PhD. Topics
Centre of social and psychological sciences SAS
- Adaptation strategies to changing skills demand
- Advancing meta-research in qualitative approaches: Prospects in the fields of psychology
- Conspiracy beliefs in the age of information: Ideological vs. kognitive predictors
- Conspiracy beliefs in the age of information: Ideological vs. kognitive predictors
- Economic inequality, existential uncertainty and conspiracy beliefs
- Inter-group conflict and interpersonal consequences of conspiracy beliefs
- Local responses to emigration and diaspora engagement
- National decarbonisation targets and regional implications: Analysis of regional resilience, socio-economic factors and possibilities for interventions.
- Polarized society: From untrustworthy mentality to political attitudes
- Psychological barriers of pro-environmental behaviour and ways to reduce them
- Psychological barriers of pro-environmental behaviour and ways to reduce them
- Retirement concepts: Their implications in retirement adjustment process
- Retirement concepts: Their implications in retirement adjustment process
- Social causes and consequences of belief in conspiracy theories
- Social causes and consequences of belief in conspiracy theories
- Socio-economic differentials in regions in Slovakia and its impact on family and fertility.
- Structural and cognitive factors acssociated with conspiracy beiefs
- The effect of emotion regulation strategies on well-being and work attitudes in health care workers
- The effect of emotion regulation strategies on well-being and work attitudes in health care workers
- Transparency and Computational Reproducibility of psychological studies using the Experience Sampling Method
- Trust in traditional, complementary and alternative medicine and health- related behaviour: The role of social norms