Institute of Neuroimmunology
Novel receptor-mediated delivery system for brain therapeutics
PhD. program
Medical neurosciences
Year of admission
Name of the supervisor
Ing. Jozef Hanes, DrSc.
Receiving school
Faculty of Medicine Comenius University in Bratislava
The aim of this project is to identify novel antibodies that specifically bind to brain endothelial cell receptors, which once bound, efficiently cross BBB and can be used to transport drugs or diagnostics into the brain. To identify them, we will use receptors that are expressed more on brain endothelial cells than on other endothelium and that have not been used for transport to the brain before. The newly identified transport antibodies can be used to develop new therapeutics or neuroimaging techniques. The results of this project may contribute significantly to the development of successful therapies for neurodegenerative diseases as well as for other brain diseases, and may therefore be of great benefit to humanity as a whole.