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Institute for Research in Social Communication SAS

International Projects

ATHENA - Implementing gender equality plans to unlock research potential of RPOs and RFOs in Europe

ATHENA - Implementácia plánov rodovej rovnosti s cieľom podpory výskumného potenciálu výskumných a výskum-financujúcich organizácií v Európe

Duration: 1. 2. 2021 - 31. 1. 2025
Program: Horizont 2020
Project leader: doc. PhDr. Bianchi Gabriel DrSc.
Annotation:One of the main objectives of Europe’s societies is the elimination of all types of discrimination associated with gender. Despite a high number of highly skilled female graduates, there is still very few of them embracing a research career. With almost 60% of women graduates in EU, only one third of the EU’s researchers are women. In this context, ATHENA project aims at removing barriers to the recruitment, retention and career progression of female researchers; address gender imbalances in decision making processes and generate a cultural change needed to avoid future gender bias and discriminatory practices through the implementation of Gender Equality Plans (GEPs) in 6 Research Performing and 2 Research Funding organisations. These targeted organisations belong to Central Eastern EU countries and EU outermost regions that show some of the lowest Gender Equality Indexes in the EU. Thanks to the implementation of the GEPs, ATHENA will contribute to unlocking the research potential of these organisations thus improving the overall performance of the European Research Area and helping to close the innovation divide by avoiding the waste of talent and inefficient use of skilled women from weaker regions of the EU. To ensure systemic institutional change, ATHENA will first conduct an assessment of procedures and practices already in place in partner RPOs and RFOs, together with an analysis of the national legislation and policy frameworks. In parallel, it will put in place a participatory process aimed, on one side, to understand the needs and the preferences of the stakeholders and, on the other side, to train them with regard to selected topics related to gender. Based on these two approaches GEPs will be drafted, implemented and monitored in each partner organisation. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101006416.
Project web page:https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101006416

Explaining the Effects of Social Identity Complexity on Majority Members Acculturation Preferences

Komplexnosť sociálnej identity a jej vplyv na akulturačné preferencie príslušníkov majority

Duration: 1. 1. 2024 - 31. 12. 2024
Evidence number:Seedcorn Grant of the European Association of Social Psychology
Program: Bilaterálne - iné
Project leader: Mgr. Poslon Xenia Daniela PhD.
Annotation:Social psychology has provided numerous tools to improve intergroup relations, while approaches emphasizing common identity with the outgroup and recategorization of groups using multiple categories have shown most potential. Yet, these strategies, primarily centered on challenging the perception of a single outgroup, pose certain limitations, especially regarding generalizability. In contrast, approach based on social identity complexity focuses on a more complex perception of the self instead of merely diminishing the psychological boundaries between ingroups and outgroups. Social identity complexity refers to an individual's subjective representation of the interrelationships among their multiple group identities, and it has been already associated with greater outgroup tolerance and improved attitudes, including greater approval of affirmative action and multiculturalism. The aim of the project is to establish and investigate the link between perceiving social complexity of one’s own social identity and the tendency to perceive more complexity within the outgroups, and examine possible underlying mechanisms of the link between social identity complexity and positive intergroup attitudes in the context of perceptions for immigrants’ acculturation.

Social survey of Ukrainian migrants in Slovakia

UKR - Spoločenská sonda ukrajinských migrantov a migrantiek na Slovensku

Duration: 1. 9. 2023 - 31. 12. 2024
Program: Bilaterálne - iné
Project leader: Mgr. Lášticová Barbara PhD.

National Projects

Antecedents of intergroup solidarity in the context of societal crises: a mixed method approach

Antecedenty medziskupinovej solidarity v kontexte spoločenských kríz: zmiešaný výskumný prístup

Duration: 1. 1. 2022 - 31. 12. 2025
Evidence number:2/0102/22
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Mgr. Lášticová Barbara PhD.
Annotation:Societal crises such as Covid-19 pandemics have shown inspiring acts of solidarity, but have also contributed to deepening of differences between advantaged and disadvantaged groups and, in some cases, to worsening of intergroup relations as a result of increased perceptions of threat. The project aims to investigate what predicts and what prevents solidarity on behalf of different groups. While intergroup contact might increase solidarity on behalf of disadvantaged groups in advantaged groups and inspire them to act as allies in mobilizing for social change, perceived intergroup harmony resulting from positive contact might prevent collective action in disadvantaged groups. System justification, on the other hand, in both minority and majority members inhibits participation in system-challenging collective action. This project draws on SIMCA model of collective action, intergroup contact and system justification theories to investigate cognitive, emotional, ideological, as well as behavioral antecedents and outcomes of solidarity towards the Roma and the immigrants. We use mixed-methods research design: interviews with minority and majority activists, questionnaire data and experiments.

