The list of national projects SAS
Centre for Advanced Materials Application SAS
Zero-excess solid-state lithium batteries
Bezanódové tuholátkové lítiové batérie
Duration: |
1.7.2023 - 31.12.2026 |
Program: |
Project leader: |
Dr. rer. nat. Šiffalovič Peter DrSc. |
Annotation: | The central hypothesis of ZERO project is that by real -time
monitoring of Li deposition rate, wetting and/or alloying, and mechanical stress at the SSE/CC interface, we can
optimize and tailor SSBs providing higher capacity and cycling lifetime. This can be achieved by controlling
charge/discharge currents, appropriate alloy-forming interlayers, and managing internal stresses by external loads.
The main aim of ZERO project is to develop optimal alloy-forming interlayers and charging strategies to achieve the high capacity and cycling lifetime of ZESSBs. This will be enabled and connected with the developing and/or
updating methodologies that will facilitate experimental monitoring and a better conceptual understanding of the
growth phenomena involved in the formation of the Li anode in ZESSBs. To this end, we will develop novel
laboratory and synchrotron techniques to explore ZESSB-related phenomena under in operando conditions. |
Eco-Friendly Surface Modification of Electrode Materials in Deep Eutectic Solvents: An Innovative Strategy for Enhancing Photo- and Electrocatalysts for the Hydrogen Evolution Reaction
Ekologická úprava povrchov elektrodových materiálov v hlbokých eutektických rozpúšťadlách: Inovatívna stratégia na zlepšenie foto- a elektrokatalyzátorov pre reakciu vývoja vodíka
Duration: |
1.9.2024 - 31.8.2026 |
Program: |
Project leader: |
doc. Mgr. Kityk Anna PhD. |
Annotation: | The project “Eco-Friendly Surface Modification of Electrode Materials in Deep Eutectic Solvents: An Innovative Strategy for Enhancing Photo- and Electrocatalysts for the Hydrogen Evolution Reaction” is a two-year research project focused on advancing the development of efficient photo- and electrocatalysts for the Hydrogen Evolution Reaction (HER). This research aims to investigate the kinetic and mechanisms of electrodeposition, electrooxidation, and electroless deposition of photo- and electroactive layers on cost-effective substrates using eco-friendly electrolytes, specifically room-temperature deep eutectic solvents (DESs). The ultimate goal is to produce high-performance cathode materials for the eco-friendly production of “green” hydrogen. The project addresses the critical need for sustainable hydrogen production via electrolysis using renewable energy sources.
While the HER is well-studied, the search for cost-effective, abundant, and durable electrode materials with comparable or superior catalytic activity to noble metals remains essential. Noble metals are limited by their cost, availability, durability, and susceptibility to catalyst poisoning. This research project focuses on three main objectives: 1. Investigating the electrooxidation processes of titanium and its alloys in DESs to produce highly organized nanostructured titanium dioxide layers with excellent photocatalytic activity for HER. 2. Studying the electrochemical deposition of nickel, cobalt, Ni-Co alloys, and their composites onto non-noble metal substrates and conductive carbon-based materials to create efficient electrocatalytic and photoelectrocatalytic coatings for HER. 3. Characterizing the electroless deposition of electrocatalysts based on cobalt, nickel, Ni-Co alloys, and platinum group metals onto various substrates to obtain highly efficient electrocatalysts for HER. Each objective involves determining kinetic parameters, such as rate constants and activation energies, and understanding the underlying mechanisms. The catalytic activity of newly developed electrode materials will be evaluated by assessing parameters like hydrogen evolution overpotential and exchange current density in different aqueous solutions.
The project utilizes DESs known for their attractive physicochemical properties, stability, and biodegradability, ensuring an eco-friendly approach.
Methodologically, the project uses advanced techniques including electrochemical methods, spectral analysis (SEM, AFM, TEM, FTIR, Raman spectroscopy, EDS, XRD, and XPS), and chemical analysis (AAS, ICP, XRF) to comprehensively investigate and characterize electrode materials and coatings. Statistical methods will aid in data analysis and interpretation.
