Institute of Materials Research
Optical emission and electron spectroscopy of reactive sputtering and of the multicomponent ceramic coatings
PhD. program
Advanced Materials
Year of admission
Name of the supervisor
doc. RNDr. František Lofaj, DrSc.
Receiving school
Prírodovedecká fakulta UPJŠ
The advanced ceramic coatings for ultrahigh temperature applications consist of high melting point and heavy (Zr, Hf, Ru, W..) metallic elements strongly bonded with light elements (boron, nitrogen, oxygen, carbon with hydrogen) which result in difficulties in quantitative analysis when using conventional chemical methods. Usually, a combination of several analytical methods is necessary to obtain quantitative characterization of both light and heavy elements at the same time in the resulting compounds. However, the control of the coating composition requires also the control of the plasma composition during the deposition. Thus, the in situ methods of plasma composition should be combined with the methods applied to the coatings to determine the relationships controlling their chemistry, structure and properties. The work should employ both in-situ optical emission spectroscopy for the plasma control with the ex-situ glow discharge optical emission spectrocopy (GDOES), Raman spectroscopy as well as energy and wavelength disperse electron spectroscopy (and potentially also X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) and Secondary Ion Mass Spectrocopy (SIMS)) methods on the carbide and boride based coatings for quantification of their chemistry to establish the correlations between the plasma characteristics and their structure and properties. The plasma study will be performed on the existing iPVD systems using OES system (Avantes, The Netherlands) and Raman microscope (XploRa, Horiba, France), GDOES (GD2, Horiba, France) as well as on the EDS and WDS (Oxford, UK) attached to the scanning electron microscopes. The introduction of new XPS and SIMS facilities is also anticipated.
Aim: Investigation of the relationships among the plasma characteristics and chemical composition and eventually, also structure and properties of the multicomponent ceramic coatings by means of in situ optical emission spectroscopy for the plasma control with the ex-situ glow discharge optical emission spectrocopy (GDOES), Raman spectroscopy as well as energy and wavelength disperse electron spectroscopy.
Keywords: : PVD, ceramic coatings, optical emission spectroscopy of plasma, glow discharge optical emission spectrocopy (GDOES), Raman spectroscopy, wavelength (WDS) and energy (EDS) disperse electron spectroscopy.
Aim: Investigation of the relationships among the plasma characteristics and chemical composition and eventually, also structure and properties of the multicomponent ceramic coatings by means of in situ optical emission spectroscopy for the plasma control with the ex-situ glow discharge optical emission spectrocopy (GDOES), Raman spectroscopy as well as energy and wavelength disperse electron spectroscopy.
Keywords: : PVD, ceramic coatings, optical emission spectroscopy of plasma, glow discharge optical emission spectrocopy (GDOES), Raman spectroscopy, wavelength (WDS) and energy (EDS) disperse electron spectroscopy.