Institute of Informatics
"Smart" models of automatic manufacturing systems based on artificial intelligence
PhD. program
Name of the supervisor
Ing. Štefan Havlík, DrSc.
Receiving school
Faculty of electrotechnics and informatics TUKE
The topic is focused on research and development of new artificial intelligence based methods and algorithms for processing of data of sensors in technological processes. The goal is to create models of object states and to obtain behavioral characteristics for optimal problem solving and design of functional parameter changes. Each production system consists of a sequence of technological operations, with the operation of the product being sensed by sensors, and the information is transferred together with the product. The final "quality" of the product is evaluated after a certain number of operations or after the production process has been completed.The aim (scientific contribution) is to create a method that enables diagnosis, decision-making and correction when a deteriorated product quality is detected.
Note: The topic is related to Industry 4.0
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Note: The topic is related to Industry 4.0
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