Language and cognitive impacts of socio-economic, cultural and educational conditions in preschool age on the development of literacy in primary education

Jazykovo-kognitívne dopady sociálno-ekonomických, kultúrnych a vzdelávacích podmienok v predškolskom veku na vývin čitateľskej gramotnosti v primárnom vzdelávaní

Duration: 1. 1. 2021 - 31. 12. 2024
Evidence number:2/0026/21
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Mgr. Urban Kamila PhD.
Annotation:The aim of the project is to monitor the long-term effects of the new concept of pre-primary language education on the development of several indicators of language literacy. The main focus will be on the language and cognitive precursors of the development of reading literacy in interaction with non-cognitive factors, monitored in the continuity from preschool to younger school age with a specific focus on several characteristics of the family and kindergarten environment. These will be represented in the project by the level of implementation of the national curriculum the State educational program for pre-primary education in preschools, ESCS and cognitive, metacognitive and non-cognitive stimulating online environment. Methodologically, the project will compare specific research sample with several reference groups monitored in 2016-2019. The examination of the long-term effects of ESCS will be supplemented by the secondary analyses of relevant data from PIRLS and PISA testing.


Moc, kontrola a zraniteľnosť v intímnych vzťahoch - digitálne technológie a starostlivosť

Duration: 1. 1. 2023 - 31. 12. 2025
Evidence number:VEGA 2/0063/23
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Mgr. Šudila Žilinská Miroslava

Support for project preparation in Horizon Europe - UVSK SAV, v. v. i._1

Podpora prípravy projektov v programe Horizont Európa - UVSK SAV, v. v. i._1

Duration: 1. 1. 2024 - 31. 12. 2024
Evidence number:09I01-03-V02-00099
Program: Plán obnovy EÚ
Project leader: Mgr. Lášticová Barbara PhD.
Annotation:Promoting international cooperation and involvement in Horizon Europe and European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) projects

Family constellations involving biological and non-biological children

Rodinné konštelácie s biologickými a nie biologickými deťmi

Duration: 1. 1. 2021 - 31. 12. 2024
Evidence number:2/0035/21
Program: VEGA
Project leader: doc. Mgr. Popper Miroslav CSc.
Annotation:The project will investigate ‘mixed’ family constellations consisting of related biological and non-biological family members. The intention is to explore parenting in multi-parent families, that is, in families where the child was conceived with another person(s). That person could be a previous partner, an egg or sperm donor, a surrogate mother or – in foster and adoptive families – the biological parent(s). The aim is to explore the relationship between complex family constellations (patchwork families) and quality of life in children and parents, along with the reasons, motives, contexts and consequences of entering into a second or subsequent partnership or marriage or conceiving a child with the assistance of a third person.

Learning from intimate relationships among young adults in Slovakia: the role of relationship types and cognitive rigidity

Učenie sa z intímnych vzťahov u mladých dospelých na Slovensku: úloha typov vzťahu a kognitívnej rigidity

Duration: 1. 1. 2024 - 31. 12. 2027
Evidence number:2/0173/24
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Mgr. Kallová Nikola PhD.
Annotation:The project aims to use a longitudinal mixed design to capture changes in reported learning from intimate relationships among young adults in Slovakia and the role played by relationship types and changes in relationships, cognitive rigidity, and cultural models. The phenomenon of learning from intimate relationships (LIR), that is, changes in thinking and behavior mediated by relational experience, facilitates both increased relational quality and relational development. Thus, it represents an application potential for both educational and clinical practice. However, several areas of this phenomenon are as yet uncharted. The present project builds on the APVV project 18-0303 on the topic of intimate relationships, which also resulted in a qualitative exploratory study on LIV. These findings are to be used in the project to develop and validate an instrument to measure LIV, which is lacking in the scientific discourse, and to fill other research gaps.

The role of new media in supporting higher quality of life, resilience and education levels in children, youth and young adults depending on (non) existence of a disability, their ethnicity and socioeconomic status

Úloha nových médií vo zvyšovaní kvality života, reziliencie a vzdelania u detí, mládeže a mladých dospelých v závislosti od ne/prítomnosti postihnutia, etnickej príslušnosti a socioekonomického statusu

Duration: 1. 1. 2021 - 31. 12. 2024
Evidence number:VEGA 2/0169/21
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Mgr. Petrjánošová Magda PhD.
Annotation:An effective use of the new media potential can bring benefits in higher quality of life, resilience, self-esteem, better access to information and education. However, even the newest research shows inequalities in access and use, depending on socioeconomic status, gender and education level (digital divide) even in the youngest generation (<25 years). The optimistic assumption about a easy switch to online education for all Slovak children and youth during the corona crisis in 2020 showed big problems in this area clearly. But about the situation in Slovakia there is not enough precise information, especially about specific youth subgroups. Therefore, in our project we focus on children, youth and young adults (10-25 years old) 1) from ethnic minorities, 2) with a disability or 3) from families with low socioeconomic status. The goal of the project is to map their possibilities, extent, forms, real psychological benefits of and barriers to new media use of these potentially vulnerable young people groups.

Projects total: 10