The research team embraces multi- and interdisciplinary approaches, open science principles, FAIR data access, and gender equality in research to ensure robust and collaborative scientific progress.
The project's expected outcomes include the development of theories describing design and properties of innovative photo- and electrocatalysts, a diverse and cohesive research team, enhanced research capabilities, and increased visibility for young scientists. Ultimately, this project contributes to advancing sustainable hydrogen production and supports the EU's and SK's commitment to a green hydrogen economy. |
Nanoengineered Trojan hybrid for site-responsive phototherapy of recurrent glioblastomas
Fototerapia rekurentných glioblastómov s nádorovo špecifickým trójskym hybridom optimalizovaným na nano-úrovni
Duration: |
1.9.2024 - 30.6.2028 |
Program: |
Project leader: |
Mgr. Hvizdošová Annušová Adriana PhD. |
Annotation: | The NanoGlow project aims to develop i) functional “Trojan horse” hydrogels with embedded photothermal
nanoparticle conjugates, ii) validated in vitro and iii) complemented with state-of-the-art structural and chemical
mapping at the nanoscale. Photothermal, pH-responsive MoOx nanoparticles will be conjugated with tumor-homing RGD peptides and embedded in nontoxic, biodegradable poly-(2-oxazoline)- and bio-sourced Tulipalin A-based
matrices. Near-field nanoscopy, Atomic Force Microscopy Force Spectroscopy, and Confocal Raman Microscopy
of nanoconjugate-hydrogel superstructures and in vitro samples will characterize nanoscale related phenomena
observable at the macroscale. NanoGlow’s unique nano-to-macro approach will provide a basis for the application
of the proposed hybrid structures in the fight against complex and hard-to-treat glioblastomas. |
Charge Carrier Chemistry and Visualisation via Infrared Nanoscopy
Chémia nosičov náboja a vizualizácia prostredníctvom infračervenej nanoskopie
Nanoscale engineering and optimization of matrix embedded photothermal nanoconjugates
Nanoinžinierstvo a optimalizácia fototermálnych nanočastíc integrovaných do matríc
Nová lacná a bio aktívna alkalicky aktivovaná tvrdá keramika pre ortopedické protézy a implantáty
Optimizing Perovskite Films for Highly Efficient and Stable Photovoltaics
Optimalizácia perovskitových vrstiev pre vysoko účinnú a stabilnú fotovoltiku
Duration: |
1.7.2024 - 30.6.2029 |
Program: |
Project leader: |
RNDr. Mrkývková Naďa PhD. |
Annotation: | The steadily increasing energy consumption calls for renewable technologies that could substitute environmentally detrimental and costly fossil fuels. These technologies must satisfy environmental, economic, and social feasibility criteria. Perovskite-based solar modules show the ability to meet these fundamental requirements. Recently, the power conversion efficiency (PCE) of a single-junction solar cell based on halide perovskite has reached 25.7 % , and the perovskite/silicon tandems over 33 % , greatly outperforming the silicon solar cells efficiencies. Further efficiency improvement is prevented by defects that cause non-radiative recombinations – either through trap-assisted recombination in the active layer or via carrier recombination at the perovskite/transport layer interfaces. This proposal focuses on the defects in halide perovskite and related phenomena that are critical in limiting performance in photovoltaic applications. Furthermore, it aims to develop effective passivation routes to achieve further performance advances. Its innovation potential lies in increasing the efficiency of future photovoltaic applications via addressed investigation of the non-radiative traps at the grain boundary surfaces and interfaces and their efficient passivation. |
Perovskite-based Films with Superior Passivation and Structure
Perovskitové vrstvy s vylepšenou pasiváciou a štruktúrou
Duration: |
1.1.2022 - 31.12.2025 |
Program: |
Project leader: |
RNDr. Mrkývková Naďa PhD. |
Annotation: | It was found that charge recombination plays a significant role in
restricting the performance of potential perovskite-based applications, which usually happens in the presence of
defect states. It is generally accepted that the perovskite defects are responsible for most of the issues that hinder
