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Information Page of SAS Organisation


Centre for Advanced Materials Application SAS

International Projects

PVKSC - Beyond 27% perovskite solar cells: A deep study based on in-situ charge dynamics and crystal growth kinetics

Perovskitové solárne články s účinnosťou nad 27%: Hĺbková štúdia založená na in-situ dynamike náboja a kinetike rastu kryštálov

Duration: 1. 10. 2023 - 30. 9. 2026
Evidence number:2023/727/PVKSC
Program: JRP
Project leader: RNDr. Mrkývková Naďa PhD.
Annotation:The aim of this project is to develop high-performance and robust FAPbI3-based solar cells with efficiencies in excess of 27% and to study the phase conversion, charge carrier dynamics and loss mechanisms occurring in the solar cell, using the expertise of all partners.

SEATBELT - Solid-statE lithium metal bAttery wiTh in situ hyBrid ELecTrolyte Hop-On

Tuholatková lítiová kovová batéria s in situ hybridným elektrolytom

Duration: 1. 6. 2022 - 31. 5. 2026
Evidence number:101069726
Program: Horizont Európa
Project leader: Dr. rer. nat. Šiffalovič Peter DrSc.
Annotation:Electric vehicles are powered by batteries, which are the most important part. But the demand for electric vehicles is increasing so fast that it will soon outpace battery cell production. The EU-funded SEATBELT project will help to pave the road towards a cost-effective, robust all-solid-state lithium battery comprising sustainable materials by 2026. Specifically, it will achieve the first technological milestone of developing a battery cell that meets the needs of the electric vehicle industry. The low cost cell will be safe by design with sustainable and recyclable materials, reaching high energy densities and long cyclability in line with the 2030 EU targets. The project will be the start point of the first EU all solid-state battery value chain.
Project web page:https://seatbelt-project.eu



Duration: 1. 6. 2023 - 31. 5. 2026
Evidence number:101103834
Program: Horizont Európa
Project leader: Dr. rer. nat. Šiffalovič Peter DrSc.
Annotation:Green, high-performing and safe batteries based on abundant materials are a key element in the transition to a carbon-neutral future. However, to accelerate their development, a deep understanding of the complex electro-chemo-mechanical processes within the battery is required, which is only accessible through advanced experimental and computational methods. Zero-excess solid-state batteries, where the anode is formed in situ, have emerged as a promising new generation of environmentally friendly batteries with high energy density, improved safety and higher cost-efficiency, but only after solutions for non-uniform anode formation were found.
Project web page:https://horizon-opera.eu

SOLIMEC - Enhancing the Mechanical Stability of Interfaces in Solid-state Li-ion Batteries for Energy-intensive Applications

Zvýšenie mechanickej stability rozhraní v pevnolátkových lítium-iónových batériách pre energeticky náročné aplikácie

Duration: 1. 5. 2022 - 30. 4. 2025
Evidence number:ERA-NET
Program: ERANET
Project leader: Dr. rer. nat. Šiffalovič Peter DrSc.
Annotation:The Glasgow 2021 climate conference highlighted the importance of reducing CO2 emissions. These efforts require a stronger move towards sustainable energy sources and storage. The rationale for this project is to advance a new generation of emerging solid-state Li batteries (SSLB) that can eliminate the risks and energy density issues associated with conventional liquid electrolyte-based Li-ion batteries (LIBs). To achieve this goal, five leading research groups and a major EU technology company have developed the following strategy to address the current SSLB challenges. We rely on multicomponent engineering of the cathode material and its interface with the solid electrolyte to prevent voltage-induced contact loss during charge/discharge, which impairs electron/ion transfer, and thus improve SSLB performance and lifetime. Potential benefits are seen in the use of SSLBs as a real alternative to LIBs to replace fossil fuels in the automotive industry.

National Projects

ZERO - Zero-excess solid-state lithium batteries

Bezanódové tuholátkové lítiové batérie

Duration: 1. 7. 2023 - 31. 12. 2026
Evidence number:APVV-22-0132
Program: APVV
Project leader: Dr. rer. nat. Šiffalovič Peter DrSc.
Annotation:The central hypothesis of ZERO project is that by real -time monitoring of Li deposition rate, wetting and/or alloying, and mechanical stress at the SSE/CC interface, we can optimize and tailor SSBs providing higher capacity and cycling lifetime. This can be achieved by controlling charge/discharge currents, appropriate alloy-forming interlayers, and managing internal stresses by external loads. The main aim of ZERO project is to develop optimal alloy-forming interlayers and charging strategies to achieve the high capacity and cycling lifetime of ZESSBs. This will be enabled and connected with the developing and/or updating methodologies that will facilitate experimental monitoring and a better conceptual understanding of the growth phenomena involved in the formation of the Li anode in ZESSBs. To this end, we will develop novel laboratory and synchrotron techniques to explore ZESSB-related phenomena under in operando conditions.


