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PhD. Topics

Institute of History

The position of women in medieval urban society
PhD. program
Slovak History
Name of the supervisor
PhDr. Daniela Dvořáková, DrSc.
Receiving school
Faculty of Arts, Matej Bel University
The aim of the dissertation is to document the position of women in medieval towns, based on the research of urban books and urban written production. Accounting books are a very valuable source (e.g. for the city of Bratislava, the so-called Kammerrechnungen). The choice of the city is therefore tied to the degree of preservation of its archive. The subject of the research will be to find out how many women appear in these sources and in what specific contexts.
Podmienka: znalosť slovenského/českého jazyka, skúsenosti s prácou so stredovekými archívnymi prameňmi, znalosť stredovekej nemčiny a latinčiny. Znalosť angličtiny a maďarčiny.
Requirement: knowledge of the Slovak/Czech language, experience working with medieval archival sources, knowledge of medieval German and Latin. Knowledge of English and Hungarian.