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PhD. Topics

Institute for Research in Social Communication SAS

Agency and resiliency of single parent Ukrainian families living in Slovakia
PhD. program
Health psychology
Name of the supervisor
doc. Mgr. Miroslav Popper, CSc.
Receiving school
Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences
Single parent families are at risk of inadequate resources (lack of income, time needed to take care of family and household and flexibility), poor employment (low income and precarious conditions) and insufficient policies (to ensure children’s standard of living), which are interconnected (Nieuwenhuis and Maldonado, 2018; Aerst et al., 2022; Gornick et al., 2022).
The aim of the project is to map the living conditions, agency and resiliency of single-parent Ukrainian families living in Slovakia.
As a research method qualitative in-depth interviews with Ukrainian refugee single mothers living in Slovakia to investigate personal resilience strategies and agency in various social and individual contexts will be used.
In addition to new theoretical and empirical results, the project has an ambition to produce recommendations to policy makers, civil society organizations as well as single parents in order to promote more ways of support to this group.