The list of national projects SAS
Institute of World Literature SAS
Interactive hypertext lexicon of literary studies with a corpus of key literary studies texts
Interaktívny hypertextový lexikón literárnej vedy s korpusom kľúčových literárnovedných textov
Duration: |
1.7.2021 - 30.6.2025 |
Program: |
Project leader: |
Mgr. Mikuláš Roman PhD. |
Annotation: | The main aim of the project is the creation of an interactive lexicon of literary studies terms in hypertext format
together with a corpus of texts from the said field. The project follows up on the work on the electronic Hyperlexicon
of Concepts and Categories in Literary Studies which was created in two VEGA research projects. The updated
and expanded Hyperlexicon will adopt new content-related and functional elements. In terms of function, the work
will be more interactive and open; in terms of content, the Hyperlexicon will now include important texts which in
their time helped spearhead new modes of thinking or even whole new paradigms. However, the hypertextuality of
the lexicon will still be retained. The experts who will author the new entries will not only summarize the current
body of knowledge but also conduct their own research and other related publication activities in accordance with
the aims of the project to provide even more up to date findings on the subject matter. We are convinced that such
a broad and synthesizing collaborative endeavor must be rooted in basic research. As of today, Slovak literary
scholars do not have access to a dictionary that would summarize the state of the art knowledge in the field in a
broad manner and across individual philological specialization and would be fully available to them online. |
Literary transfer, translation and transnational literary phenomena in the Slovak-Hungarian cultural space
Literárny transfer, translácia a transnacionálne literárne javy v slovensko-maďarskom kultúrnom priestore
Duration: |
1.1.2021 - 31.12.2024 |
Program: |
Project leader: |
Mgr. Görözdi Judit PhD. |
Annotation: | Slovak-Hungarian literary contacts have always been a subject of research in Slovak comparative literature and translation studies. Yet, there is a sizeable amount of new literary phenomena that has not yet been systematically addressed. In addition to this, some traditional ways of understanding the aforementioned contacts could be revised in light of more recent theoretical and methodological insights. The research project conducted by a group of Hungarian studies scholars intends to address phenomena associated with literary transfer, translation and overlap of Slovak and Hungarian cultural spaces with regard to aspects of transnational literary studies and with a special focus on theory of cultural transfer. |
literature in bioethics and bioethics in literature
Literatúra v bioetike a bioetika v literatúre
Duration: |
1.1.2022 - 31.12.2025 |
Program: |
Project leader: |
Mgr. Suwara Bogumiła PhD. |
Annotation: | The project “Literature in bioethics and bioethics in literature” is inspired by the concept of interdiscursive relations of elaborated by leading French linguist D. Maingueneau (2004), and the concept of narrative bioethics (H. Dubiel 2011). The object of research within the presented project is the analysis of the relations between literary (media) and bioethical (philosophical) discourse. The aim of the project is to shift the boundaries of the analysis of interdiscursive communication between literature (in a boarder sense) and bioethics from the traditional depiction analysis of doctor-patient relationship in the literature towards the so-called humanistic turn in bioethics. From a methodological point of view it means that literature and art create a space for enriching a narrowly rationalist ethical discourse with humanistic, philosophical, and psychological aspects, including a phenomenological and hermeneutic approach to applied ethics, especially bioethics.
Poemata de se ipso of Gregory of Nazianzus
Poemata de se ipso Gregora z Nazianzu
Translation and aspects of reception of social science and humanities texts as cultural and literary transfer in the 20th century
Preklad a aspekty recepcie spoločenskovedných a humanitnovedných textov ako kultúrny a literárny transfer v 20. storočí
Duration: |
1.7.2022 - 30.6.2026 |
Program: |
Project leader: |
prof. PhDr. Bednárová Katarína CSc. |
Annotation: | The primarily literary studies and translation studies focused project will explore ways and means of disseminating scientific knowledge, research results, theories and concepts in the social sciences and humanities, such as philosophy, literary science and its borderline and interdisciplinary overlaps (literary essay, translation studies, theory, and art history), in broader cultural and sociological contexts through translations (from English, French, German, Russian and partly from Polish, Spanish and Italian) and their reflection in the Slovak cultural space in the 20th century. It will try to answer the question to what extent the social and scientific valorization of circulating translation texts was / is present in the receiving (Slovak) scientific and socio-cultural environment, to what extent translations saturated the social demand in the 20th century, and whether and how they contributed to the development of individual researched disciplines (to their enrichment, innovation, reception), or, alternatively, what role the fact of non-translation or translation of irrelevant texts or the fact, of erroneous / poor / incompetent / translation played. The project will examine the conditions for translations in the historical context as well as the status, function, and roles of translators as mediators, the institutional background and the functions of translations in the wider literary transfer framework with the aim of creating a more comprehensive picture of this type of translation as a scientific and creative activity. The material (social sciences and humanities translations) will be strictly selective, and the project has no ambition to cover all thematic and linguistic areas. |
Translation and translating in the history and present of the Slovak cultural space. Transformations of forms, status and functions: texts, personalities, institutions.