the further commercial usage of perovskite-based devices. This indicates that the direction of further efficiency
increase lies in the addressed defects passivation. Therefore, this project focuses on a detailed investigation of
defect-induced nonradiative recombination processes in perovskite films and subsequent passivation of the defect
states. |
Advanced functional polymers from biorenewable monomers
Pokročilé funkčné polyméry z bioobnoviteľných monomérov
Towards lithium based batteries with improved lifetime
Pokročilé lítiové batérie s dlhou životnosťou
Duration: |
1.7.2021 - 30.6.2025 |
Program: |
Project leader: |
Dr. rer. nat. Šiffalovič Peter DrSc. |
Annotation: | With the steadily increasing energy requirements of portable electronics and electromobility, conventional lithiumion
batteries are facing new challenges. In the proposed project, we aim to stabilize the capacity and lifetime of
lithium-ion batteries employing ultra-thin interfacial layers prepared by means of atomic layer deposition (ALD). The
primary functions of interfacial layers are: i) preventing the dissolution of the cathode materials into electrolyte and
ii) stabilizing the cathode morphology during lithiation and de-lithiation. Although the positive effect of ALD
fabricated interfacial layers has already been demonstrated, systematic studies are still missing. The main
bottleneck of such studies is the identification of appropriate feedback analytical techniques that enable real-time
and in-operando insights into the charging/discharging mechanisms on the nanoscale. The conventional
electrochemical characterization methods can only provide hints on the ongoing mechanism during degradation
processes. Here we propose to utilize in-operando small-angle and wide-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS, WAXS) to
track the morphology and phase changes that occur during the charging/discharging of lithium-ion batteries in realtime.
The main focus of this project is on the application of real-time SAXS/WAXS studies under laboratory
conditions. In these circumstances, extensive, systematic studies of various ALD interfacial layers can be
performed. |
Comparison between silibinin-conjugated gold nanospheres and nanobipyramids impacts on the treatment of liver fibrosis in vivo.
Porovnanie účinku nanosfér a nanobipyramíd zlata konjugovaných so silibinínom pri liečbe fibrózy pečene in vivo.
Duration: |
1.1.2022 - 31.12.2025 |
Program: |
Project leader: |
Mgr. Šelc Michal PhD. |
Annotation: | Liver fibrosis occurs as a result of chronic liver damage associated with the accumulation of extracellular matrix proteins. It is the common outcome of various infectious and non-infectious diseases and represents a global health problem resulting from the high global prevalence and limited treatment options. Treatment of liver fibrosis is essential to prevent the development of liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma, however, there is no effective pharmaceutical intervention to date for the treatment of this disease. One of the promising but yet barely explored approach to treat the liver fibrosis is offered by the targeted therapy using nanomaterials coated with an antifibrotic drug. In case of inorganic nanomaterials, spherical gold nanomaterials are being investigated for this aim. Interestingly nanomaterials of other shapes (e.g. nanobipyramids) could possess even better diagnostic and therapeutic features due to their unique physical-optical properties. |
The anti-cancer effects of isosilybin B-coated 5 nm core gold nanospheres against hepatocellular carcinoma
Protirakovinové účinky 5 nm nanosfér zlata obalených izosilybínom B proti hepatocelulárnemu karcinómu
Feasibility study for the microbiological degradation of poly- and perfluoroalkyl
Štúdia uskutočniteľnosti mikrobiologickej degradácie poly- a perfluóralkylu
Biopolymers for the development of innovative treatments and energy self-sufficiency.
Využitie biopolymérov pre vývoj inovatívnych liečebných postupov a energetickej sebestačnosti
Nanomedical approach to fight pancreatic cancer via targeting tumorassociated carbonic anhydrase IX
Využitie nanomedicíny v boji proti rakovine pankreasu prostredníctvom zacielenia nádorovo-asociovanej karbonickej anhydrázy IX.
