Institute of Zoology SAS
Biotické interakcie švábov v hlbinách času
Circulation of tick-borne encephalitis virus in foci close to agricultural farms and in sylvatic sites of Slovakia
Cirkulácia vírusu kliešťovej encefalitídy v blízkosti poľnohospodárskych fariem a lesných lokalitách na Slovensku
Decoding the role of microRNAs in the metabolic programming by developmental diet in Drosophila
Dešifrovanie úlohy mikroRNA v metabolickom programovaní potravou počas vývinu u drozofily
Ecology of sexual selection
Ekológia pohlavného výberu
Duration: |
1.7.2021 - 30.6.2025 |
Program: |
Project leader: |
doc. RNDr. Vidlička Ľubomír CSc. |
Annotation: | Models of sexual selection primarily involve Fisher's runaway sexual selection, selection for good genes, handicap principle and sexual conflict. These processes are, however, significantly influenced by global environmental change which cause direct and indirect types of environmental pollution. In this project, we use a well-known model spider species Pisaura mirabilis in which males exhibit conspicuous form of nuptial feeding (male transfer of nutrient to the female) during courtship to test whether environmental change influences evolution of mating behavior. Specifically, we will investigate both direct effects (i.e., heavy metals accumulation) and indirect effects (i.e., decreased prey availability) of environmental pollution on sexual selection. Furthermore, we deal evolutionary questions regarding physiological costs of nuptial feeding to males. Results of this investigation will have broad implications for the evolution of sexual selection in animals under environmental change. |
Non-antibiotic approach for the treatment of tick-borne infections
Eliminácia kliešťami prenášaných infekcií bez použitia antibiotík
The environmental determinants of bird and hematophagous insect distribution under ecologically extreme conditions
Environmentálne determinanty distribúcie vtákov a hematofágneho hmyzu v ekologicky hraničných podmienkach
Expression and function of calcitonin-like peptides and their receptors in ticks
Expresia a funkcia calcitonínu podobných peptidov a ich receptorov u kliešťov
Duration: |
1.7.2022 - 30.6.2026 |
Program: |
Project leader: |
Ing. Roller Ladislav PhD. |
Annotation: | In this project we will focus on identification, expression and functional analysis of tick peptides related to
evolutionarily conserved calcitonins. In insects and vertebrates, these peptides control essential physiological
functions such as water and ion balance, metabolism, feeding behaviour and reproduction. We will use the ticks
Ixodes ricinus and I. scapularis as model species, as the role of neuropeptides in these vectors of dangerous
pathogens is poorly understood. To elucidate signalling pathways of tick calcitonin-like peptides (CTs), we will use
bioinformatics, cDNA cloning, qRT-PCR, in situ hybridisation and immunohistochemical staining with newly developed antibodies against tick CTs. Predicted receptors for CTs will be functionally characterised and their
spatial and temporal expression in tick organs determined by qRT-PCR. Electrophysiological techniques and microscopic video analysis will be used to determine effects of CTs on the salivary glands, digestive tract and
reproductive organs in vitro. Changes in production and activity of digestive enzymes in intestinal extracts will be
analysed by Western blots. We will investigate peptide-receptor signalling pathways by suppressing expression of CTs receptors by RNA interference (RNAi). A very important part of this project is detailed analysis of effects of vaccination or CT receptor suppression by RNAi on transmission of pathogens Borrelia burgdorferi and B. afzelii. These modern and original approaches could reveal new mechanisms in tick blood feeding and reproduction, as well as very complex interactions between ticks, pathogens and hosts. |
InsecTools: Innovative toolbox for deciphering insect responses to environmental stressors and EU-approved pesticides
Insectools: Inovatívne nástroje pre výskum odpovedí hmyzu na environmentálny stres a pesticídy schválené v EU
Blood Parasites of blackcaps (Sylvia Atricapilla) and vectors: Prevalence, Diversity, and Transmission Patterns
Krvné parazity penice čiernohlavej (Sylvia atricapilla) a ich možných vektorov: prevalencia, diverzita a možnosti prenosu
Mesostigmatic mites associated with subcorticolous habitats and wood-destroying insects in Slovakia – taxonomy, ecology and chorology of the species of Digamasellidae (Acari: Parasitiformes).
Mezostigmátne roztoče so vzťahom k podkôrnym habitatom a drevokaznému hmyzu na Slovensku – taxonómia, ekológia a chorológia druhov čeľade Digamasellidae (Acari: Parasitiformes).
Molecular analysis, bionomy and ecology of specific groups of butterflies and sawflies.
Molekulárna analýza, bionómia a ekológia vybraných skupín denných motýľov a hrubopásych blanokrídlovcov.
Duration: |
1.1.2023 - 31.12.2026 |
Program: |
Project leader: |
Ing. Roller Ladislav PhD. |
Annotation: | In this project, we will focus on groups of butterflies and sawflies that contain as yet unrecognised species and taxa with unclear systematics and bionomy. These are selected representatives of butterflies from the genera Pieris, Apatura and Melitaea and sawflies from the genera Pamphilius, Hinatara and Mesoneura.
We will focus on:
1. clarifying the systematic position of some taxa.
