Institute of Ethnology and Social Anthropology SAS
Labour, labour migration and barriers to labour market access for ethnic minorities in a socio-anthropological perspective
PhD. program
World Cultures and Religions, Faculty of Arts, Comenius University
Year of admission
Name of the supervisor
Mgr. Daniel Škobla, PhD.
Receiving school
Filozofická fakulta UK
The research focuses on examining both job opportunities at the local level and labour migration, specifically in relation to the Roma population. The research analyses labour issues, including work in the informal economy and the follow-up life strategies of Roma in order to obtain work and income. The research identifies factors such as power asymmetries between Roma and non-Roma actors such as municipal leaders, employers or intermediary agencies that may enable or hinder Roma access to work and the labour market. The research is based on an interdisciplinary approach, dominated by ethnographic field research, but which can also be complemented by archival research or quantitative statistical methods.