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Institute of Philosophy SAS

International Projects

Connecting Theory and Practical Issues of Migration and Religious Diversity

Prepojenie teórie a praktických otázok migrácie a náboženskej diverzity

Duration: 16. 3. 2023 - 20. 10. 2025
Program: COST
Project leader: doc. Mgr. Vydrová Jaroslava PhD.
Annotation:Participating in WG 2 “Connecting Theory and Practical Issues of Migration and Religious Diversity”

National Projects

SYMBOLS - Philosophical Anthropology in the Context of Current Crises of Symbolic Structures

Filozofická antropológia v kontexte súčasných kríz symbolických štruktúr

Duration: 1. 7. 2021 - 30. 6. 2025
Evidence number:APVV-20-0137
Program: APVV
Project leader: Prof. h.c. Stewart Jon PhD., Dr. habil phil. et theol.

TECHNE - Philosophical and methodological challenges of intelligent technologies

Filozofické a metodologické výzvy inteligentných technológií

Duration: 1. 7. 2023 - 30. 6. 2027
Evidence number:APVV-22-0323
Program: APVV
Project leader: PhDr. Vacek Daniela PhD.
Annotation:Intelligent technologies give rise to pressing philosophical and methodological challenges of theoretical importance and practical relevance. The present project explores such challenges in three areas: moral philosophy, legal philosophy, and methodology of sciences. Concerning moral philosophy, providers of intelligent technologies are only partially aware of the ethical issues concerning the technology they develop, and only partially understand and control how intelligent technologies arrive at their decisions. This is often perceived as a threat to the possibility of moral culpability for the negative impact of intelligent technologies on the world. Concerning legal philosophy (and law), it is still largely an open question how intelligent technologies will be, and should be, regulated ac ross different jurisdictions, and whether international law should step in. Finally, a methodological reflection of intelligent technologies and their normative problems is almost lacking. The project will set out to resolve these timely problems and consider notions that venture beyond single individuals and their backward-looking responsibility: collective culpability, vicarious liability, and forward-looking responsibility will be suggested as appropriate tools to overcome the above problems in moral and legal philosophy. The project will also methodologically assess the debate on intelligent technologies in moral and legal philosophy, and propose an exhaustive and exclusive classification of techno-responsibility gaps.
Project web page:https://www.techne.sk

Is it Possible to Imagine the Impossible? Pragmatist approaches to Fictional Discourse

Is it Possible to Imagine the Impossible? Pragmatist approaches to Fictional Discourse

Duration: 1. 1. 2022 - 31. 12. 2024
Evidence number:Štipendium Schwarz (2021/OV3/017)
Program: Iné projekty
Project leader: Sambrotta Mirco PhD.
Annotation:The main goal of this research proposal is to assess the prospects of semantic and meta-semantic analyses of fictional discourse that dispense with representational presuppositions.

The Principle of Humanity in the Context of Contemporary Conflicts. Existential and Phenomenological Challenges

Princíp ľudskosti v kontexte konfliktov súčasnosti. Existenciálne a fenomenologické výzvy

Duration: 1. 1. 2023 - 31. 12. 2025
Evidence number: 2/0130/23
Program: VEGA
Project leader: prof. Mgr. Mgr. Šajda Peter PhD.
Annotation:The project focuses on possible applications of the principle of humanity in contemporary conflicts. Difference can be presented not merely as antagonism and polemos, which lead to the annihilation of the other pole, but also as a challenge of interaction and coexistence without the elimination of constitutive distinctions. We examine the formation of paradigms that conceive of difference primarily as antagonism and support a boundless negation of the “bearers” of otherness. Parallel to the criticism of these paradigms we develop a reflection of their corrective in the form of the principle of humanity as a framework for the tolerance of difference. We examine what humanity means in our current conditions. The application of the principle of humanity is a key step in preventing the absolutization of antagonism and in deescalating conflicts. We explore different ways of creating space for the use of this principle as well as the limits of its meaningful application.


Technical Life

Duration: 1. 7. 2022 - 30. 6. 2025
Evidence number:1237/02/03
Program: SASPRO
Project leader: Lamy-Rested Elise PhD.
Annotation:This project aims to redefine the link between life and techniques by showing how life, and not Human, is the producer of techniques. It is thus a question of getting away from a double contradictory interpretation, which in fact comes from the same philosophical tradition: either Human must regain control of Techniques of which he is the inventor as a rational being, or Human is reducible to biological-mechanical processes of which Techniques would be only the expression. From this point of view, it would then be advisable to maximize human performances and to control them by using techniques. This project proposes to get out of this contradiction. It will thus seek another relationship between life and techniques, which is based neither on the idea that Human who makes techniques escapes for a part from the life shared by all the other living beings nor on that of a life entirely reducible to mechanisms. We will build a thought of “technical life” at the crossroads of philosophy and anthropology.

Tasks of Political Philosophy in the Context of the Anthropocene II

Úlohy politickej filozofie v kontexte antropocénu II

Duration: 1. 1. 2024 - 31. 12. 2026
Evidence number:2/0110/24
Program: VEGA
Project leader: doc. Mgr. Sťahel Richard PhD.
Annotation:The project aims to explore the relevance of the Anthropocene concept for political and environmental philosophy. It is a continuation of the VEGA 2/0072/21 project, the aim of which was to develop a methodology for the political and economic rendering of the current and expected state of Earth System, following the hypothesis that a political philosophy adequate to the Anthropocene will have to be at the same time an environmental philosophy. The philosophical exploration of this hypothesis has been documented in the main output of the project "Introduction to Environmental Political Philosophy" (Prague: Malvern 2023, in press). Following this, it is necessary to move from an elementary definition to the elaboration of a coherent theory of environmental political philosophy (EPP). The aim of the project is therefore to explore questions of methodology, cultural conditioning, critique and metacritique of EPP and its possible influences of normative practical philosophy in the Anthropocene epoch.

Tasks of Political Philosophy in the Context of the Anthropocene II

Úlohy politickej filozofie v kontexte antropocénu II

Duration: 1. 1. 2024 - 31. 12. 2026
Evidence number:2/0110/24
Program: VEGA
Project leader: doc. Mgr. Sťahel Richard PhD.
Annotation:The project aims to explore the relevance of the Anthropocene concept for political and environmental philosophy. It is a continuation of the VEGA 2/0072/21 project, the aim of which was to develop a methodology for the political and economic rendering of the current and expected state of Earth System, following the hypothesis that a political philosophy adequate to the Anthropocene will have to be at the same time an environmental philosophy. The philosophical exploration of this hypothesis has been documented in the main output of the project "Introduction to Environmental Political Philosophy" (Prague: Malvern 2023, in press). Following this, it is necessary to move from an elementary definition to the elaboration of a coherent theory of environmental political philosophy (EPP). The aim of the project is therefore to explore questions of methodology, cultural conditioning, critique and metacritique of EPP and its possible influences of normative practical philosophy in the Anthropocene epoch.

Responsibility and Modal Logic

Zodpovednosť a modálna logika

Duration: 1. 1. 2022 - 31. 12. 2025
Evidence number:2/0125/22
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Pascucci Matteo PhD.

Projects total: 9