Preklad a prekladanie v dejinách a súčasnosti slovenského kultúrneho priestoru. Premeny podôb, statusu a funkcií: texty, osobnosti, inštitúcie .
Duration: |
1.1.2023 - 31.12.2026 |
Program: |
Project leader: |
prof. PhDr. Kusá Mária CSc. |
Annotation: | The project continues the tradition of translatological research that has contributed to the creation of a real Slovak translatological community over the last twenty years. The direction of the interdisciplinary translatological discourse will go (in the sense of current tendencies in thinking about translation) also into the context of reflections on world literature, as well as into the expansion of knowledge in confrontation or synergy with the discourses of other humanities (philosophy, history of culture, sociology, "oral history"), but also natural sciences (human geography, interpretive statistics, ecology, etc.). The object of research should be a) interpretations of translations and receptions of literary texts in Slovak cultural space (forming the canon?), but also b) of culturally significant various, e.g. also educational, pragmatic, audiovisual, or popular culture texts or sacred texts. The scholarly outputs of the project will be monothematic issues of WLS, as well as personal monographic nature. |
Translation and cross-lingual stylistic transfer: Towards a theory of language contact in literature
Preklad a transfer štýlu naprieč jazykmi: k teórii jazykového kontaktu v literatúre
Duration: |
1.11.2023 - 31.10.2028 |
Program: |
Project leader: |
Kelbert Rudan Eugenia PhD |
Annotation: | Language boundaries are not transparent; recent advances from translation to psycholinguistics make it clear that they cannot be crossed without sacrifice and a complex negotiation of gains. A growing body of research on literary multilingualism, including my prize-winning doctoral thesis, show that moving a text, or indeed an author, into a different language leads to shifts in semantic, emotional and stylistic emphases. However, unlike the transfer of meaning (the initial impetus for the hugely successful discipline of translation studies), the transfer of style in language contact settings has received little critical attention. To change this status quo is to take issue with comparing in comparative literature. Rather as translation was ‘noticed’ in the 1960s, it is time to notice the patterns, losses and gains whereby stylistic features are re-created between languages as a decisive step towards a comprehensive theory of language contact in literature.
My goal is to tackle cross-lingual stylistic transfer as a methodological challenge shared by several fields but largely unacknowledged outside translation studies. This project consequently reframes literary translation as the best understood among several distinct kinds of language contact reliant on cross-lingual stylistics. Hence the twofold structure of this project: from exploring the relationship between the translated text and the original text to an alternative paradigm for the study of literary language contact explored through case studies in areas such as translation, self-translation, influence, multilingualism and international literary movements. |
Slovak literature in inter-literary and transcultural contexts
Slovenská literatúra v medziliterárnych a transkultúrnych súvislostiach
Duration: |
1.1.2023 - 31.12.2026 |
Program: |
Project leader: |
Dr. Pucherová Dobrota D.Phil., Privatdoz. |
Annotation: | The project proposes to consider selected works of Slovak literature through the lens of theories of world literature. Through such re-reading of selected works of the accepted Slovak canon, but also those that are not yet part of it, we will analyze how this kind of thinking contributes to the ideas of world literature, the canon, „minor“ and „major“ literatures, the relations between the local and global, the centre and periphery, the national and postnational; and whether it has a potential to alter the history of the development of Slovak literature in any way. Our investigations will be based on various criteria: textual elements, such as genetic relations or typological analogies (thematic, stylistic, generic, ideological, etc.); intertextual and transcultural phenomena (e.g., synchronicity); or extra-textual determinants (the reception of Slovak literature in translation), according to which it is possible to perceive certain works as part of wider inter-literary communities or indeed world literature. |
The total number of projects: 8