Institute of Electrical Engineering SAS
Study of magnetization and transport alternating losses in progressive superconductors
PhD. program
Physical Engineering
Year of admission
Name of the supervisor
Mgr. Enric Pardo, PhD.
Receiving school
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology of STU
Progressive superconductors are usually filamentary composite materials with high current densities and critical temperature (Tc) above 30 K allowing the generation of magnetic fields or the transfer of high electric powers without losses, which allows their effective applications in energy. In spite of large number of existing superconducting materials, there are only few of them with Tc 30 K and produced in long lengths 1000 m. There are mostly MgB2 (Tc = 39 K), BSCCO (Tc = 80-103 K) and ReBCO (Tc = 90 K) and these materials are applicable for direct and alternating current conditions. In the case of alternating currents, additional losses are generated in superconducting filaments and also in metallic sheaths, which represents the heating and increased cooling costs. Therefore, presented PhD topic will be focussed to studies of alternating current losses in MgB2 and ReBCO superconductors by magnetization and transport measurements above 20 K and quantifications of basic loss parts (magnetic, coupling and from eddy currents). Obtained experimental results will be correlated with theoretical models and potentially also with simulated results. Present topic will be connected with domestic research projects (APVV) and also within the international, e.g. project SCARLET (Superconducting cables for sustainable energy transition), in which the minimalization of alternating losses is extremely important.