Institute of Archaeology
Akademická 2
949 21 Nitra
949 21 Nitra
Slovak Republic
Phone: +421-37-6410051
Phone: unlisted
Detached branches
Malé Vozokany 122
951 82
951 82
Hrnčiarska 13
040 01 Košice
tel. 055/6222682
040 01 Košice
tel. 055/6222682
Mlynská ul. 933/6
Štúrova 2
960 53 Zvolen
tel.: 0902/925642
960 53 Zvolen
tel.: 0902/925642
The Institute has been established in 1939 as the State Archaeological and Conservation Institute. In 1953 it was included among working places of the Slovak Academy of Sciences. The Institute carries out scientific and research activities in the field of archaeology and related disciplines within the framework of its own scientific and research programme, grant projects, state orders, international projects as well as of individual tasks of its professional workers. Obtained results are introduced into public life in the form of popularising and cultural educational activities. The Institute also works as an educational working place for new experts in archaeology.