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The list of national projects SAS

Institute of Informatics

Diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease from speech using artificial intelligence and social robotics

Diagnostika Alzheimerovej choroby z reči s použitím umelej inteligencie a sociálnej robotiky

Duration: 1.7.2022 - 30.6.2025
Program: SRDA
Project leader: Ing. Rusko Milan PhD.

Intelligent sensor systems and data processing

Inteligentné senzorové systémy a spracovanie dát

Duration: 1.1.2023 - 31.12.2026
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Ing. Malík Peter PhD.
Annotation:The central theme of Industry 4.0 and 5.0 is the digitization, intelligence and decentralization of management, so a key research is the new generation of smart sensors, able to cooperate and adapt to environment changes. This will be achieved by researching new methods of aggregating hyperspectral and multimodal data, as well as algorithms using artificial intelligence. The project is focused on intelligent algorithms for non-contact surface sensing in high-noise environments, which are able to learn the nature and noise distribution from data. This results in higher accuracy and greater noise robustness. The emphasis is on the classification and anomaly detection, which will bring more accurate and robust algorithms for use with the high noise content and long-tailed distribution that dominates in the common industrial environment. Research into aggregation algorithms for heterogeneous and multisensor data will bring new compensation mechanisms to suppress the effects of negative factors on sensor systems.

Manipulation of spin properties in 2D materials


Duration: 1.9.2022 - 31.8.2024
Program: SASPRO
Project leader: prof. Ing. Štich Ivan DrSc.

Microelectromechanical sensors with radio frequency data transmission

Mikroelektromechanické senzory s rádiofrekvenčnýcm prenosom údajov

Duration: 1.7.2021 - 30.6.2025
Program: SRDA
Project leader: Ing. Havlík Štefan DrSc.
Annotation:The project elaborates the method proposed by the authors, especially of mechanical quantities with wireless signal / energy transmission via electromagnetic field, solution of sensors as well as (micro) electro-mechanisms (MEMS). The task is a logical continuation of the results achieved within the successful solution of the previous project APVV 14-0076, where the principle of scanning and conception of the sensor solution according to the original design (utility model 8653, published patent applications PP 121-2018) was designed and verified. The presented project represents further theoretical and methodological-experimental processing in order to meet specific requirements for the solution of specific sensors including compliant - deformation members and electronic evaluation circuits as well as other electro-mechanisms with respect to selected applications. Part of the solution is to create tools for modeling, simulation and optimization of properties using available MEMS technologies. The project aims to follow the latest global trend in MEMS solutions.

Modelling and supervisory control of resource allocation systems in discrete-event systems using of Petri nets

Modelovanie a supervízorové riadenie systémov prideľovania zdrojov v udalostných systémoch pomocou Petriho sietí

Duration: 1.1.2021 - 31.12.2024
Program: VEGA
Project leader: doc. Ing. Čapkovič František CSc.
Annotation:Discrete-Event Systems (DES) are systems that remain in a given state until they are forced to change this state due to the occurrence of a discrete event. In practice, e.g. flexible manufacturing systems (FMS), robot cells, transport and communication systems, etc. are DES. Resource Allocation Systems (RAS) in DES tend to deadlocks. Deadlocks must be eliminated. Petri Nets (PN) will be used to model RAS and synthesize their control to avoid deadlocks. Two approaches to the supervisor synthesis will be explored: (i) on the basis of P-invariants of PN, at the simultaneous thorough analysis of the reachability tree (RT) of PN and at knowledge of the initial state of the PN model; (ii) by the thorough analysis of the PN model stucture and finding siphons and traps without the need to know the initial state. These two approaches will be compared. Their effectiveness and their advantages and disadvantages will be evaluated using the simulation in the Matlab environment.


Nanoštruktúrne polovodivé materiály a ich integrácia do chemoodporových senzorov plynov a do senzorov ťažkých kovov

Duration: 1.1.2021 - 31.12.2024
Program: VEGA
Project leader: RNDr. Kostič Ivan

Computer simulation of airflows and fire smoke spread in critical structures

Počítačová simulácia prúdenia vzduchu a šírenia dymu pri požiari v kritických objektoch

Duration: 1.1.2024 - 31.12.2027
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Mgr. Weisenpacher Peter PhD.
Annotation:Research in the proposed project is focused on formulation of new scientific knowledge on computer simulation of airflows and fire smoke spread in critical structures. Motorway tunnels were selected as the main subject of research interest based on discussions with specialists on fire safety in Slovakia. Tunnels belong to inteligent structures with high safety requirements due to potentially huge losses in case of fire. Natural airflows, airflows created by emergency ventilation, airflows induced by fire and fire smoke spread will be analyzed with focus on velocity fields, velocity profiles and smoke stratification. Computational aspects of efficient parallel realization of computer simulation on HPC systems will be investigated as well. The previous research results, experience and obtained experimental data will be utilized. The research is in line with current research trends and requirements of the fire researchers’ and simulators developers’ community and has potential to have significant social impact.

Progressive methods of the transfer of nanostructured semiconductive 2D materials based on transition metal dichalcogenides onto microelectronic elements

Progresívne metódy transferu nanoštruktúrnych polovodivých 2D materiálov na báze dichalkogenidov tranzitných kovov do mikroelektronických prvkov

Duration: 1.1.2022 - 31.12.2025
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Ing. Mgr. Andok Robert PhD.
Annotation:The aim of this project is to carry out basic research in the field of new progressive nanostruct. semiconductive materials based on dichalcogenides of transition metals with the focus on nanostructured disulfides. The properties of selected nanostructured disulfides will be examined in terms of their use in microlelectronics and expected advantages of nanostructured disulfides in comparison with bulk semiconductor materials will be shown. We will design model microelectronic devices based on specific nanostructured disulfides such as WS2, MoS2, MSe, and develop technological methods for their preparation. We will master mechanical exfoliation of nanostructured disulfide layers and transfer of these nanostructured layers to the microelectronic device on the substrate. We will also focus on the analysis of these layers and their structural properties by physical methods (SEM, AFM, EDX, Raman spectroscopy...) and on the characterization of electrical and transport properties of the model microel. structure.

