Institute of Materials and Machine Mechanics
Development of metal matrix composites strengthened with continuous oxide network prepared from ALD-coated powders.
PhD. program
Name of the supervisor
Ing. Peter Krížik, PhD.
Receiving school
Fakulta materiálov, metalurgie a recyklácie TUKE
The aim of this doctoral thesis is the development of new types of metal matrix composites, stabilized and reinforced by the continuous network of oxides with nanometric thickness. These composites will be prepared by the consolidation of atomized metal powders (Al, Ti, Mg) coated with thin amorphous Al2O3 layers using atomic layer deposition (ALD) technology. The coated metal powders will be further processed by the powder metallurgy (PM) methods in order to prepare bulk composites with increased mechanical and physical properties. During the PhD. study, the student will be responsible for: 1. preparation of Al2O3 coatings on metal powders by ALD method, optimization of layer thickness and processing parameters 2. preparation of bulk composites from these powders by PM methods, 3. complex microstructural characterization, mechanical testing and measurement of physical properties, 4. study on the influence of Al2O3 layer thickness on the thermal stability of composites, mechanical and physical properties, 5. study of the influence of heat treatment on the mechanical and physical properties. During the study, the PhD. student is expected to handle the preparation of samples using PM technologies, will use the methods of thermal analysis (TGA, DSC, DTA) and electron microscopy (SEM, TEM), spectrometric methods (EBSD, EDS, EELS), X-ray diffraction (XRD), mechanical (tensile tests, DMA), creep tests and fractography. The PhD. thesis will be supported by the VEGA research project. Previous experience in material science, metallurgy, analysis and characterization methods, active knowledge of the English language, ability to work in a dynamic team and independence are required.