Duration: |
1.7.2021 - 30.6.2025 |
Program: |
Project leader: |
Dr. rer. nat. Šiffalovič Peter DrSc. |
Annotation: | Pancreatic cancer is a lethal disease with a rising incidence and mortality and it is the fourth leading cause of
cancer-related deaths in Europe. The median survival time of pancreatic cancer is 4-6 months after diagnosis, the
lowest survival rate of all cancers. Only 20% of diagnosed cases are operable. Photothermal therapy (PTT) has the
potential to become a new frontrunner in the fight against pancreatic cancer. This cutting-edge biomedical
application relies on the rapid heating of the plasmonic nanoparticles induced by laser light absorption, followed by
an increase in the ambient temperature around the nanoparticles. The effect of the localized surface plasmon
resonance (LSPR) can be observed only in a special class of nanoparticles. Photothermal therapy results in
selective hyperthermia and irreversible damage of the tumor while avoiding damage to healthy tissue.
However, the delivery efficiency of plasmonic nanoparticles is often insufficient. It can be increased by a dedicated functionalization of the plasmonic nanoparticles with ligands (antibodies) that selectively recognize the cancer cells.
One of the main aims of the proposed project is to increase the delivery efficiency of the plasmonic nanoparticles
for PTT by functionalization with antibodies that selectively recognize the tumor in the body. A promising target for
functionalized nanoparticles is carbonic anhydrase IX, a hypoxia biomarker associated with an aggressive
phenotype. CA IX is expressed in many types of tumors, while being absent from adjacent healthy tissue, making it
an ideal highly specific candidate for anti-cancer therapy target. CAIX is abundantly expressed on the surface of
pancreatic cancer cells where it correlates with a poor patient outcome. Targeting pancreatic cancer via
nanomaterials-based approach combined with anti-CAIX antibody ensures highly selective application of PTT with
potential benefits in the clinical environment. |
Development of unique TiMg composite dental implant
Vývoj unikátneho TiMg kompozitného zubného implantátu
Duration: |
1.7.2021 - 30.6.2025 |
Program: |
Project leader: |
Mgr. Švastová Eliška PhD. |
Annotation: | Dental implants (Dis) become more affordable and sought solution across a globe, the will be in a place for longer
periods and a need for maintenance will decrease. Titanium (Ti) and Ti alloys are the most widely utilized materials
for production of DI. Even though Ti-based DI are used with a high success rate, two major issues have remained
insufficiently resolved: the stress-shielding effect and their insufficient surface bioactivity. That pushes competition,
progress and R&D in the related area further and brings a need for novel solutions, approaches and material
The main aim of proposed project is a development of an innovative endosseous biomedical DI fabricated from the
unique partially biodegradable Ti - magnesium (Mg) composite material. New DI will minimize the main drawbacks
of the contemporary DI, while it maintains the mechanical performance and fatigue endurance of Ti-based
references. An advantageous combination of the mechanical, fatigue, corrosion and biological properties of
developed DI is owing to a special DI`s design, which reflects and takes advantage of Ti17Mg, the material it will be
manufactured from. Ti17Mg is the experimental powder metallurgy material invented by project partners, which selectively exploits the advantages of both biometals. In the project a new DI will be designed and optimized, in
order to reflect unique behavior and workability of Ti17Mg. Performance of DI will be assessed and optimized
systematically in an environment, which simulates real-life conditions in a human body, including mechanical,
fatigue and corrosion testing, and in-vitro and in-vivo biological evaluation using cell culture, small and large animal
models. All assays will be carried out in accordance with related ISO specifications.
It is anticipated that at the end of the project new innovative high value-added DI is available and pending for
testing in a human body. Expectedly TRL 6 will be accomplished at the end of project. |
Towards Eco-sustainable Sodium-ion batteries for a LOW-cost technology
Základ k ekologicky udržateľným sodíkovo-iónovým batériám pre nízko nákladovú technológiu
The total number of projects: 17