Návrh a optimalizácia biokonjugačných stratégii inovatívnych 2D fototermálnych nanomateriálov s tumor-navádzajúcimi peptidmi

Duration: 1. 1. 2022 - 31. 12. 2024
Evidence number:2/0117/22
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Mgr. Hvizdošová Annušová Adriana PhD.

Low energy synthesis of high performance NaSICON-like structured cathodes for rechargeable Sodium-Ion Batteries (SIBs)

Nízko-energetická syntéza katód so štruktúrou NaSICON-u pre nabíjateľné sodíkovo-iónové batérie

Duration: 1. 1. 2021 - 31. 12. 2024
Evidence number:2/0110/21
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Ing. Taveri Gianmarco PhD.
Annotation:This project aims at the development of new synthesis routes for the production of NaSICON materials involving low energy consumption, while still improving its overall electrochemical properties for new generation battery cathodes. The achievement of the project goals relies on the synthesis of new NaSICON precursors at ambient temperature and NaSICON powders at reduced calcination temperature starting from selected low-cost raw materials. Composites synthesis and atomic-layered coatings will be attempted to increase ionic and electrical conductivity and ensuring long-term cyclic life. Spectroscopic techniques will be instrumental in determining the nature and purity of the produced calcined microstructure, while the performance of the sintered components will be assessed through electrochemical testing. The development of the ideas behind this project will provide new interesting methodologies for future production of high-performance NaSICON components at a lower cost than the existing technologies.

Perovskite-based Films with Superior Passivation and Structure

Perovskitové vrstvy s vylepšenou pasiváciou a štruktúrou

Duration: 1. 1. 2022 - 31. 12. 2025
Evidence number:APVV-SK-CZ-RD-21-0043
Program: APVV
Project leader: RNDr. Mrkývková Naďa PhD.

BATAX - Towards lithium based batteries with improved lifetime

Pokročilé lítiové batérie s dlhou životnosťou

Duration: 1. 7. 2021 - 30. 6. 2025
Evidence number:APVV-20-011
Program: APVV
Project leader: Dr. rer. nat. Šiffalovič Peter DrSc.
Annotation:With the steadily increasing energy requirements of portable electronics and electromobility, conventional lithiumion batteries are facing new challenges. In the proposed project, we aim to stabilize the capacity and lifetime of lithium-ion batteries employing ultra-thin interfacial layers prepared by means of atomic layer deposition (ALD). The primary functions of interfacial layers are: i) preventing the dissolution of the cathode materials into electrolyte and ii) stabilizing the cathode morphology during lithiation and de-lithiation. Although the positive effect of ALD fabricated interfacial layers has already been demonstrated, systematic studies are still missing. The main bottleneck of such studies is the identification of appropriate feedback analytical techniques that enable real-time and in-operando insights into the charging/discharging mechanisms on the nanoscale. The conventional electrochemical characterization methods can only provide hints on the ongoing mechanism during degradation processes. Here we propose to utilize in-operando small-angle and wide-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS, WAXS) to track the morphology and phase changes that occur during the charging/discharging of lithium-ion batteries in realtime. The main focus of this project is on the application of real-time SAXS/WAXS studies under laboratory conditions. In these circumstances, extensive, systematic studies of various ALD interfacial layers can be performed.

Comparison between silibinin-conjugated gold nanospheres and nanobipyramids impacts on the treatment of liver fibrosis in vivo.

Porovnanie účinku nanosfér a nanobipyramíd zlata konjugovaných so silibinínom pri liečbe fibrózy pečene in vivo.

Duration: 1. 1. 2022 - 31. 12. 2025
Evidence number:2/0116/22
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Mgr. Šelc Michal PhD.
Annotation:Liver fibrosis occurs as a result of chronic liver damage associated with the accumulation of extracellular matrix proteins. It is the common outcome of various infectious and non-infectious diseases and represents a global health problem resulting from the high global prevalence and limited treatment options. Treatment of liver fibrosis is essential to prevent the development of liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma, however, there is no effective pharmaceutical intervention to date for the treatment of this disease. One of the promising but yet barely explored approach to treat the liver fibrosis is offered by the targeted therapy using nanomaterials coated with an antifibrotic drug. In case of inorganic nanomaterials, spherical gold nanomaterials are being investigated for this aim. Interestingly nanomaterials of other shapes (e.g. nanobipyramids) could possess even better diagnostic and therapeutic features due to their unique physical-optical properties.

Preparation and study of porous and non-porous aluminium anode for the purpose of increasing the performance of the primary Al-air battery.

Príprava a štúdium poréznej a neporéznej hliníkovej anódy pre účely zvýšenia výkonu primárnej Al-vzduch batérie.