2. distinguishing species within the genera studied on the basis of morphometric and molecular analyses.
3. description of the ecological requirements and bionomy of each species.
Novel pathways governing energy metabolism in Drosophila
Nové regulátory metabolizmu drozofily
Obesity research in fruit flies Drosophila melanogaster
Duration: |
1.9.2024 - 30.8.2026 |
Program: |
Project leader: |
Mgr. Yadav Sanjay Ramnarayan |
Annotation: | Studying the metabolic phenotypes and obesity genotype on model organism Drosophila melanogaster. The insight from obesity research on Drosophila melanogaster will provide valuable information on the pathways and genes associated with obesity and its related effect on metabolism. |
From genes to metabolism: Identification and characterization of novel catabolic regulators in the fruit fly model
Od génov k metabolizmu: Identifikácia a charakterizácia nových katabolických regulátorov vínnych mušiek
Pochopenie komplexnej odpovede biodiverzity na lesný manažment: integrácia multi-taxonomického prístupu v hodnotení ekosystémových funkcií - DECISION
Pondy v mestskom prostredí - biodiverzita, nepôvodná biota a ekologická kvalita
Foraging and acoustic ecology and trends of flagship bird species during global change Key
Potravná a akustická ekológia a trendy vlajkových druhov vtákov v čase globálnych zmien
Duration: |
1.1.2024 - 31.12.2027 |
Program: |
Project leader: |
RNDr. Darolová Alžbeta CSc. |
Annotation: | Rapid changes in landscape and climate during the last centuries have been largely responsible for the decline in
insectivorous birds. These changes caused also decline in food and habitat diversity as well as negative range
trends in several species. The food and habitat are crucial for the survival of a population, especially in
specialists. The project will evaluate food parameters in relation to environmental conditions in time series in
some species of insectivorous birds (genera Merops, Lanius, Galerida) and, using acoustic playback
experiments, also intraspecific interactions of some species (Acrocephalus). Assessment of foraging behavior
and vocalizations in specific habitats of these species will bring new, more complex scientific knowledge, help
explain population and range trends and use them as indicators of landscape changes. Understanding the
functional relationships of model endangered species could also improve a different approach in conservation
management compared to common species. |
The operation of small hydropower plants as an in-situ model for simulating the effects of climate change on stream biodiversity
Prevádzka malých vodných elektrární ako in-situ model simulujúci efekt zmeny klímy na biodiverzitu vodných tokov
Evaluation of the territorial function of vocal signal and plumage ornament in the Common Nightjar (Caprimulgus europaeus) by the timing of vocal activities and using behavioral experiment
Stanovenie funkcií spevu a perových ornamentov u lelka lesného (Caprimulgus europaeus) prostredníctvom časovania vokálnych aktivít a pomocou behaviorálneho experimentu
Unravelling the role of microRNAs in mediating the long-term effects of developmental temperature on stress tolerance and lifespan
Štúdium úlohy mikroRNA v dlhodobých účinkoch teploty počas vývinu na stresovú rezistenciu a dĺžku života
Cockroaches from amber III
Šváby zo svetových jantárov III
Úloha bioindikátorov v identifikácii antropogénne vyvolaných zmien vodno-vzdušného režimu v pôdach s rôznym spôsobom využiti
Úloha receptorov pre neuropeptidy pri regulácii vnútorných orgánov kliešťov
Uncovering neuropeptide control of ticks’ water homeostasis
Uncovering neuropeptide control of ticks’ water homeostasis
Developmental Acclimation of Metabolism in the Fruit Fly Model
Vývinová aklimácia v modeli vínnych mušiek NextGenerationEU
The role of lizards, hedgehogs and hard ticks in the ecology of dangerous bacterial and protozoan vector borne pathogens in urban and suburban conditions of Slovakia
Význam jašteríc, ježov a ixodových kliešťov v ekológii nebezpečných, vektormi prenášaných bakteriálnych a protozoárnych patogénov v urbánnych a suburbánnych podmienkach Slovenska
Duration: |
1.1.2022 - 31.12.2025 |
Program: |
Project leader: |
MVDr. Didyk Yuliya PhD. |
Annotation: | Species interactions within ecological communities are the main reason for the emergence of new infectious diseases that an increasingly changing due to anthropogenic influences and climate change (1,2). These changes seen in most city areas, which are characterized by an urban environment. In most modern epidemics, environmental factors play a more important role in the development of the disease than the evolutionary changes of pathogens or hosts (3). It is very important to understand the ecology of vectors and host reservoirs, which play an important role in the emergence and success of parasite transmission (4,5). We propose to investigate the circulation of medically and veterinary important tick-borne pathogens, with the focus on the role of vector and host ecology in urban and suburban conditions in Slovakia. Lizards and hedgehogs as model groups from city agglomerates in association with hard ticks and tick-borne pathogens are of paramount importance to public health and wildlife protection (6,7). |
Getting the right info on ticks
Získanie pravdivých informácií o kliešťoch
Zraniteľnosť vybraných prírodne a antropogénne narušených ekosystémov vo vzťahu k prebiehajúcej zmene klímy
The total number of projects: 28