distribution during outbursts and by modelling accurate multi-colour photometry and spectroscopic measurements of investigated objects. |
In2Ex - From Interacting Binaries to Exoplanets
Od interagujúcich hviezd k exoplanétam
Duration: | 1. 7. 2021 - 30. 6. 2025 |
Evidence number: | APVV-20-0148 |
Program: | APVV |
Project leader: | RNDr. Pribulla Theodor CSc. |
Annotation: | Stars and stellar systems are the main field of research at our institute for more than half of a century. The aim of this project is to shift our focus towards the exoplanets. In fact, stars and exoplanets have a lot in common. They are often studied by similar methods of photometry and spectroscopy. Transit light curves are true analogues of eclipses in binaries and radial-velocity curves differ only in the amplitudes. Over the years we have developed the infrastructure and tools to study and model eclipsing binary stars. We aim to build upon these stepping stones and apply them to extrasolar planets. This transition will take years and during this period we will study interacting binaries and exoplanets simultaneously. We will attempt to advance the state-of-the art at several fronts including the search for disintegrating exoplanets and exoasteroids with dusty effluents, exoplanets around rapid rotators as well as cataclysmic variables at critical stages of their evolution. The goals of this project will be achieved by modelling observations of the investigated objects including multi-colour CCD photometry and échelle spectroscopy using advanced tools for their analysis. In addition to new observations obtained wit h the local facilities, the high-precision data from dedicated satellites (e.g., TESS, CHEOPS or Gaia) and large ground-based telescopes will be used. |
Štipendiá pre excelentných výskumníkov ohrozených vojnovým konfliktom na Ukrajine - O. Shubina
Duration: | 1. 7. 2022 - 30. 6. 2025 |
Evidence number: | 09I03-03-V01-00001 |
Program: | Štrukturálne fondy EÚ Výskum a vývoj |
Project leader: | Mgr. Gömöry Peter PhD. |
Štipendiá pre excelentných výskumníkov ohrozených vojnovým konfliktom na Ukrajine - V. Krushevska
Duration: | 1. 8. 2022 - 31. 7. 2025 |
Evidence number: | 09I03-03-V01-00002 |
Program: | Štrukturálne fondy EÚ Výskum a vývoj |
Project leader: | Mgr. Gömöry Peter PhD. |
Projects total: 8