Institute of Materials Research
Development of novel electrospun ceramic nanofibres for special technical applications
PhD. program
Advanced Materials
Year of admission
Name of the supervisor
prof. RNDr. Ján Dusza, DrSc.
Receiving school
Prírodovedecká fakulta UPJŠ
Dissertation thesis is oriented to nanofibers systems prepared by relatively novel, low-cost and productive method – needle-less electrospinning, which are expected to have a great potential in the field of solar cell applications, gas sensors, varistors and other special technical applications. The expected contribution of the thesis is to study and explain the relationship between the preparation conditions, the microstructure formation and the selected functional properties of the developed nanofibers and it has all the prerequisites to shift the knowledge about the preparation of the nanofibers towards the real production possibilities. The aim of the thesis is to predict the application possibilities of the studied materials on the basis of the obtained results.