PhD. Topics
Institute of History
- Baroque Latin Historiography: The Historical Works of Franciscus Kazy SJ (1695–1759)
- Continuities and Discontinuities of Social Practices in the 1980s–1990s
- Criminal Offences of Women in Pressburg in the 18th Century
- German Cooperative System in Slovakia (1918–1945) / Deutsches Genossenschaftswesen in der Slowakei (1918–1945)
- Heritage Values of Architecture in the Second Half of the 20th Century: Identification and Methods of Protection
- Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Banská Bystrica and Socio-Economic Development of Central Slovakia in the Interwar Period
- Chamber of commerce and industry in Banská Bystrica and socio-economic development of central Slovakia in the interwar period
- Children and childhood in the long 19th century in the territory of today’s Slovakia – social norms, national and gender concepts of upbringing versus social reality. (Example of certain locality, institution or social strata)
- Legal Norm Versus Judicial Practice in the Early Modern Period
- Marginal People in Cities in the 19th and 20th Centuries: Beggars, Vagrants, and the Homeless Between Social Assistance and Repression
- Marginalised Groups in the Early Modern Period
- Probe into the Representation of Nobility: The Example of the Erdődy Family in the 17th Century
- Propaganda Dynamics in the Cold War: Czechoslovakia's Global Impact
- Representation of France as a Civilizational Great Power in Central Europe in the First Half of the 20th Century
- Scientific and Intellectual Elites during Late Socialism and the First Years of Post-Communist Transformation (1985–1993)
- Society in the Medieval Kingdom of Hungary: Origin, Changes, and Disappearance of Social Groups and Categories on Royal or Church Estates in the 13th–14th Centuries
- Spatial Analysis and the Second Wave of Deportations of Jews from Slovakia (1944–1945)
- The Formation of Political Identities in Slovakia after 1989 in the Central European Context
- The Medieval Town and Its Economic and Social Development in the 13th–15th Centuries (Example of a Concrete Town)
- The Perception of Slovakia in British Politics (1938–1939): The Vienna Award and Its Consequences from the Perspective of London
- The position of women in medieval urban society
- The Representation of Hungarians and Magyars in Slovak Nationalist Discourse in the Kingdom of Hungary During the Dual Monarchy Period (1867–1918)
- Venereal Diseases as a Social and Healthcare Problem at the Turn of the 19th and 20th Centuries in the Territory of Today’s Slovakia