PhD. Topics
Institute of Philosophy SAS
- Concept of phenomenological anthropology in Hans Blumenberg's work
- Concepts of the development of national culture in the philosophy of history by Štefan Polakovič and Svätopluk Štúr
- Impossible worlds
- Intelligent technologies and responsibility gaps
- Is Philosophy of History Possible Today?
- Kant’s Problem of “Radical Evil”
- Kant’s treatise “On Perpetual Peace” and contemporary political philosophy
- Modal logics and contextual reasoning
- Moral responsibility – logical analysis of application
- Nature" and "Natural" in the so-called New Materialism
- Normative reasoning and applications
- Philosophy in the Post-Truth Age
- Research of subjectivity in feminist phenomenology
- The absurd in contemporary philosophy: neutrality, absence of meaning, hopelessness, tragedy
- The concept of environmental democracy: possibilities and limits
- The dynamics of negation in social conflict
- The emergence and development of the idea of environmental democracy within political ecology
- The Ideological influence of the Russian philosophical and political discourse of the 19th century on Slovak philosophical thinking
- The Kantian egalitarian meaning of "dignity"
- The Neo-Pyrrhonian skeptical tradition and its representatives in the second half of the 20th century
- The problem(s) of control in the context of intelligent technologies
- Transparent logics
- Uncertainty as a characteristic of society in an environmental crisis
- Worldly and non-worldly hyperintensionality