Duration: 1. 1. 2022 - 31. 12. 2024
Evidence number:2/0038/22
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Mgr. Šimon Erik PhD.
Annotation:Metal-air batteries are considered as candidate a new generation of energy storage system which has a potential to substitute or supplement daily used Li-ion batteries. As suitable candidate is appeared Al-air battery for low cost, abundance and recyclability of aluminium. The submitted project is focused on the preparation and study of a porous aluminium anode as well as their porous and non-porous alloys. The porous aluminium anode will be prepared by methods of powder metallurgy, the resulting porous structure in the form of a solid solution (in the case Al alloys). The porous structure will be achieved by partial sintering of the aluminium powders and subsequent rapid cooling. The process of powder metallurgy will be also used for preparation non-porous aluminium alloys in the form of non-equilibrium supersaturate state. As input powders, pure Al powders (99.99%), binary aluminium alloy powders (Al/Zn, Al/Sn) and ternary aluminium alloy powders (Al/Zn/Mg, Al/Sn/Mg, Al/Zn/Sn) will be used.

NanoCAre - Nanomedical approach to fight pancreatic cancer via targeting tumorassociated carbonic anhydrase IX

Využitie nanomedicíny v boji proti rakovine pankreasu prostredníctvom zacielenia nádorovo-asociovanej karbonickej anhydrázy IX.

Duration: 1. 7. 2021 - 30. 6. 2025
Evidence number:APVV-20-0485
Program: APVV
Project leader: Dr. rer. nat. Šiffalovič Peter DrSc.
Annotation:Pancreatic cancer is a lethal disease with a rising incidence and mortality and it is the fourth leading cause of cancer-related deaths in Europe. The median survival time of pancreatic cancer is 4-6 months after diagnosis, the lowest survival rate of all cancers. Only 20% of diagnosed cases are operable. Photothermal therapy (PTT) has the potential to become a new frontrunner in the fight against pancreatic cancer. This cutting-edge biomedical application relies on the rapid heating of the plasmonic nanoparticles induced by laser light absorption, followed by an increase in the ambient temperature around the nanoparticles. The effect of the localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) can be observed only in a special class of nanoparticles. Photothermal therapy results in selective hyperthermia and irreversible damage of the tumor while avoiding damage to healthy tissue. However, the delivery efficiency of plasmonic nanoparticles is often insufficient. It can be increased by a dedicated functionalization of the plasmonic nanoparticles with ligands (antibodies) that selectively recognize the cancer cells. One of the main aims of the proposed project is to increase the delivery efficiency of the plasmonic nanoparticles for PTT by functionalization with antibodies that selectively recognize the tumor in the body. A promising target for functionalized nanoparticles is carbonic anhydrase IX, a hypoxia biomarker associated with an aggressive phenotype. CA IX is expressed in many types of tumors, while being absent from adjacent healthy tissue, making it an ideal highly specific candidate for anti-cancer therapy target. CAIX is abundantly expressed on the surface of pancreatic cancer cells where it correlates with a poor patient outcome. Targeting pancreatic cancer via nanomaterials-based approach combined with anti-CAIX antibody ensures highly selective application of PTT with potential benefits in the clinical environment.

DITIMA - Development of unique TiMg composite dental implant

Vývoj unikátneho TiMg kompozitného zubného implantátu

Duration: 1. 7. 2021 - 30. 6. 2025
Evidence number:APVV-20-0417
Program: APVV
Project leader: Mgr. Švastová Eliška PhD.
Annotation:Dental implants (Dis) become more affordable and sought solution across a globe, the will be in a place for longer periods and a need for maintenance will decrease. Titanium (Ti) and Ti alloys are the most widely utilized materials for production of DI. Even though Ti-based DI are used with a high success rate, two major issues have remained insufficiently resolved: the stress-shielding effect and their insufficient surface bioactivity. That pushes competition, progress and R&D in the related area further and brings a need for novel solutions, approaches and material concepts. The main aim of proposed project is a development of an innovative endosseous biomedical DI fabricated from the unique partially biodegradable Ti - magnesium (Mg) composite material. New DI will minimize the main drawbacks of the contemporary DI, while it maintains the mechanical performance and fatigue endurance of Ti-based references. An advantageous combination of the mechanical, fatigue, corrosion and biological properties of developed DI is owing to a special DI`s design, which reflects and takes advantage of Ti17Mg, the material it will be manufactured from. Ti17Mg is the experimental powder metallurgy material invented by project partners, which selectively exploits the advantages of both biometals. In the project a new DI will be designed and optimized, in order to reflect unique behavior and workability of Ti17Mg. Performance of DI will be assessed and optimized systematically in an environment, which simulates real-life conditions in a human body, including mechanical, fatigue and corrosion testing, and in-vitro and in-vivo biological evaluation using cell culture, small and large animal models. All assays will be carried out in accordance with related ISO specifications. It is anticipated that at the end of the project new innovative high value-added DI is available and pending for testing in a human body. Expectedly TRL 6 will be accomplished at the end of project.

Projects total: 13