Institute of Economic Research
Zhodnotenie vplyvu migrácie z Ukrajiny na slovenský trh práce
PhD. program
Year of admission
Name of the supervisor
Mgr. Miroslav Štefánik, PhD.
Receiving school
Fakulta matematiky, fyziky a informatiky UK
The Slovak labour market is becoming more and more dependent on the workforce from Ukraine. Its dependency on the foreign workforce is predicted to deepen in the future. Economic immigration from Ukraine raised to significant numbers after 2010 but was interrupted by two exogenous shocks. First, the lockdowns were introduced with the pandemics of COVID-19 (March 2020) and, later, the war in Ukraine (February 2022). The student will be tasked to describe the changes in the intensity and structure of the population flowing from Ukraine, focusing on labour market participation and economic activity. For this purpose, mapping available survey and administrative data sources is a necessary first step. Labour market segments that are relatively more exposed to the influx of the Ukrainian workforce will be highlighted. Conditional on the data set-up, a suitable identification strategy is going to be selected to identify the impact of immigration from Ukraine on economic performance, employment and wage dynamics in segments of the Slovak labour market.