Biomedical Research Center SAS
Mechanisms of endogenous repair following traumatic spinal cord injury
PhD. program
zoology and animal physiology
Name of the supervisor
MUDr. Karolína Kuchárová, PhD.
Receiving school
Faculty of Science, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University
Several experimental techniques that have led to improvements in neurological function after spinal cord injury (SCI) have not been translated into the clinic. Therefore, a better understanding of the molecular and cellular mechanisms that enhance functional regeneration following SCI may facilitate the translation of successful experimental findings into the clinic. The work will focus on the supporting cells that increase the Neuron/ Glia 2(NG2) proteoglycan expression after the SCI. When, where, and which NG2-expressing cell types respond to spinal cord injury and how these cells may be affected by local neuroregenerative successful (but invasive) approach will be compared with systemic cell-selective therapy. The response of NG2+ cell types to different treatments will be assessed by cell-specific and functional techniques. In the first aim, the project may uncover the mechanisms that block or promote the functional tissue repair after the SCI. In the second aim, the work may demonstrate whether a less invasive but cell-selective treatment can replace the experimentally successful local technique.