Institute of Materials Research
Deformation and fracture characteristics of ceramic materials at micro/nano level
PhD. program
Advanced Materials
Year of admission
Name of the supervisor
prof. RNDr. Ján Dusza, DrSc.
Receiving school
Prírodovedecká fakulta UPJŠ
A theme of dissertation thesis is aimed to relatively new prospective direction of materials research – nanomechanical testing. The origin of most methods is based on nanoindentation testing, novel nano- and micromechanical methods including compression, tension and bending tests as well as fatigue, creep and fracture experiments performed on a very local scale or on small specimens have been applied to determine mechanical and properties and investigation of the effects of size and crystal orientation on the strength and plasticity of materials. Analyzing these behaviour it is possible to acquire new knowledge of fundamental research on deformation mechanisms in advanced ceramics materials, which would be the main expected contribution of dissertation thesis. We are also expected to contribute to the development of new nano-micro-scale testing methods.