Semantic distributed computing continuum for extreme data processing

Sémantické distribuované výpočtové kontinuum pre spracovanie extrémnych dát

Duration: 1.1.2023 - 31.12.2025
Program: VEGA
Project leader: doc. Ing. Hluchý Ladislav CSc.

Simulation of smoke spread in roadway tunnel by FDS

Simulácia šírenia dymu v cestnom tuneli pomocou FDS

Duration: 16.2.2024 - 16.11.2024
Program: Other projects
Project leader: Mgr. Weisenpacher Peter PhD.
Annotation:The proposed project focuses on the research of smoke propagation in roadway tunnels by Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS). It builds on the results achieved in the previous research, which include measurements of airflow velocity and optical density in a real roadway tunnels as well as their computer simulations. Smoke tests performed in a roadway tunnel will be examined by FDS computer simulation and compared against the test measurements. The effect of computational grid resolution on the accuracy of the simulation and the influence of the decomposition of computational domain into meshes on simulation wall clock time and accuracy will be examined. The results of the project could contribute to the fire safety of tunnels.


Štúdium elektrónových vlastností 2D materiálov ultra-presnými metódami kvantového Monte Carla

Duration: 1.7.2022 - 30.6.2025
Program: SRDA
Project leader: prof. Ing. Štich Ivan DrSc.

Automatic speech processing technologies for support in crisis situations

Technológie automatického spracovania reči na pomoc v krízových situáciách

Duration: 1.1.2021 - 31.12.2024
Program: VEGA
Project leader: prof. Mgr. Beňuš Štefan PhD.

Testing of the latest version of FDS system

Testovanie najnovšej verzie simulátora požiarov FDS

Duration: 7.9.2023 - 6.9.2024
Program: Other projects
Project leader: Ing. Valášek Lukáš PhD.

Artificial Intelligence for Personalised Oncology: from Single-Sample Assessment to Real-time Monitoring of Solid Tumours (AIPOLOGY)

Umelá inteligencia pre precíznu onkológiu: od analýzy jednotlivých vzoriek po real-time monitorovanie progresie nádorových ochorení.

Duration: 1.7.2022 - 30.6.2025
Program: SRDA
Project leader: doc. Ing. Hluchý Ladislav CSc.
Annotation:The methodologies that oncologists use to decide on a patient's treatment are ever changing. It seems to us that 21st century cancer medicine is much about analysing big data and using mathematical modelling to extract information that can help predict how tumours will evolve and react to potential therapies. The sad fact is, however, that despite ever increasing knowledge on cancer we still lack the proper tools to translate this knowledge to an impactful “bedside” practice that would overcome the limitation from cancer heterogeneity and allow real-time monitoring of disease progression. Here, we propose the AIpology project that aims at the development of novel artificial intelligence strategies to identify molecular traits (individual mutations, mutation signatures and genomic scars) in heterogeneous cancer genomes for which therapeutic targets exist. Based on target clonal mapping and ordering, the system will then outline possible courses of treatment and will intelligently adapt as more data from real time monitoring approaches (such as liquid biopsy) will become available. The system will help us to track each target at the finer time scale than it is possible today and predict future (i.e how the tumour will evolve after being treated with a specific drug) and past (i.e. how long the tumour existed prior to detection) cancer evolutionary trajectories from existing data. Finally, we will understand better why certain cancers become (chemo)therapy-resistant and derive clinically relevant recommendations when they do.

Getting the right info on ticks

Získanie pravdivých informácií o kliešťoch

Duration: 1.7.2023 - 30.6.2027
Program: SRDA
Project leader: Ing. Gatial Emil PhD.
Annotation:Despite the fact that the castor bean tick, Ixodes ricinus has been studied for a century, many questions regarding its ecology remains unanswered. Several aspects of its basic biology and phenology are still unexplored. Global changes, including climate shifts, transformation of the landscape and urbanization, contribute to the switch not only in tick distribution, but also in bionomics and seasonal activity of ticks. The ornate dog tick, Dermacentor reticulatus adapts quickly to changing conditions and its range is expanding. There is the need for detailed description of areas where these ticks are found (natural as well as urban habitats), since their ranges have changed during the last decades. The main risk factor for tick -exposed people in a given area is the density of infected questing ticks. In the proposed project, questing activity of ticks will be monitored using the tick -plot methodology „tick gardens“ in field plots as well as flagging the vegetation for questing ticks. Using the tick-plot methodology, we will also follow the tick life cycle and the seasonality of various developmental events (especially moulting) as well as the longevity of different life stages. Since these two species of ticks are considered epidemiologically the most important, we will also identify the prevalence and occurrence of both pathogen infected questing ticks and infected ticks feeding on animals. Furthermore, with changing conditions, the invasion and occurrence of „non-native“ species of ticks in Slovakia will be closely monitored since these emerging tick species can introduce new pathogens to our area. The information obtained by the research team during the project as well as during previous studies will be transferred and used in the development of a mobile application for tick identification and the creation of a website that will bring benefits to the general public and professionals to understand the risk of infection with the tick-borne pathogens.

The total number of projects: 15